smart cities

SMART CITIES Conference Jure Pra nikar, PhD University of Primorska, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Port of Koper: environmental impacts and monitoring SMART CITIES Conference Jure Pra nikar, PhD University of Primorska, Institute Andrej Maru i Capo di Istria, some historical issues Presenter Company Logo Goes Here Insert Caption Here

  1. Port of Koper: environmental impacts and monitoring SMART CITIES Conference Jure Pra ž nikar, PhD University of Primorska, Institute Andrej Maru š i č

  2. Capo di Istria, some historical issues Presenter Company Logo Goes Here Insert Caption Here • Capo di Istria • Head of Istria (Image)

  3. North Adriatic region Presenter Company Logo Goes Here 125 million tons of water-borne Port of Koper 2 MT of liquid cargo 6 MT of dry bulk cargo 1 MT of vehicles 4 MT of containers 2 MT of general cargo

  4. Port of Koper today Presenter Company Logo Goes Here In 1957 the Port of Koper was founded It provides port and logistics services 600 000 containers medium term plan is to reach 1 milion containers per year.

  5. Cruise terminal Presenter Company Logo Goes Here • 50 cruise ships • 60 000 passenger

  6. Certificates Presenter Company Logo Goes Here year 2000: ISO 14001 year 2010: EMAS (Image)

  7. Impacts of Port of Koper Presenter Company Logo Goes Here 5000 people are directly or indirectly employed by the port business • pollution from dredging • spills • waste disposal • exchange of ballast water • noise and air pollution

  8. Air pollution Presenter Company Logo Goes Here 6-12% million tons of sulfur emissions global, anthropogenic sources Reference Yan Wang. Modeling the evolution of vehicle exhaust plume near road and in laboratory dilution systems using the CTAG model. Ph.D. dissertation. 2012.

  9. Air pollution Presenter Company Logo Goes Here

  10. Pollution and Mediterranean Presenter Company Logo Goes Here The Mediterranean Sea represents 0.8% of the world’s sea area 15% of all port calls made globally Mediterranean sea is small by the surface but has very dens ship traffic

  11. Early beginnings Presenter Company Logo Goes Here • collaboration between University and port were before year 2000 5 samplers at 4 locations Meteorological station

  12. Early beginnings Presenter Company Logo Goes Here PRA Ž NIKAR, Jure, CEPAK, Franka, Ž IBERT, Janez Long-term analysis of elemental content in airborne particulate matter by PIXE and positive matrix factorization : annual trends and seasonal variability during 2003 and 2008. Atmospheric environment Ž IBERT, Janez, PRA Ž NIKAR, Jure Cluster analysis of particulate matter (PM10) and black carbon (BC) concentrations Atmospheric environment

  13. Sea water pollution Presenter Company Logo Goes Here Shipping is a major source of oil spills, both from normal operations and from accidental discharges by oil tankers.

  14. Sea water sensors Presenter Company Logo Goes Here The Slick Sleuth remotely detecting oil spills in real-time. Power solar system Alarming Multiparameter-sonde: temperature conductivity turbidity dissolved oxygen

  15. Noise pollution Presenter Company Logo Goes Here • Ships • Cranes • Trucks • trains

  16. Network of samplers Presenter Company Logo Goes Here • server collects real time data from the stations and converts it into information delivered to users through web portals and mobile applications

  17. Network of samplers Presenter Company Logo Goes Here fast and reliable signaling The Alarm Management System

  18. Real time data Presenter Company Logo Goes Here

  19. Step further … Presenter Company Logo Goes Here

  20. Presenter Company Logo Goes Here Thank You Jure Pra ž nikar University of Primorska, UP IAM

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