state of the art and perspectives

State of the Art and Perspectives Legal Analysis Law & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

February 16, 2017 Alexandre Quemy State of the Art and Perspectives Legal Analysis Law & Economics Computational Law Abstract Argumentation Sequential Decision Processes Perspectives plan Studying law and its consequencies with

  1. • Attitudinalism validated by many studies • There is a room of improvement to correct bias • To many restriction in Expert Systems • Need for NLP and flexible approach law & economics What conclusions to draw ?

  2. Legal Analysis Abstract Argumentation Dung’s Abstract Argumentation Extensions & Generalizations Weighted Argumentation Framework Applications to Legal Domain Sequential Decision Processes Perspectives plan

  3. According to [CLS05]: 1. Building the arguments, i.e. defining the arguments and the relation(s) between them 2. Valuating the arguments using their relations, a strength, etc. depending on the problem we want to solve or the situation to model. abstract argumentation 3. Selecting some arguments using a criterion (a semantic )

  4. a b c d e dung’s abstract argumentation Definition (Abstract Argumentation Framework [Dun95]) An AAF is a pair F = ( A , R ) where: 1. A is a non-empty set of arguments. 2. R ⊆ A × A , i.e. a binary relation on A . Let ( a , b ) ∈ A 2 , a R b indicates that a attacks b . Figure 3: A graph representation of an AAF.

  5. dung’s abstract argumentation Definition (Attack to and from a set) Given an AAF ( A , R ) , a ∈ A , S ⊆ A , then: 1. S attacks a iff ∃ b ∈ S such that b R a . 2. a attacks S iff ∃ b ∈ S such that a R b . semantic : how to solve the conflicts between arguments.

  6. dung’s abstract argumentation Definition (Conflict-free Set) Given an AAF F = ( A , R ) and a set S ⊆ A , S is conflict-free in F if ∀ ( a , b ) ∈ S 2 , ( a , b ) ̸∈ R . Definition (Admissible Set) Given an AAF F = ( A , R ) and a set S ⊆ A , S is admissible in F if S is conflict-free and each a in S is defended by S in F . Definition (Extension) An extension is defined as an admissible set in F .

  7. dung’s abstract argumentation Notation We denote by E = { ε i } i the set of all possible extensions on an AAF F . Notation For a given AAF F , we define the characteristic function of F as the total operator γ F : 2 A → 2 A , defined as γ F ( S ) = { a ∈ A | a is defended by S in F } .

  8. semantic of acceptability Definition (Complete Extension) ε ∈ E is complete iff ∀ a ∈ γ F ( ε ) , a ∈ ε . Definition (Preferred Extension) ε ∈ E is preferred iff ε is maximal in A (w.r.t. the set inclusion ⊆ ), i.e. ∀ ε ′ ⊆ E , ε ̸ = ε ′ , ε ̸⊂ ε ′ . Definition (Grounded Extension) ε ∈ E is the unique grounded extension iff ε is the least fix- point for γ F (w.r.t. the set inclusion ⊆ ). Definition (Stable Extension) ε ∈ E is stable iif ∀ a ∈ A \ ε, ∃ b ∈ S , ( b , a ) ∈ R .

  9. graph. semantic of acceptability Definition (Well-Founded Argumentation Framework) An AAF F is well-founded iff there is no infinite sequence of arguments i.e. a = ( a i ) i ∈ N , ( a i , a i + 1 ) ∈ R . If A is finite, a well-founded AAF is represented by an acyclic Properties If F is a Well-Founded Argumentation Framework, it has ex- actly one extension that is grounded, stable, prefered and complete at the same time.

  10. Stable Pref. Compl. Admis. Ground the argument belongs to all the extensions of the semantic. the argument is at least in one extensions. semantic of acceptability Definition (Acceptability of an argument) Let F be an AAF and x ∈ A an argument. With regard to a semantic σ defining a set of extension E σ : • Skeptical : x is skeptically accepted iff ∀ ε ∈ E σ , x ∈ ε , i.e. • Credulous : x is credulous accepted iff ∃ ε ∈ E σ , x ∈ ε , i.e.

  11. Very large and active litterature... • Framework with Sets of Attacking Arguments (SETAF) • Framework with Recursive Attack (AFRA) [BCGG11]: • Extended Argumentation Framework (EAF) [MP10]: taxonomy and intertranslatibility Attack Frameworks • Dung’s Frameworks (AF) [Dun95]: F = ( A , R ) with R ⊆ A × A . [NP07]: F = ( A , R ) with R ⊆ ( 2 A \ ∅ ) × A . F = ( A , R ) with R ⊆ A × 2 A ∪ R . F = ( A , R , D ) with R ⊆ A × A and D ⊆ A × R .

