sophie 11jc jessica 11jc laura 11vp c arshalton h igh s

Sophie, 11JC Jessica, 11JC Laura, 11VP C arshalton H igh S chool f - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate DANCE would like to commend Hannah, 11AMB Sophie, 11JC Jessica, 11JC Laura, 11VP C arshalton H igh S

  1. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate DANCE would like to commend • Hannah, 11AMB • Sophie, 11JC • Jessica, 11JC • Laura, 11VP

  2. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate History Holly 11CK: outstanding work with historical evidence Fauzia 11BPE: excellent analytical writing Jessica 11SG: outstanding attainment Abigail 11BPE: working to full potential

  3. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Amina 11BPE and Malika 11CE for passing their Level 1 Netball Umpiring Award

  4. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Wylie 11SG Janany 11LC Jessica 11JC are to be commended for achieving an excellent mock examination result(A) and constant hard work throughout the year.

  5. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College Re Rewards Lunch

  6. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate A huge well done to Miss Ingham- Brown’s English class for working so well on the English immersion day!

  7. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Aimee 11LC has worked hard in English this year. Her work is a delight to read.

  8. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Ms Ridout has enjoyed Teagan’s 11VP enthusiasm and liveliness in her English class.

  9. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Tillie 11AMB has made an immense effort in English and always does her best.

  10. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  11. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Amina 11BPE has worked hard in English; well done!

  12. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate J'Nae's 11CK determination and hard work in English has been impressive. Keep it up!

  13. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate 1. Halpana 2. Lois 3. Abi 4. Rebecca For contributions to the form group 11LC

  14. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Samantha 11VP Belky 11VP as having got C in early entry maths Mrs Pridham

  15. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  16. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Geography 11GG2 1. Tara 11LC 2. Amatual 11CE 3. Crystal 11SG For their effort and hard work

  17. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Business 11BS1 and 11BS2 1. Frances 11VP 2.Tasnim 11SG 3.Kam 11CK 4.Christine 11CK 5.Zoe 11JC 6.Genevieve 11LC

  18. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate All achieved A* in the Sociology mock exam: Enehuwa 11AMB Hayley 11BPE Fahmida 11SG Jessica 11SG Amina 11BPE Amber 11SG Well done!

  19. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate • Wendy 11LC - major improvements in her attitude and work ethic in CCLD, also for attending her placement to achieve her hours. • Emma 11BPE and Sarish 11BPE - for always being so hard working and focused in every lesson! • Sarah 11JC - for always working hard and pushing herself to achieve the distinction criteria- a remarkable worker!

  20. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  21. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Holly 11CK Grace 11SG Excellent Ideas-always helping and supporting their groups.

  22. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Courtney 11CE Amber 11AMB Lauren 11CK Sarah 11LC Ella 11CE Chloe 11AMB For their efforts in Media Studies

  23. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Hannah 11SG is putting a great deal of effort into her Geography retake exam revision. Sophia 11CE is working really hard to catch up all the Geography work she missed over the last two years! Kimberly 11VP is working very well in Geography.

  24. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate 11AMB/IA - My great team of Reps: Rohmina Monika Hannah Rhiannon Rhianna

  25. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  26. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Excellent effort in English: Emily 11AMB, Tije 11BPE, Courtney 11CE, Rachael 11CE Academic achievement in English: Jessca 11SG, Tide 11CE, Amy 11VP

  27. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Kam 11CK for consistent hard work and effort in History.

  28. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate My brilliant RS students – top mock results! Enehuwa 11AMB Fahmida 11SG Farah 11CK Anita 11BPE Sarah 11LC Monika 11AMB Day 11CE

  29. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Students that did well (A/A*) in their Media mock exams: Tameka 11VP Farah 11CK Frances 11VP Amy 11VP Anjali 11VP Zoe 11JC Carly 11JC Victoria 11JC Jessica 11CK Amber 11SG Chloe 11LC Nimca 11VP

  30. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  31. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Excellent effort in English: Emma 11BPE Amy 11AMB Emily 11VP Belky 11VP Fauzia 11BPE Lauren 11JC Georgia 11LC Loreli 11BPE Ayseli 11SG Tazz 11JC Starr 11LC Courteney 11SG Sky 11VP Abbie 11CK Lauren 11CK

  32. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Sociology Georgina 11CK Emma 11SG Loreli 11BPE Amber 11AMB Tide 11CE Ola 11JC Gloria 11VP Abi 11LC Rebecca 11LC Alice 11SG Chloe 11SG **all the above - excellent mock exam results**

  33. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Emily 11VP has been great since she has helped and lead football training with Year 7 and 8 students

  34. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Product Design Fantastic A* coursework from Amy 11VP and A8 practical exam Aimee11LC. Well done to both. Most improvement in Product Design from Chloe 11LC Excellent effort from Ellie 11JC and Sarah 11JC

  35. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College

  36. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Year 11 RS Tide , Rohmina, Amy, Sophie, Lauren, Georgina, Holly, Fauzia. . A and A grades in Unit 1 exam 2012 Excellent performance

  37. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Ayseli, Aimee and Hannah for continued hard work and effort in Art Laura and Sophie for experimentation and excellent development of ideas Sarah 11JC has a renewed enjoyed for art which shows in her work and enthusisam.

  38. C arshalton H igh S chool f or G irls A Specialist Humanities and Arts College The staff would like to recognise and congratulate Tazz 11JC, Ruvimbo 11CE and Rhiana 11AMB all earned a C grade on their November mock exam in Mathematics!!! Georgia 11AMB worked on her maths over the summer and has made huge improvements in her understanding


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