software engineering facts

Software engineering Facts Fact : The economies of ALL developed - PDF document

Software engineering Facts Fact : The economies of ALL developed nations are CSC 4181 - Compiler Construction dependent on software. Fact : More and more systems are software controlled Software Engineering Topics Fact : Expenditure on

  1. Software engineering Facts Fact : The economies of ALL developed nations are  CSC 4181 - Compiler Construction dependent on software. Fact : More and more systems are software controlled  Software Engineering Topics Fact : Expenditure on software represents a  significant fraction of GNP in all developed countries. Fact: Software often costs more than the computer it  runs on. Fact: Software costs more to maintain than to develop  Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 1 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 2 1 2 What is software? What is software engineering? Software is: Software engineering (SE) is the design ,  development , and documentation of  Computer programs • Source code software by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project • Executables, binaries, runtimes management, engineering, application  Associated documentation domains, interface design, digital asset • Requirements management and other fields. • Design models Term was invented in 1968 • User manuals  Used to be called “programmer” or “systems  analyst” Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 3 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 4 3 4 Why do we need Software Engineering? Software Development Software is big business  Bad software is expensive to a company Processes  Stakes are very high  Having a good plan and good process  improves chances for success Lots of high paying jobs in software  Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 5 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 6 5 6

  2. The software process The old way A structured set of activities required to develop a The way software is engineered has   software system evolved over the years • Specification; The “new” ways of software engineering  • Design; resemble the “old” ways in a lot of ways • Validation; See if you can make out the resemblance • Evolution.  A software process model is an abstract  representation of a process. It presents a description of a process from some particular perspective. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 7 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 8 7 8 Waterfall Model Waterfall Model Inflexible partitioning into distinct stages  makes it hard to deal with changing customer requirements. Only works when requirements are well-  known and few changes are expected… which is rare! The waterfall model is still used for some  large, multi-site projects, but used less and less Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 9 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 10 9 10 Evolutionary development Evolutionary development Problems  • Throw-away prototyping might waste work • Lack of process visibility • Systems are often poorly structured, evolve • Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required Applicability  • For small or medium-size interactive systems; • For parts of large systems (e.g. the user interface); • For short-lifetime systems. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 11 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 12 11 12

  3. Incremental development Process Iteration & Incremental Delivery System requirements ALWAYS evolve in the  course of development Iteration can be applied to any of the generic  process models Break down software into “releases”, deliver  incrementally (version 1.0, version 2.0, etc.) “Freeze” requirements during a release  Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 14 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 13 13 14 Spiral development Spiral model of the software process Process is represented as a spiral rather than  as a sequence of activities with backtracking. Each loop in the spiral represents a phase in  the process. No fixed phases such as specification or design  - loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what is required. Risks are explicitly assessed and resolved  throughout the process. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 15 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 16 15 16 The new way The Agile Approach (1) Agile – it’s Spiderman at the keyboard Continuous delivery of software   Cycle is weeks rather than months Extreme – it’s like totally radical   Working software is the principal measure of  Scrum – what’s rugby got to do with it?  progress Even late changes in requirements are welcomed  Close, daily, cooperation between business people  and developers Face-to-face conversation is the best form of  communication. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 17 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 18 17 18

  4. The Agile Approach (2) Extreme programming Perhaps the best-known and most widely Projects are built around motivated individuals, who   should be trusted used agile method. Continuous attention to technical excellence and Extreme Programming (XP) takes an   good design ‘extreme’ approach to iterative development. Simplicity • New versions may be built several times per  day Self-organizing teams  • New version delivered every 2 weeks Regular adaptation to changing circumstances  • All tests run with each build, all must pass From the Agile Manifesto (Google it) (HANDOUT)  • Doesn’t reinvent the wheel – use COTS whenever possible and affordable Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 19 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 20 19 20 The XP release cycle Extreme programming practices 1 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 21 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 22 21 22 Extreme programming practices 2 Problems with agile methods It can be difficult to keep the interest of customers  who are involved in the process. Team members may be unsuited to the intense  involvement that characterises agile methods. Prioritizing changes can be difficult where there are  multiple stakeholders. Maintaining simplicity requires extra work.  Contracts may be a problem as with other  approaches to iterative development. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 23 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 24 23 24

  5. Testing in XP Pair programming In XP, programmers work in pairs, sitting together to Test-first or Test-driven development (TDD)   develop code. For each and every component (class,  This helps develop common ownership of code and  module, whatever) you develop, add one or spreads knowledge across the team. more tests at the same time It serves as an informal review process as each line  of code is looked at by more than 1 person. Building means compiling the code and  It encourages refactoring as the whole team can  running all the tests, automatically benefit from this. Keeps software working all the time Measurements suggest that development   productivity with pair programming is similar to that of two people working independently. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 25 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 26 25 26 SCRUM Approach SCRUM stuff Backlog – list of all of the tasks to get done Scrum Master - removes impediments to the   ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal, Sprint – short iteration, get current backlog  not the team leader items done in this time Self organizing teams – magically everybody Scrum – short, daily stand-up meeting   gets organized Planning session – start of each sprint, plan  Easily adapt to change – major benefit which backlog items will be done  Heartbeat retrospective – end of sprint,  reflect about the past sprint Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 27 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 28 27 28 Requirements engineering The process of establishing the services that  the customer requires from a system and the Software Requirements constraints under which it operates and is developed. The requirements themselves are the  descriptions of the system services and constraints that are generated during the requirements engineering process. Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 29 Dr. Tom Way CSC 4181 Slide 30 29 30


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