  12. Very large and active litterature... • Bipolar Argumentation Framework (BAF) [CLS05]: • Argumentation Framework with Necessities (AFN) [NR11]: • Evidential Argumentation System (EAS) [ON08]: acceptance conditions. taxonomy and intertranslatibility Support Frameworks F = ( A , R , S ) with R ⊆ A × A and D ⊆ A × A . F = ( A , R , N ) with R ⊆ A × A and D ⊆ ( 2 A \ ∅ ) × A . F = ( A , R , E ) with R ⊆ ( 2 A \ ∅ ) × A and E ⊆ ( 2 A \ ∅ ) × A . • Abstract Dialectical Framework (ADF) [BES + 13]: F = ( A , R , C ) with R ⊆ A × A and C = { C a } a ∈ A a set of

  13. ADF AFN EAS EAF BAF AFRA SETAF AF Frameworks. The relations cover different type of translation. See [Pol16]. Figure 4: Relation of translatibility between Abstract Argumentation

  14. • Evidential-based Argumentation Frameworks [Ore07] some interesting extensions • Weighted Argumentation Framework [DHM + 11] • Abstract Dialectical Frameworks [BES + 13]

  15. extensions (relaxe the conflict-free def.). weighted argumentation framework Definition (Weighted Argumentation Framework) A WAF is a triple F = ( A , R , w ) where w is a function such that w : R → R + . Allow the usage of an inconsistency budget to generalize

  16. • Preference-Based Framework (PAF) [AC98] • Value-Based Argumentation Framework [BC03] • Extended Argumentation Frameworks [MP10] weighted argumentation framework More expressive than ([DHM + 11]):

  17. Need another notion for extension: models! abstract dialectical frameworks Definition (Abstract Dialectical Framework (ADF)) An ADF is a tuple F = ( A , R , C ) where: 1. A is a set of arguments. 2. R ⊆ A × A . 3. C = { C a } a ∈ A , a set of functions such that C a : P ( pred ( x )) → { t , f } .

  18. 3 abstract dialectical frameworks Definition (Interpretation and models) Given a set of elements A : • A three-value interpretation v is a mapping from { ϕ a } to { t , f , u } . The set of three-value interpretations is denoted K 3 • A three-value model v of A is an interpretation such that ∀ a ∈ A , v ( a ) ̸ = u = ⇒ v ( a ) = v ( ϕ a ) . The set of three-value models over A is denoted K A

  19. abstract dialectical frameworks Information ordering ≤ i such that u ≤ i t and u ≤ i f ( { t , f , u } , ≤ i ) a meet-semilattice with the “consensus” meet ⊓ such that f ⊓ f = f and t ⊓ t = t and u otherwise. Information ordering on K A 3 : ∀ v 1 , v 2 ∈ K A 3 , v 1 ≤ i v 2 ↔ ∀ a ∈ A , v 1 ( a ) ≤ i v 2 ( a ) . ( K A 3 , ≤ i ) a meet-semilattice with the consensus meet ⊓ such that v 1 ⊓ v 2 = v 1 ( a ) ⊓ v 2 ( a ) , ∀ a ∈ A . Remark: The least element of ( K A 3 , ⊓ ) is the mapping that maps to any element of A the value undecidable.

  20. the least fixed point of the operator abstract dialectical frameworks Definition (Interpretation extension) w ∈ K A 2 extends v ∈ K A 3 iif v ≤ i w . [ v ] 2 denotes the set of two-value interpretation extending w . Definition (Grounded Model) Given an ADF F = ( A , C ) and v ∈ K A 3 the grounded extension is Γ F ( v ) : a �→ ⊓{ w ( ϕ a | w ∈ [ v ] 2 } The fixed point exists and is generally three-valued [BES + 13].

  21. 3 , then abstract dialectical frameworks Definition (Acceptability Model) Given an ADF F = ( A , C ) and v ∈ K A • v is admissible iff v ≤ i Γ F ( v ) ; • v is complete iif Γ F ( v ) = v ; • v is preferred iif v is ≤ i -maximal admissible.

  22. Combining Abstract Argumentation with Subjective Logic. evidential argumentation frameworks Definition (Opinion) An opinion ω about a proposal ϕ is a triple ω ( ϕ ) = ( b ( ϕ ) , d ( ϕ ) , u ( ϕ )) where b ( ϕ ) (resp. d ( ϕ ) , u ( ϕ ) ) is the level of belief that ϕ holds (resp. disbelief, unecrtainty), such that b ( ϕ )+ d ( ϕ )+ u ( ϕ ) = 1 and b ( ϕ ) , d ( ϕ ) , u ( ϕ ) ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] .

