st joseph s catholic church

St. JoSephS CatholiC ChurCh Fr. Andrew Fornal OP Parish Priest Fr. - PDF document

St. JoSephS CatholiC ChurCh Fr. Andrew Fornal OP Parish Priest Fr. Pawel Barszczewski OP Assistant Priest Fr. Piotr Kruk OP EMERGENCY PHONE: 02 9673 5046 Please leave a detailed Message 2 nd February 2020, Year A/2 ANGELICO, Fra,

  1. St. JoSeph’S CatholiC ChurCh Fr. Andrew Fornal OP Parish Priest Fr. Pawel Barszczewski OP Assistant Priest Fr. Piotr Kruk OP EMERGENCY PHONE: 02 9673 5046 Please leave a detailed Message 2 nd February 2020, Year A/2 ANGELICO, Fra, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1440 St. JoSeph’S primary SChool Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 6:00pm Mrs. Patricia Reilly – Principal Sunday: 8:30am School Office Times 10:00am 8:30 am - 4:00 pm - Monday to Friday Weekday Masses: Address Monday – Friday 8:00am 94 Joseph Street Saturday 8:30am Kingswood, NSW 2747 Telephone: 4726 4200; Fax: 4731 1432 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 8:30am Mass Baptism, Marriage Please contact the Parish Office Parish Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm and Friday: 8:30am – 1:30pm Address: 12 Richmond Rd, PO Box 39, Kingswood, NSW 2747 Telephone: 02 4721 4080; Fax: 02 4721 0089 Email: Web: Facebook: stjosephkingswood

  2. St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS / MASS INTENTIONS Entrance Antiphon: Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of Your temple. Your praise, O God, like Your name, reaches the ends of the earth; Your right hand is filled with saving justice. First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 Responsorial Psalm: Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord! Second Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 VIGIL SATURDAY 6:00pm Dec. Mems. of the McHenry Family SUNDAY 8:30am Deceased Priests & Religious 10:00am For the Parish Monday 8:00am 4 th Week Ordinary Time For Persecuted Christians Tuesday 8:00am St Catherine de Ricci For Persecuted Christians Wednesday 8.00am St Agnes For Persecuted Christians Thursday 8.00am St Paul Miki & Companions Friday 8.00am 4 th Week Ordinary Time For God’s Precious Infants Saturday 8.30am St Josephine Bakhita BAPTISM OR MARRIAGE: ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please contact the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office or one of the Priests. MASS INTENTIONS In the case of Emergency please call the emergency Please speak directly to one of the Priests. number at the front of this bulletin. YOUTH MASS RECENTLY DECEASED: Our next Youth Mass will be on Saturday 15 th Julia Agnes Clarke February at 6pm. Please invite all young people to this Mass and a time of fellowship in the Parish Hall DECEASED ANNIVERSARIES: afterwards. Deceased Members of the McHenry Family, Deceased Priests & Religious ANOINTING OF THE SICK There will be Anointing of the Sick at the 8am Mass EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Tuesday 11 th February, the Feast of Our Lady of There is an opportunity to spend time with the Lourdes. Please let any people who are aged or Lord on Friday 7 th February from 5pm to 10pm. All unwell know. If there is anyone who requires a lift to are welcome. the Church, please ring the Parish Office. W E PRAY FOR THE S ICK : Zig Barglik, Kevin Collins, Margaret Colville, Valerie Davis, Katalin Domotor, Nora Hehir, Andrew Isbitski, Jason Isbitski, David Jenkins, Carmel Kerr, John McCahon, Karen Morvan, Ophelia Paraan, Shayla, Cameron Stevens, Roger Stevens, Barbara Thompson, Cecylia Tobera, Kelly Tonna, Kathryn Tuckwell, Geoffrey Waltis, Gill Waltisbuhl, Robert Waltisbuhl, Raymond Waters, Denis Woodward. S ICK L IST : If you have anyone for the sick list, (Due to privacy laws) contact the Parish Office to fill in a form and update it at the end of each month to keep the names on the sick list. 2

  3. St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish Parish and the diocese CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTS 2020 PARISH MOVIE This Sunday 2 nd February at 2pm in the Parish Hall. Reconciliation: Thursday 2 nd April Registration & 1 st Session: 1 st March Our movie will be “Les Miserables”. All are most welcome. First Communion: Sunday 14 th June Registration & 1 st Session: 26 th April BUSHFIRE RESPONSE Confirmation: Sunday 15 th November We collected $868.40 towards the Vinnies Bushfire Registration & 1 st Session: 28 th June Appeal. Thank you for your generosity. POPE FRANCIS’ FEBRUARY INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY AND ROSARY Listen to the Migrants’ Cries Next Sunday 9 th February at 3pm at St Nicholas of We pray that the cries of our migrant brothers and Myra Meeting Room 1. Ring Steffi on 0436 395 763. sisters, victims of criminal trafficking, may be heard and considered. LITURGICAL MINISTRY COURSES Liturgical Ministry Formation Course for Ministers SECOND COLLECTION: Envelopes: $1128 of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Loose: $457.85 Communion, Communion to the Sick and Dying Visitor Contribution: $1 and Ministers at the Altar begins Thursday 13 th ST. JOSEPH’S PRAYER GROUP: February at Penrith. Please see Office for Form. Next Group is this Monday 3 rd February at 7pm in the Parish Office. All are welcome. WORLD DAY OF THE SICK MASS A Mass for the World Day of the Sick will be Any questions please ring Jim on 0411 280 950. celebrated on Tuesday 11 th February at St Patrick’s CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Church, Blacktown at 10.30am. The Mass will Every 2 nd and 4 th Saturday of the month in the Church include the Sacramental Rite of Anointing of the from 12.30pm to 4pm. All are most welcome. Please Sick and Prayers for Healing. Please RSVP contact Delfin on 0478 784 885 with any questions. to Marisa VanderHout by 31 st January o n 8838 3460 or at BIBLE STUDY Bible Study every Wednesday at 9.15am. All are INSTITUTE OF MISSION welcome. Please bring your Bible with you. Themes of Faith – 10 Monday evening sessions from 9 th March. A guided exploration of key YOUTH GROUP Catholic themes for our life, faith and action in the Our next Group is this Wednesday 5 th February World. 2020. All young people from Year 6 to 18 are most Reflective Ministry Part 1 – Tuesday evenings welcome. from 10 th March. A program to enrich and enthuse those involved in the Ministries of Catholic PARISH LUNCH: Communities. Held on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month. Our next See information for both of these courses on the Lunch will be Wednesday 12 th February at Penrith Notice Board or at the back of the Church. Golf Club. All are most welcome. NATIONAL PRAYER CAMPAIGN FOR RAIN SRE MEETING The Catholic Bishops of Australia have announced a Meeting for scripture teachers and helpers on National Prayer Campaign for Drought to take place Tuesday 4 th February at 1pm. Anyone interested in from November 2019 until the drought breaks. People this ministry are welcome. Antoinette 0413 686 270. across the country are encouraged to pray for the gift of rain, for people affected by the drought and to LISTENING & DISCERNING STAGE 2 provide practical support, where possible. The impact A big thank-you to those who returned completed of the drought is national – and so the response forms to the pink box for Plenary 2020. should be national. See 3


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