sit for autism

Sit for Autism Developed by The Center of Excellence on Autism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sit for Autism Developed by The Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorders Southern Connecticut State University Ruth Eren, Ed.D. Director As a result of attending this session, participants will: Be able to describe how a training

  1. Sit for Autism Developed by The Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorders Southern Connecticut State University Ruth Eren, Ed.D. Director

  2. As a result of attending this session, participants will:  Be able to describe how a training program was developed to serve families in Connecticut who needed babysitters with the important knowledge and skills required when sitting for a child on the spectrum  Gain knowledge of statewide expansion of Sit for Autism training through collaboration with the CMHI sites

  3. Who Are We????  Southern Connecticut State University  Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorders: Our mission: To serve as a resource and collaborative partner by developing, validating, and delivering innovative training, services and technical assistance to teachers, other school based personnel, families and community service providers in the use of evidenced- based practices for individuals with autism spectrum disorders in the state of Connecticut.

  4. How It All Began……….  Graduate Program at SCSU: Masters Degree in Special Education with a Concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental Disabilities  Graduate student initiative: Mrs. Kimberly Bean  Further developed and refined by: Ruth Eren, Ed.D. Barbara Cook, M.S. SLP-CCC , Karen Meers, Ph.D.- BCBA

  5. What is “Sit For Autism”?  Two-hour training program for parents, family members, babysitters who care for individuals with ASD  Purpose: To increase knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of ASD  Purpose: Teach 5 evidenced-based strategies that might be helpful when caring for an individual with ASD  Purpose: Share specific materials for use in the home when caring for an individual with ASD

  6. “Sit” Topics  Characteristics of children with ASD: strengths and challenges  “Sit Kit”  Strategies and supports to increase engagement with a child with ASD  Strategies and supports to reduce anxiety in a child with ASD

  7. Launching “Sit” into the Community  CMHI sites in Connecticut  Agency contacts  Dissemination of promotional materials/flyers  Registration

  8. Evaluation of Training  Pre/post training questionnaire  Participants rated their knowledge/confidence on 13 questions using a 5 point scale  1 (no knowledge/confidence) ------5 (complete knowledge/confidence)

  9. Results: Table 1. Satisfaction survey Item Yes No Not N/A Sure Do you feel more comfortable babysitting for a child with 94% - - 6% ASD Do you feel more comfortable with this babysitter’s 60% 2% 6% 33% ability to care for your child? Would you recommend this course to others? 100% - - - Did this course provide enough general information? 100% - - - Do you think the Sit Kit is useful 98.5% - 1.5% - Highly Satisfied Satisfied Your overall satisfaction? 82% 18%

  10. Results: Table 2. Comparison of Pre and Post Mean Knowledge, Confidence Score by Item (n=69) Post About the Presentation: Pre Defining autism spectrum disorders 2.8 3.8 Explaining the strengths of children with autism 2.7 3.9 Identifying the challenges of children with autism 2.9 3.9 Describing how children with autism might act, talk, play 3.1 4.0 Describing techniques to engage children with autism 2.6 3.9 Explaining ways to reduce anxiety in children with autism 2.4 3.9 Planning ahead to care for children with autism 2.6 4.1 Choosing resources or tools to aid in the care of children 2.4 3.8 with autism Use a First-Then card 2.1 4.3 Use a visual schedule 2.7 4.3 Use a transition aid 2.1 4.0 Use a choice board 2.6 4.3 Use a babysitting preparation kit 1.9 4.3

  11. Next Steps  One more year of grant funding  10 more “Sit” trainings in state  Measure the effect of training after 6 months  Pursue new funding opportunities to continue

  12. Sincere Thanks to sponsors of the Autism State Implementation Grant: CT Department of Public Health University of Connecticut Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

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