spice project update

SPICE Project Update -progress since interim report Name - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SPICE Project Update -progress since interim report Name 10/24/2017 Surname 2 Theme 1: Finalization of the HELCOM 2nd holistic assessment All workpackages under theme 1 have been finalized by June 2017, except for: WP 1.1.6 Update of all

  1. SPICE Project Update -progress since interim report Name 10/24/2017 Surname 2

  2. Theme 1: Finalization of the HELCOM 2nd holistic assessment All workpackages under theme 1 have been finalized by June 2017, except for: WP 1.1.6 Update of all collected HOLAS II datasets with 2016 data and production of final gridded data products. Produce selected data sets for assessments of temporal trends. Update of data by December 2017. • WP 1.3.4 Interactive web-based chart/figure tool; as well as the design of summary publications of the results, released both print and online, more advanced interactive maps and graphs will be delivered by December 2018. • Name 10/24/2017 Surname 3

  3. Theme 2: Marine Litter WP 2.1 Development of baselines for marine litter: N. Frequency Monitoring ML items Country monitoring monitoring per period categorization Analysis of compiled beach litter data in the BS, • sites year and first proposal of agreed baseline approach 2015 - TG ML 3 3(4) DK and its possible determination, depending on 2016 Master list data available: 2012 - MARLIN/ 10 3 EE  2016 UNEP/IOC Draft report on the development of baselines of 2012 - MARLIN/ marine litter based on analysis of compiled data 12 3 FI 2016 UNEP on beach litter in the Baltic Sea area ready, to be OSPAR, with fine-tuned by 25 October. 2012 - 26 4 slight DE  2016 Preliminary baselines calculations done for (i) adaptations 2012-2016 and (ii) 2015-2016. The first period 2012 - MARLIN/ was selected because DE, EE, FI, LV, LI and SE 42 1 LV 2016 UNEP started beach monitoring in 2012. At the same 2012 - time since 2015 monitoring is carried out in all 4 4 LT 2013 countries (except LI and RU) and since this year, 2015 - TG ML a network of monitoring stations has been 15 4 PO 2016 Master list expanded, which may affect a more complete 2012 - MARLIN/ and coherent image of the extent of beach litter 10 3 SE 2016 UNEP items found in different regions.

  4. Theme 2: Marine Litter  Data call on raw beach litter data made to the EN-Marine Litter (by 1 Sept.) for further determination of top 10-20 lists for beach litter items  A preliminary identification of national Top 10 litter items for DE, DK, EE, FI, LI, PO and SE based on compiled data available. Top 10 litter items are calculated using the simple and the rank method. An initial comparison of the top 10 litter items resulting from the use of the two methodologies is provided -> further work guided by the EN-Marine Litter Further work envisaged aiming at including this information on the update • of the beach litter section to be submitted to HOLAS II 8-2017 for consideration Name 10/24/2017 Surname 5

  5. Theme 2: Marine Litter WP 2.1 Development of baselines for marine litter: • Analysis of compiled data on seafloor litter in the BS, and definition of baseline if possible, depending on data available:  Draft report on analysis of seafloor litter data and baseline proposals ready, to be fine-tuned by 25 October. Name 10/24/2017 Surname 6

  6. Theme 2: Marine Litter WP 2.1 Development of baselines for marine litter: Analysis of compiled data on microlitter in the Baltic Sea: •  Draft report on information collected on microliter ready, to be fine-tuned by 25 October. It includes a map showing where data is available and from where data is expected in the future, covering water column & water surface, seafloor sediment and strandline. An update of the microlitter section is envisaged to be submitted to the upcoming HOLAS II 8-2017 for • consideration WP 2.2 Proposal for the marine litter assessment as part of HOLAS II: A proposal for the assessment of litter on the BS beaches , tentatively delivered as updated core indicator • report  Descriptive section of the HOLAS II report An update of the beach litter section is envisaged to be submitted to the upcoming HOLAS II 8-2017 for • consideration Name 10/24/2017 Surname 7

