solar cell operation performance and design rules

Solar Cell Operation, Performance and Design Rules Light Trapping I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Solar Cell Operation, Performance and Design Rules Light Trapping I - Absorption and Loss Mechanisms Week 3.3.4 Arno Smets Design Rules Solar Cells 1. Bandgap Utilization Delicate Interplay 2. Spectral Utilization 3. Light Trapping Light

  1. Solar Cell Operation, Performance and Design Rules Light Trapping I - Absorption and Loss Mechanisms Week 3.3.4 Arno Smets

  2. Design Rules Solar Cells 1. Bandgap Utilization Delicate Interplay 2. Spectral Utilization 3. Light Trapping

  3. Light absorption: Lambert- Beer’s law d absorption ( λ ) I 0 intensity I(d) Al

  4. Light absorption: Lambert- Beer’s law   ( , ) I x      ( ) I ( , x )  x       ( , ) ( ) exp( ( ) ) I x I x 0  (  ) expressed in cm -1

  5. Absorption coefficient Absorption coefficient,  (cm -1 ) 10 7 GaAs InP 10 6 Germanium 10 5 Silicon 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Wavelength, l (m m) Band gaps

  6. Absorption coefficient 1 Infrared light Normalized intensity [-] 0.8 0.6 Red light 0.4 0.2 0 Blue light 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth into cell (µm)

  7. Absorption coefficient 10 22 Generation rate (m -3 ) 10 21 10 20 10 19 10 18 10 17 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Cell depth x (µm) Top solar cell

  8. External quantum efficiency Quantum efficiency 1.0 Wavelength Close to window layer Through entire cell

  9. Parasitic losses = out-side absorbing layers Al Al n+ N+ p-type C-Si P++ P++ Al

  10. Parasitic losses = out-side absorbing layers 1 Al Al Shading 1 n+ N+ p-type C-Si P++ P++ Al

  11. Parasitic losses = out-side absorbing layers 1 2 Shading 1 Al Al Reflection 2 n+ N+ p-type C-Si P++ P++ Al

  12. Parasitic losses = out-side absorbing layers 1 2 3 Shading 1 Al Al Reflection 2 n+ N+ Parasitic absorption 3 p-type C-Si P++ P++ Al

  13. Parasitic losses = out-side absorbing layers 1 2 3 Shading 1 Al Al Reflection 2 n+ N+ Parasitic absorption 3 p-type 4 Transmission C-Si 4 P++ P++ Al


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