St Strategic ic Pathways Board of Regents December 14, 2016 1
Strategic Pathways Phase I 1. The Big Picture 2. Teacher Education Implementation Report (September 2016) 3. Context 4. Campus Strengths 5. Why UAF? 6. Administration Intent 7. Motion
St Strategic ic Path thways Summer 2016 How do we optimize our statewide system to achieve our goals for higher education in Alaska? “The University of Alaska inspires learning, and advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research, and OUR MISSION public service, emphasizing the North and its diverse peoples." (Regents' Policy 01.01.01) OBJECTIVE Maximize value to Alaska through excellent, accessible, and cost effective higher education funded by diverse and growing revenue sources CORE PRINCIPLES Focus, Access, Diversity, Excellence, Consistency, Fiscal Sustainability STRATEGY Prepare, Restructure, Implement, Refine UA ANCHORAGE UA FAIRBANKS UA SOUTHEAST WHO WE ARE Comprehensive metropolitan Research university renowned for Comprehensive university focused on university in Alaska’s economic hub leadership in Arctic and the North e-Learning & interdisciplinary studies Arctic, physical, and natural science; Research Social and economic sciences, health Interdisciplinary / environmental engineering, applied energy • Health professions • Physical, natural, and related • Marine Biology/fisheries • Social and economic sciences sciences (undergraduate) • Business and public policy* • Arctic / Northern Studies • Management* CAMPUS LEAD • Teacher education* • Management* • Teacher education* Teaching FOR THE • Engineering* • Teacher education* • Marine trades STATE** • Logistics • Engineering* • Mine training • Project Management • Rural development / tribal mgmt • Interdisciplinary degrees/ degree • Doctoral education completion • Aligned with Research and Teaching Focus Outreach • Common General Education Requirements • Alaska Native Studies • Liberal Arts and Humanities • Wide choice of non-major courses COURSES AVAILABLE ACROSS • Distance Education • Dual credit with K-12 THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM • Career and Technical Education • Developmental Education * Subject to review, Summer 2016 ** To the extent areas of research, teaching, and outreach at campuses other than the “lead” campus 3 may be high quality, cost effective, and core to mission, they may continue to be supported.
St Strategic Pathways Teacher Education Draft Implementation Report (9/2016) Administration direction presented to Board of Regents at September meeting: Task a team to build implementation plan for 1 dean over 1 school with administrative head at 1 university and specialties delivered through programs/faculty at 3 universities. Based on best practice, develop plan to phase out BEd in favor of disciplinary degrees plus licensure and graduate programs. Seek BOR review and approval at November meeting. Action Description Options for location Location of a single college administration will be affected by the path taken to arrive at the single administration. By combining the three schools under one administrative structure, the administrative structure at the lead campus would require consideration to appropriately address its larger role in the system. Program distribution across Some programs could be offered at all university locations while other more specialized programs, the campuses such as PhD programs and the on-line MAT, may be offered at only one of the delivering campuses. An advisory board should be assembled to help guide its direction and to support the dean. Structural consideration UAA’s lead campus role in nursing education, with one dean and administration at UAA, and UAA faculty located on and delivering classes to student at several sites, has served as an effective model. Criteria for recommended Best practice of locating school of education at research university, strongest graduation rate, lead campus relationships with large number of rural districts, and chancellors’ commitment to collaboration. • University would need to address tenure transferability Elements to consider during • Program review process should assess needs system-wide transition • A discussion should commence with the accrediting agencies (e.g. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, NCATE/CAEP) to determine how to transition the three separately accredited programs to one. • The transition of three administrations to one need not disrupt nor diminish the student experience, but hopefully enhance their experience through additional or specialized offerings as well as redesigned offerings.
St Strategic Pathways Teacher Education: Context Goal • The best education system in the United States • By 2025, 90% of new teachers hired in Alaska will be trained at UA • New teachers possess mastery of content and pedagogy • Postsecondary graduates are work and college ready Challenges The University of Alaska - Current • Alaska is a low performing, high cost education system • UA operates three, separate schools of • Economy is changing, increasing need for education education • High percentage of Alaska high school graduates require • Alaska produces just 30% of new teachers developmental education at UA hired each year • Annual teacher turnover in rural Alaskan school districts is • Attempts at alignment have not been approximately 50% successful • Teachers among most important jobs in Alaska, yet • Now working with K-12 to strengthen system profession not held in high regard Best Practices* • Education goals are clear (subject matter, social and cultural, personal, values) • Alignment of standards between primary, secondary, and post-secondary • Emphasis on teacher quality • Top students attracted to teaching (competition, prestige, financial incentives) • Teacher preparation done at / led by top tier research university • Teachers steeped in content and pedagogy • Competitive compensation, professional development, mentoring, career paths *Tucker, M., Surpassing Shanghai
St Strategic Pathways Teacher Education: Context Alaska needs: • sharper focus on the state’s needs for more Alaska -prepared teachers and education leaders, • greater accountability for meeting those needs, • increased consistency in our numerous degree and endorsement programs, • increased collaboration among our faculty, • more support for innovation and expanded access, • simplification of governance processes to enable increased nimbleness and responsiveness to changing needs, • all with an eye to productivity and cost effectiveness. UA’s strong record of success in improving nursing education by basing the programs at UAA with faculty delivering courses and programs to students on campuses across the state is a major factor in recommending a single administrative home for our education schools.
St Strategic Pathways Teacher Education: Campus Strengths UAA • Large metropolitan university • Location in our largest city and transportation hub • Relationships with local school districts, largest in Alaska • Connection with the Institute for Social and Economic Research UAS • Long record of innovative programs, including MAT and PITAAS • Commitment to and passion for teacher and education leader preparation • Productive relationships with rural districts • Strong record in preparing Alaska Native teachers UAF • UA’s highest graduation rates • Long-time relationships with a large number of rural school districts • UA’s highest percentage of STEM students • UA’s highest percentage of Alaska Native students • UA’s only Tier 1 national research university
St Strategic Pathways Teacher Education: Why UAF? Best practice in highest performing education systems / societies is for teacher education to be based at the top tier research university. UAA UAF UAS % 6-year Graduation Rate* 27 44 28 Annual Research Revenues* $14M $118M $1M % AK Native Students of Total* 12.6 19.6 15.1 # UA Scholars* 1,101 717 132 % UA Scholars of Total Headcount* 6.0 7.2 3.8 # UA Scholars* (STEM**) 295 352 22 % UA Scholars* (STEM**) 26.8 49.1 16.7 Programs Programs available to students at all campuses Faculty No projected faculty position reduction at any location Governance No matter where based, one governance process versus current three Leadership Strong support from chancellors for collaboration whether or not “lead” campus *Source: 2016 UA in Review. All data is for FY15/Fall 2015. **STEM includes Computer Information Science; Engineering; Math, Physical and Life Sciences; Natural Resources
St Strategic Pathways Administration Intent re: Teacher Education (12/14/2016) • Teacher preparation programs will continue to be accessible to students at current locations • Education faculty will continue teaching at current locations, but be part of/ report to the UA College of Education • If approved by the Board of Regents, the president will appoint a planning team chaired by the vice president for academic affairs and research and comprised of representatives selected from the following: • education faculty from current education programs, • the Faculty Alliance, • the deans of education, • the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, • the National Education Association-Alaska, • the Alaska Council of School Administrators, and • such other individuals as the president deems appropriate.
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