starbed a large scale network experiment testbed

StarBED: A Large-scale Network Experiment Testbed Razvan Beuran - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

StarBED: A Large-scale Network Experiment Testbed Razvan Beuran & The StarBED Team February 2010 Outline 1. What is StarBED? 2. Using StarBED 3. Application areas 4. Summary 2 1. What is StarBED? Large-scale network

  1. StarBED: A Large-scale Network Experiment Testbed Razvan Beuran & The StarBED Team February 2010

  2. Outline 1. What is StarBED? 2. Using StarBED 3. Application areas 4. Summary 2

  3. 1. What is StarBED? � Large-scale network experiment testbed � Reconfigurable PC cluster � 1000+ PCs � 3

  4. Background � At Hokuriku Research Center (since 2002) � Funded by NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) � Located in Ishikawa prefecture, Japan � Open research facility emphasizing industrial- academic-governmental joint activities JAIST HRC 4

  5. Mont Blanc, CERN 5

  6. Hakusan, StarBED 6

  7. StarBED purpose (1) Emerging Market Ubiquitous Networks Ubiquitous Networks Home Networks Ad-hoc Ad-hoc Networks Sensor Emerging Current Networks Technologies Technologies Mobile Broadband Broadband Networks Networks Networks Web Internet Internet Data Networks Existing Market 7 PSTN

  8. StarBED purpose (2) � Controlled environment for network experiments � Internet � Ubiquitous � Ubiquitous networks 8

  9. R&D topics � Ubiquitous systems emulation technologies � Large-scale ubiquitous environments, future telecommunication systems, town networks � Network reliability verification technology � Network reliability verification technology � Develop necessary measurement, analysis, and evaluation technologies for network dependability studies � Next-generation ubiquitous network reliability verification technology 9

  10. Similar facilities � Emulab ( � Testbed at University of Utah, USA � Fully controllable network � ~400 PCs at Utah � ~400 PCs at Utah � PlanetLab ( � Distributed testbed � Nodes connected by Internet � 1071 nodes at 494 sites (as of Feb. 2010) 10

  11. 2. Using StarBED � Simple use case to demonstrate � Some of StarBED features � Network emulation principles � Study a web application using StarBED � Study a web application using StarBED � Performance evaluation � Software debugging � … 11

  12. Operating Operating StarBED use case system system Hardware Hardware virtualization virtualization Experiment Experiment nodes nodes Router Router Router Router software software Web server Web server software software

  13. StarBED use case

  14. StarBED use case Switching infrastructure 10 ms delay, 0.5% loss Setup: 1 web server 100 ms delay, 5% loss 4 web clients 1 router 10 ms delay, 0.5% loss

  15. StarBED architecture 15

  16. Experime Experime ent switches ent switches Experim Experim iment nodes iment nodes Managme Managme ent ent switches switches 16

  17. Main features (1) � Support for various operating systems � Linux, FreeBSD, Windows � Support for virtualization � VMWare, Xen � VMWare, Xen � Concurrent use, configurable topologies � Use VLANs � External connectivity � JGN II, WIDE � Remote access (VPN) 17

  18. Main features (2) � Control network conditions � netem on Linux, dummynet on FreeBSD � Powerful management and experiment support software support software � SpringOS � Ubiquitous systems emulation � RUNE � Wireless network emulation � QOMET 18

  19. Hardware features (1) � Experiment nodes � Groups A-E (2002~) • 512 PCs, Intel Pentium 3, 1 GHz, 512 MB, 2-5 NICs � Group F (2006~) � Group F (2006~) • 168 PCs, Intel Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz, 2 GB, 6 GbE NICs � Groups G (2007~) • 150 PCs (owned by JAIST), AMD Opteron, 2 GHz, 4/8 GB, 2 GbE NICs � Group H (2009~) • 240 PCs, Intel QuadCore Xeon, 2.66 GHz, 8 GB, 3 GbE NICs 19

  20. Hardware features (2) � Experiment switches � BigIron: 1 x MG8, 4 x RX16, 1 x RX32 � Catalyst: 1 x 6009, 2 x 6509 � Management switches � Management switches � D-Link: 5 x DGS3427, 30 x DGS3450 � External connectivity (10 GbE) � WIDE � JGN II 20

  21. How to use StarBED � Apply for access � Make agreement (collaboration), etc. � Details depend on your particular case � Reserve experiment nodes � Reserve experiment nodes � Execute experiment � Users are assisted by SpringOS 21

