Social Security Disability Program s: SSDI and SSI Overview and Current Issues Scott Szymendera Congressional Research Service July 2 2 , 2 0 1 0
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY Social Security Supplemental Security Disability Insurance Income (SSI) (SSDI) CRS-2
SSDI SSI Insured Means-Tested Working Age and Individual Children, Dependents Adults, Seniors Medicare Medicaid DI Trust Fund General Revenue CRS-3
Definition of Disability Impairment Inability to work CRS-5
But my inability to work is caused by my impairment! CRS-6
Prim ary I m pairm ents – 2 0 0 8 Aw ards SSDI Workers SSI Adults SSI Children Musculoskeletal Mental Disorders Mental Disorders 3 0 % 3 6 % 6 4 % Mental Disorders Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal 2 3 % 2 0 % < 1 % Circulatory Sys. Circulatory Sys. Circulatory Sys. 1 1 % 9 % < 1 % All Others All Others All Others 3 6 % 3 5 % 3 5 % CRS-7 Source: SSA Annual Statistical Reports on SSDI and SSI, 2008.
Evaluation of Disability CRS-8
Disability Determ ination and Appeals Process • *Estimated • **Estimated and includes Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) • ***Based on the longitudinal tracking of 2.5 million calendar year 2003 disability claims through August 2007 CRS-9
Benefit Formulas Average Monthly Benefit: May 2 0 1 0 Based on covered earnings No reduction for income SSDI $1,065.10 Cash cliff (Disabled Workers) Federal Benefit Rate + State Supplement – $498.60 SSI Countable Income CRS-10
Program Data: May 2 0 1 0 Total Monthly Average Beneficiaries Payments Monthly Program (thousands) (millions of $) Payment ($) SSDI 10,094 9,113 902.81 Disabled Workers 7,967 8,486 1,065.10 Spouses 160 46 286.00 Children 1,967 581 318.80 SSI 7,800 4,205 498.60 Under 18 1,222 769 596.90 18-64 4,542 2,610 514.80 65 and older 2,036 825 403.60 Source: SSA; Monthly Statistical Snapshot, May 2010. CRS-11
I ssues Facing the SSDI and SSI Program s Solvency and Budget Program Administrative Integrity Backlogs Return to Work CRS-12
For additional inform ation Scott Szymendera 202-707-0014 CRS-13
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