Sm art Com m unity Activity in NEDO Dec 10, 2012 Satoshi Morozum i New Energy and industrial Technology Developm ent Org anization
Sm art com m unity in NEDO
History of NEDO dem onstration projects Before year 2000 Grid connecting technology development for one renewable energy Year 2000 – Year 2010 Multiple or large scale renewable grid connecting demonstration After Year 2010 Smart community demonstration considering social needs
Role of organizations METI: Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Domestic Domestic Smart Smart NEPC : New Energy Community Community projects projects Promotion Council International International NEDO : New Energy and Smart grid grid and and Smart Community Community Industrial Technology projects Development Organization projects
Dom estic Sm art Com m unity Dem onstration Projects Social System Demonstration sites (2/3 subsidy) Technology System Demonstration sites (1/2 subsidy) TOYOTA KEI-HANNA KITA-KYUSHU Hitachi Tottori Kashiwa-no-ha YOKOHAMA Nagasaki Mie Univ. MInamata Oosaka Fukuyama
International Sm art Com m unity Dem onstration( Dem o~FS) New Lyon( France) Mexico( USA) Zero energy building, Micro grid EV car sharing and demonstration in energy audit Loa Alamos and demonstration in re- dev Albuquerque eloped city Maui Mannchester( U island( USA) K) Coming soon Direct control wind Power, Heat against EV, for Pump, absorbing Aggregation .... sudden rump of renewable source. Indonesia Gòngqīngchéng Malaga( Spain) ( China) Power quality EV charging management at Introducing energy infrastructure and industrial park conservation and driver navigation renewable energy in system development plan of planned city
Sm art Grid Dem onstration Project in Hawaii 1. Direct control technology demonstration using EV/ PHEV 2. D- EMS demonstration by controlling demand and PVs under substation 3. Micro D- EMS demonstration by controlling demand and PVs under Pole transformer The direct control technology is hired for keeping balance between supply and demand when output from renewable are suddenly dropped. 7
Sm art Com m unity Project in Lyon, France 1. Demonstration of Zero Emission Building technologies at P- plot building 2. Energy use monitoring and management for PV and EVs 3. Energy audit program using AMI 4. CEMS (Community EMS)
Sm art Com m unity project in Malaga, Spain 1) EV charging infrastructure demonstration (CHAdeMO) 2) EV driver navigation system ICT infrastructure for charging demonstration 3) Business model development using ICT infrastructure
Sm art Com m unity Project in Gòngqīngchéng, CHINA Power quality management using 1. renewable energy at industry park Energy conservation at commercial 2. and residential area Shanghai Electric bus demonstration 3. Area energy management system 4. demonstration Gòngqīngchéng 23
Started “ New Mexico Project”
Micro- grid dem onstration in Los Alam os 2~5MW 程度の実際の配電線において 、 集中型太陽光発電、 蓄電池を 導入 ü 系統構成を 切換え る こ と によ り P V 導入比率を 変え て 、 P V 出力の変動吸収実験を 実施 ü 12 ス マ ート 配電機器( 情報通信機能を 持っ た配電機器) を 導入し 、 高い操作性を 有する 配電系統 ü を 構築・ 実証
LOS ALAMOS 1MW PV 10 difference types of PV cells are tested in this demonstration in this Mega- solar. Cd/ Tr Solar cell Multi Cristal Si Solar cell
Battery Storage in LAC 2 difference types of battery are operated. Lead- Acid battery absorbs rapid fluctuation and NAS battery absorbs slow fluctuation NAS battery and lead- acid battery
Micro- EMS in LAC This EMS control battery operation looking PV generation and day ahead weather condition. Also, this system prepare TOU rate for demand response.
Sm art House in LAC 2 HEMS and PLC circuit breaker are tested in this demonstration house.
Sm art Meter and HEMS HEMS High Speed PLC, Switching element for islanding Smart Meter and Interface
e Dem onstration Micro grid system in Albuquerqu 18
Albuquerque Site Demonstration site building and PV system installed on the same feeder. Mesa Del Sol Center Building 500kV PV generation 19
ABQ Distributed generators Demonstration facility installed beside of the building.
PV system of shade on parking PV system installed beside of demonstration building.
Gas Engine and Fuel Cell Gas engine generator operated on the one mile height . Capacity on the sea level is 300kW . However, 20 % reduced in Albuquerque (one mile height). PAFC fuel cell operated on the one mile height. Capacity on the sea level is 100kW . However, 20 % reduced in Albuquerque (one mile height).
Therm al Storage and Battery Storage Ice thermal storage Battery storage managing power quality.
BEMS 2 BENS are tested. Independent operation by plug in and out without any interaction was demonstrated .
6th Integration of Renewable Energy and Distribution Energy Resources 20, Kyoto, Japan 2014 Nov. 17-
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