  23. • Recommendation: evidential argumentation frameworks Definition (Opinion Operators) • Negation: ¬ ω ( ϕ ) = ( d ( ϕ ) , b ( ϕ ) , u ( ϕ )) . ω ( ϕ ) ⊗ ω ( ψ ) = ( b ( ϕ ) b ( ψ ) , b ( ϕ ) d ( ψ ) , d ( ϕ )+ u ( ϕ )+ b ( ϕ ) u ( ψ )) . • Consensus: ω A ( ϕ ) ⊕ ω B ( ϕ ) = ( b A ( φ ) u B ( φ )+ u A ( φ ) b B ( φ ) , d A ( φ ) u B ( φ )+ u A ( φ ) d B ( φ ) , u A ( φ ) u B ( φ ) ) with k k k k = u A ( ϕ ) + u B ( ϕ ) − u A ( ϕ ) u B ( ϕ )

  24. • Discontinuity-Free QuAD (DF-QuAD) [RTAB16] • Social Abstract Argumentation [LM11] • Compensation-based semantics [ABDV16] quantitative methods • Quantitative Argumentation Debate (QuAD) [BRT + 15]

  25. • Abstract Argumentation for Case-Based Reasoning • Probabilistic Jury-based Dispute Resolution [DT10] applications to legal domain [vST16, ASL + 15, OnP08]

  26. case law in extended argumentation frameworks Definition (Case, Case Base, New Case) Given a set of features F , possibility infinite, and a binary case outcome O = { + , −} • a Case is a pair ( X , o ) with X ⊆ F and o ∈ O , • a Case Base is a finite set CB ⊆ P ( F ) × O of cases such that for ( X , o X ) , ( Y , o Y ) ∈ CB if X = Y , o X = o Y , • a New Case is a set N ⊆ F . Definition (Nearest Cases) Given a CB and a new case N , a past case ( X , o X ) ∈ CB is near- est to N if X is maximal for the ⊆ -inclusion.

  27. case law in extended argumentation frameworks Definition (AF associated to a Case-Base) Given a CB, a default outcome d and a new case N , the associ- ated Argumentation Framework F CB = ( A , R ) is built such that • A = CB ∪ { ( N , ?) } ∪ { ( ∅ , d } , • for ( X , o X ) , ( Y , o Y ) ∈ CB ∪ { ( ∅ , d } it holds that (( X , o X ) , ( Y , o Y )) ∈ R iif: 1. o X ̸ = o Y (different outcome) 2. Y ̸⊆ X (specificity) 3. ̸ ∃ ( Z , o X ) ∈ CB with Y ̸⊆ Z ̸⊆ X (concision) • for ( Y , o Y ) ∈ CB , (( N , ?) , ( Y , o Y )) ∈ R holds iif y ̸⊆ N

  28. not relevant to the judges. case law in extended argumentation frameworks Definition (AA outcome) The AA outcome of a new case N is d × 1 (( ∅ , d ) ∈ ground ( F CB )) + d ( 1 − 1 (( ∅ , d ) ∈ ground ( F CB )) ) ¯ Another approach by learning rules: [ASL + 15] Example From C 1 = ( {} , − ) (default case) and C 2 = ( { F 1 } , − ) = ⇒ F 1 is Third case C 3 = ( { F 1 , F 2 } , +) , as it is reversed between C 2 and C 3, the conjunction of F 1 and F 2 is important. If we had a case C 4 = ( { F 2 } , +) , we can deduce that F 1 is irrelevant and the conjunction is not important, F 2 is enough

  29. Multi-agent approach [OnP08]: case law in extended argumentation frameworks Definition (Multi-agent Case Base Reasoning Systems) A Multi-agent Case Base Reasoning Systems is a tuple M = (( A 1 , C 1 ) , ..., ( A n , C n )) where A i is an agent with a case base C i = { c i , ..., c m i } . A previously, a case c is a tuple ( X , o x ) with X ⊆ F and o x ∈ S = { S 1 , ..., S k } the outcome among k classes. Definition (Justified Prediction) A Justified Prediction is a tuple J = ( A , N , s , D ) where agent A consider s the correct class for a new case case N because of the N ⊆ D , i.e D is more general than N .