  7. Theme 2: Marine Litter WP 2.2 Proposal for the marine litter assessment as part of HOLAS II: A proposal for the assessment of the litter present on the seafloor on the BS region. Tentatively delivered as updated core • indicator report  Descriptive section of the HOLAS II report  Draft report on information collected on litter on the seafloor ready, to be fine-tuned by 25 October An update of the litter on the seafloor section is envisaged to be submitted to the upcoming HOLAS II 8-2017 for • consideration WP 2.3 Regional database for beach litter and micro litter A proposal for setting up a regional database for beach litter and micro litter • Data model for beach litter and micro litter • Data products (GIS shapefiles) on marine litter used in the proposed assessment available via the HELCOM Map and Data • service  Discussion with the EN-Marine Litter on how to conduct these activities initiated Further work to be conducted • Name 10/24/2017 Surname 8

  8. Theme 2: Marine Litter WP 2.4 Regional cooperation and dissemination of results on marine litter • Workshop to discuss results achieved, fill specific knowledge gaps and agree on the transferability of results from other marine regions:  Workshop to be held on 7-8 Nov. 2017 in Helsinki  Invitation sent in June to S&C, Pressure and Gear contacts Countries to nominate experts (only EE) •  Provisional agenda sent in October also to identified experts and EN- Marine Litter  The three reports are to be sent as background documents to the WS Name 10/24/2017 Surname 9

  9. Theme 3: Economic and social analyses 3.1.3 Developing the ecosystem service approach in the ESA framework •  Approach has been developed and initial results are available 3.1.4 Providing recommendations on regional ESA for European marine areas •  Draft recommendations are ready WP3.2 Regional business as usual scenario •  Methodology and principles have been developed WP3.3 Developing tools towards integrated assessment of the marine • environment  Existing tools have been identified WP3.4 Regional cooperation and disseminating the ESA results •  Work presented in WG POMESA meeting, September 2017 HELCOM ESA workshop in November, feedback on methods and results • Name 10/24/2017 Surname 10

  10. Theme 4: Cumulative impacts and maximum allowable pressures on habitats WP 4.1.1 A step-wise method guideline for carrying out a technical assessment of the lost, disturbed and adversely affected area (km2) of benthic and pelagic habitat types from different activities. Guidelines for assessment of lost, disturbed and adversely affected area of benthic and pelagic • habitat types. Delivered by 15.12. WP 4.1.2 A practical guidance how different levels of EUNIS habitats (e.g. broader and more-detailed HELCOM underwater biotopes, both pelagic and benthic) can be tackled within the same assessment. Draft guidelines on how to integrate different levels of habitat classifications (broader and more • detailed). Circulated to IN-BENTHIC within October. Name 10/24/2017 Surname 11

  11. Theme 4: Cumulative impacts and maximum allowable pressures on habitats WP 4.2.1 Definition of adversely affected habitats. Report with proposed definition of adversely affected habitats based on testing. SYKE to finalize • modelling by 30.10. All partners to deliver definitions by 15.11. WP 4.2.2 Spatial data layers with realistic extent estimates of lost and disturbed habitats. SYKE to provide information on extent by 15.12. • WP 4.2.3 A cross-comparison of the area lost or disturbed against status assessments under different regimes (EU WFD, EU HBD, MSFD, HELCOM HOLAS I/II or core indicators). EMI to deliver by 15.11. • WP 4.2.4 Test thresholds for an assessment of habitats. Draft assessment of status of habitats based on proposed thresholds. SYKE and AquaBiota to deliver • by 30.11. WP 4.2.5 Propose how the thresholds can be applied for the development of environmental targets affecting seabed habitats. Guidelines for defining thresholds. SYKE to deliver by 30.11. • Name 10/24/2017 Surname 12

  12. Theme 4: Cumulative impacts and maximum allowable pressures on habitats WP 4.3.1 Arranging a HELCOM workshop.  A workshop to support theme 4 was held in September, at the premise of the HELCOM Secretariat. WP 4.3.2 Participation in meeting and workshops arranged related to the assessment of habitats under the MSFD  Exchange of information, whole project period Name 10/24/2017 Surname 13


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