  22. SpringOS workflow � User writes experiment description � Node count, actions, etc. • Synchronization by messages � SpringOS � SpringOS � Assigns experiment nodes � Uploads appropriate OS and software � Configures desired topology � Drives experiment execution � User analyzes logs 22

  23. 3. Application areas � Research and development platform � Behavior analysis of network systems � Large-scale isolated network environment � Reconfigurable cluster computer � Reconfigurable cluster computer � Internet measurement device � Educational platform Anything that requires a large set of Anything that requires a large set of nodes and interconnection networks nodes and interconnection networks 23

  24. R&D platform � Doing R&D on real networks → � Low efficiency � Low code and system coverage � Low reproducibility � Low reproducibility � Impacts user traffic � A large-scale network emulator may solve these problems 24

  25. Behavior analysis � It is HARD to understand the Internet � Traffic characteristics of the Internet � Research on applications • Legacy applications (E-mail, ftp, telnet, … ) • P2P applications (Emerging ) • Web-centric applications (Now) • Stream-oriented applications (Emerging) • Brand new applications (Future) � Some key protocols (e.g., BGP & DNS) can only be understood through experiments 25

  26. Application for P2P systems � Large-scale testbed for P2P systems � Work on ubiquitous system emulation is ongoing � Some experiments were already done (10 6 nodes) � Study cooperative content distribution � Study cooperative content distribution � Already did experiments on video streaming � Mobile P2P systems � Framework for ad hoc WLAN exists � Research various P2P algorithms, protocols � Easy once the P2P testbed is operational ☺

  27. Eclipse Video Streaming (2005) 1.2 Gbps peak StarBED as aggregated playback Windows stream traffic Media Player Fan-out Servers Servers 9,720 peak 150 WMP-Se simulated WMP sessions NICT Koganei Encoders and Transcoders 27

  28. Protocol & middleware testing � Routing protocols and metrics � Did work on OLSR metrics � AS emulation (BGP, 30K+ AS’s) � Content routing � Content routing � New & old data transfer protocols � TCP flavors, etc. � Software development environment

  29. OLSR tests � Mesh network (50 nodes) � OLSR routing protocol protocol � A set of 5 senders selected randomly � 1 destination (gateway) 29

  30. Internet viewer for BGP � 30K+ AS emulation � Massive VM multiplexing (80 AS/node) (80 AS/node) � VMKnoppix based � SIGCOMM 2009 demo 30

  31. System testing � Dependable systems � Fault tolerance testing � Distributed systems � Ubiquitous systems, etc. � Ubiquitous systems, etc. � Worked on robot motion planning • Up to 400 robot emulation � Already did active tag emulation experiments � ZigBee emulation work is ongoing

  32. Robot motion planning 32

  33. CERN applications � ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) � Data collection software � Reproduce topology on StarBED • Testing without affecting the production network • Testing without affecting the production network � CERN VM development and testing � Portable analysis environment using virtualization technology � Interface with Grid available � Do large-scale deployment

  34. Large-scale isolated network environment � Internet-sized emulation environment that is strictly isolated � DoS and DDoS emulation � Infection mechanisms, strength of computer � Infection mechanisms, strength of computer viruses � Training facility for emergency response teams � Network sized honey-pot that attracts malicious users ( this one is not isolated ) 34

  35. DDoS attack/traceback (1) Intermediate network emulation StarBED Attacker emulation Attacker emulation SIOS Vulnerability Database @ NICT Koganei JGN2 Victim emulation 35 VMNebula @ NICT Kobe

  36. DDoS attack/traceback (2) JGN2 Topology distributed over 3 different testbeds located hundreds kms apart! JGN2 ��������� Victim emulation ���� ������� Attacker Intermediate network emulation emulation

  37. Internet measurement device � It is possible to (virtually) distribute StarBED nodes over the Internet by using PPPoE and L2TP technologies � StarBED nodes become a collection of � StarBED nodes become a collection of Internet probes � Application example � Nodes participate in un-managed P2P networks 37

  38. Educational platform � ITC staff lacks opportunity to design, implement, operate an Internet-sized network � Need trial & error experience with � Fundamental network design � Fundamental network design � Large-scale networks � Complex routing � IT Keys � IT specialist program to promote Key Engineers as securitY Specialists 38


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