  30. Legal Analysis Abstract Argumentation Sequential Decision Processes Markov Decision Process Models Decentralized Control Non-Stationary Environments Perspectives plan

  31. markov decision process Definition (Markov Decision Process (intrinsic form)) A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a tuple ( S , A , T , p , r ) where • S is the (finite and discrete) state space, • A is the (finite and discrete) set of actions , • T defining the space of time with 0 , ..., T , • p a probability measure over S given S × A , i.e. p ( s , a , s ′ ) = P ( s | a , s ′ ) , • r a reward function defined by r : S × A → R with p holding the (weak) Markov property, i.e. ∀ h t = ( s 0 , a 0 , ..., s t − 1 , a t − 1 , s t ) , P ( s t + 1 | a t , h t ) = P ( s t + 1 | a t , s t ) = p ( s t + 1 , a t , s t )

  32. A Markov Decision Process (MDP) dynamic model is defined by: markov decision process Control policy: g t : S t × A t − 1 → A Definition (MDP (dynamical form)) • System dynamic: X t + 1 = f t ( X t , U t ) , • Control process: U t = g t ( X 1 : t , U 1 : t − 1 ) , and consists in finding g ∗ = arg min R ( g ) g T γ t r g with e.g. γ -ponderate criterion: R ( g ) = E g [ ∑ t ] , γ ∈ ] 0 , 1 [ t = 0

  33. of a policy. The Bellman equation is given by: markov decision process Bellman’s property MDP optimal policies are markovian policies: g t : S → A p ( s , a , s ′ ) V g ∗ ( s ′ ) } ∀ s ∈ S , g ∗ ( s ) = arg min { r ( s , a ) + γ ∑ a s ′ ∈ S with V g t ( s ) = r g p ( s , g t ( s ) , s ′ ) V g t + 1 ( s ′ ) the value function t + γ ∑ s ′ ∈ S

  34. partially observable markov decision process Definition (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) A POMDP is a tuple ( S , A , O , T , p , q , r ) where • S is the (finite and discrete) state space, • A is the (finite and discrete) set of actions, • O is the (finite and discrete) set of observations, • T defining the space of time with 0 , ..., T , • p a probability measure over S given S × A , i.e. p ( s , a , s ′ ) = P ( s | a , s ′ ) , • q a probability measure over O given S × A , i.e. q ( o , a , s ) = P ( o | a , s ) , • r a reward function defined by r : S × A → R with p holding the (weak) Markov property.

  35. In practice, there are many ways to solve such a dynamic Same results. program: linear programming, value-iteration, policy-iterations. See in particular [SB08, Put94] partially observable markov decision process

  36. • Mixed Observability MDP • Possibislist MDP • Algebraic MDP Less litterature, less optimality results, but seems promising to be coupled with Abstract Argumentation and non-monotonic reasoning. other models or extensions

  37. • POMDP formalism • Very simple counter example: [Wit73] • No general optimality results until 2013 [NMT10, NMT13, MNT08] decentralized control Much harder than centralized [Rad62, ? ]: • n controlers instead of 1

  38. Some characteristics: • Uncertainty (environment and controller) • Information asymmetry • Signaling • Information growth Many studies for particular information type: • delayed sharing information structure [Wit71], • delayed state sharing [NMT10, ADM87], • partially nested systems [HC72], • periodic sharing information structure [OVLW97], • belief sharing information structure [Yuk09], • finite state memory controllers [ABZ12], • broadcast information structure [WL10] decentralized control

  39. Formalism: decentralized control • n controllers • { X t } ∞ t = 0 , X t ∈ X state process • ∀ i , i ∈ { 1 , ..., n } , { Y i t = 0 , Y i t ∈ Y i observation process t } ∞ • { U i t = 0 , U i t ∈ U i control process t } ∞ • { R t } ∞ t = 0 reward process • X is a controled markov process • R t depends on X t , X t + 1 , U t • Y t depends on X t , U t − 1

  40. decentralized control (Ω , F , P ) ω c t Dynamical System y t u t Controller Figure 5: Dynamical Model

  41. (1) Decentralized Control problem: decentralized control Information structure { Y i t , U i t } ⊆ I i t ⊆ { Y t , U t } matrix of controllers information: ( I i t ) 1 ≤ i ≤ n ; t ≥ 0 Control strategy g i t : I i t → U i t ∞ g ∗ = arg max E g [ β t R t ] ∑ g t = 0 with β ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] .

  42. How to solve the general case ? Centralized is a special case of decentralized problems: • Person-by-person approach • Common information approach decentralized control • if n = 1 = ⇒ POMDP • if 1. + Y = X = ⇒ MDP

  43. decentralized control Common information approach ∩ p i = 1 I i C t = ∩ τ ≤ t τ • local information: L i t = I i t \ C t • U i t = C t ∪ L i t , ∀ i ∈ [ 1 , n ] • C t ⊆ C t + 1 “Local” policy γ i t = L i t �→ U i t (prescription).

