skipper road 42 nd street 46 th street

Skipper Road / 42 nd Street / 46 th Street September 20, 2017 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Innovation Place Subarea Study Skipper Road / 42 nd Street / 46 th Street September 20, 2017 1 Study Area INTRODUCTION 2 Study Objectives How can we improve safety and travel efficiency for all modes? What are the potential solutions?

  1. Innovation Place Subarea Study Skipper Road / 42 nd Street / 46 th Street September 20, 2017 1

  2. Study Area INTRODUCTION 2

  3. Study Objectives ❖ How can we improve safety and travel efficiency for all modes? ❖ What are the potential solutions? ❖ What are the infrastructure costs for these solutions? INTRODUCTION 3

  4. Review of Past Studies and Land Use Plans ❖ Consistent key themes of 13 past studies within proximity to the study area ❖ Pedestrian safety improvements in the University Area ❖ Improve auto connections between New Tampa and USF ❖ Transit options recommended (e.g., circulator, expanded service) INTRODUCTION 4

  5. New and Proposed Developments Student Housing ❖ 512 new rooms ❖ 725 rooms under construction ❖ 1,797 rooms proposed ❖ 1,000 new rooms on USF campus Other Development ❖ New Publix on campus INTRODUCTION 5

  6. Origin-Destination Study Key Questions ❖ Where are drivers on Bruce B. Downs north of the focus area going? ❖ For those drivers on Bruce B. Downs north of the focus area going to USF, which route are they taking? ❖ What percentage of trips on Bruce B. Downs from north of the focus area are less than three miles? EXISTING CONDITIONS 6

  7. Destination of southbound trips passing through Bruce B. Downs gate ❖ The AM peak is divided into two periods: ❖ AM peak 1 represents typical commuters ❖ AM peak 2 is more representative of students ❖ Typical AM peak hour is 7am-9am ❖ 17 to 28 percent of drivers are going to USF EXISTING CONDITIONS 7

  8. Route choice of southbound trips passing through Bruce B. Downs gate destined for USF ❖ More than half of vehicles traveling south from Bruce B. Downs to USF take Bruce B. Downs the entire way ❖ 58 percent during the typical AM peak period ❖ Of the vehicles traveling through the Focus Area: ❖ 79 percent take 42 nd Street ❖ 33% vs. 9% EXISTING CONDITIONS 8

  9. Southbound trips passing through Bruce B Downs gate with total trip distance less than three miles ❖ Most of the trips destined for the Influence area are less than three miles long ❖ These trips are a potential market for mode shifts from automobile to transit or bicycle ❖ Building new roadway capacity may not be the only solution EXISTING CONDITIONS 9

  10. Injury Crash Analysis (past five years) ❖ Fletcher Avenue averages 41 or more injury crashes per mile annually ❖ 42 nd Street and 46 th Street intersections with Fletcher are high crash intersections averaging ~50 crashes annually ❖ Intersection of Bruce B Downs and Fletcher Avenue is experiences over 60 injury crashes annually Source: Crash Data Management System (2012-2016) EXISTING CONDITIONS 10

  11. Injury Crashes Involving Pedestrians and Bicyclists (past five years) ❖ 21 bike/ped crashes on Fletcher Avenue north of USF ❖ 1 fatality ❖ 3 severe injury ❖ 6 injury ❖ 11 minor injury ❖ 19 crashes on Bruce B Downs between Fowler Avenue and Bearss Avenue ❖ 1 fatality ❖ 3 severe injury ❖ 6 injury ❖ 9 minor injury Source: Crash Data Management System (2012-2016) EXISTING CONDITIONS 11

  12. Identified Issues EXISTING CONDITIONS 12

  13. Existing Typical Section – 42 nd Street @ Fletcher Avenue ❖ Cut-through traffic to the University ❖ Conflict between auto traffic and bicyclists / pedestrians ❖ Increase emphasis on pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users EXISTING CONDITIONS 13

  14. Existing Typical Section – 46 th Street @ Fletcher Avenue ❖ Cut-through traffic to the University and other areas to the east ❖ Conflict between auto traffic and bicyclists / pedestrians ❖ Provide efficient auto throughput to move auto traffic away from pedestrians/bicyclists on 42 nd Street EXISTING CONDITIONS 14

  15. Planned Improvements ❖ Construction on-going on Bruce B. Downs – widens road to eight lanes and constructs multi-use trail on south side of the road ❖ A PD&E study of 46 th Street and Skipper Road is planned for October 2017 ❖ A PD&E study of Bruce B. Downs and Bearss Avenue intersection is planned for 2017 ❖ Funds have been committed to fill sidewalk gaps and install a mid-block crossing on 42 nd Street Source: Hillsborough County CIP EXISTING CONDITIONS 15

  16. Today ❖ Are there any other issues, ideas, or opportunities for the study area? ❖ Are there any fatal flaws in the study? ❖ Please fill out a COMMENT FORM before you leave Next steps 16

  17. Innovation Place Subarea Study Skipper Road / 42 nd Street / 46 th Street September 20, 2017 17

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