  44. (2) bounded: An informations structure is a partial history sharing structure iif: decentralized control Definition (Partial History Sharing) • For any set of realization A of L i t + 1 and any realization c t , l i t , u i t , y i t + 1 of, respectively, C t , L i t , U i t , U i t + 1 and Y i t + 1 : P ( L i t + 1 ∈ A | C t = c t , L i t = l i t , U i t = u i t , Y i t + 1 = y i t + 1 ) = P ( L i t + 1 ∈ A | L i t = l i t , U i t = u i t , Y i t + 1 = y i t + 1 ) • The space of realization of L i t , denoted L i t , is uniformly ∃ k ∈ N , ∀ i ∈ [ 1 , n ] , |L i t | ≤ k

  45. • Identify an information state. Resolutions steps: decentralized control • Construct an equivalent coordinated system: • At time t it choses prescriptions: Γ t = { Γ i t } 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that U i t = Γ i t ( L t t ) • Coordination law: Φ t : C t → (Γ i t ) 1 ≤ i ≤ n • Control strategy: g i t = { g i t } t > 0 , ∀ i ∈ [ 0 , n ] with g i t ( c t , l i ) = Φ i t ( c t )( l i ) as R (Φ) = R ( g ) , finding g ∗ ⇔ Φ ∗

  46. (3) • Identify an information state: enough to look for Resolutions steps: decentralized control • Construct an equivalent coordinated system. Φ t : Z t �→ (Γ i t ) 0 ≤ i ≤ n with { Z t } ∞ t = 0 an information state. Φ ∗ ( z ) = arg sup Q ( z , γ ) , ∀ z ∈ Z γ where Q is the unique fixe-point to the following system: t , ..., Γ n t = γ n Q ( z , γ ) = E [ R t + β V ( Z t + 1 ) | Z t = z , Γ 1 t ] , ∀ z ∈ Z , ∀ γ t = γ 1 V ( z ) = sup Q ( z , γ ) , ∀ z ∈ Z γ

  47. MDP, A mode = stationary environment. non-stationary environments Limitation of POMDP formalism: stationarity of X , X , R , etc. ⇒ not suitable for Justice (jurisprudence, disruption, etc.) = Definition (Hidden-Mode Markov Decision Process [CYZ99]) A HM-MDP is a tuple ( M , C ) where • M = { m 1 , ..., m N } a set of modes with m i = ( S , A i , p i , r i ) is a • C is a probably measure over M .

  48. 3. Repeat from 1. non-stationary environments Definition (Hidden Semi-Markov-Mode Markov Decision Pro- cesses [HBW14]) A (HS3MDP) is a tuple ( M , C , H ) where • ( M , C ) is an HM-MPD, • H is a probably measure over N given two modes, i.e. H ( m , m ′ , n ) is the probability to stay n timesteps into m ′ coming from m . Mode transition, given an initial mode m and mode duration k : 1. Stay k timesteps in m . 2. Draw a new m according to C . Draw a new k according to H .

  49. Several questions: • How to learn the environment ? • How to detect the mode changes ? non-stationary environments • N = 1, HM-MDP ⇔ MDP • N > 1, HM-MDP ⇔ POMDP • ∀ N , HM-MDP ⇔ HS3MDP

  50. Reinforcement Learning with Context Detection algorithm • Sequential Analysis: assume known processes • Time-serie Clustering: assume known number of processes [KRMP16, KR13, KR12] non-stationary environments Change Point Detection

  51. [Wal45]. non-stationary environments Sequential Analysis: CUSUM [BN93] X generated by µ 1 then µ 2 . At time t , ( x 0 , x 1 , ..., x t , x t ) “ H 0 : the distribution is µ 1 ” S t = max ( 0 , S t − 1 + ln ( µ 2 ( x t ) µ 1 ( x t ))) with S 0 = 0. S t > δ , reject H 0 c = ln 1 − β α

  52. Argumentation problems with Probabilistic Strategies abstract argumentation & mdp [HBM + 15, Hun14]

  53. The main conclusion is: “information is what matters the most” solving by construction the problems) [VH37, Hay45] arguments, changes in strategies, CBR. ideology. conclusions • In economic models = ⇒ (omniscient hypothesis ↔ • In Abstract Argumentation = ⇒ create the concrete • In Control theory = ⇒ different optimality results. • In Justice system = ⇒ influence of amicus, judges

  54. Legal Analysis Abstract Argumentation Sequential Decision Processes Perspectives Room of improvement Simulation Based Reasoning (SBR) plan

  55. • forecast justified by legal terms rather than binary outcome • explanation generation • automatic NLP data gathering and processing

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