Simultaneous Sparsity ❦ Joel A. Tropp Anna C. Gilbert Martin J. Strauss {jtropp|annacg|martinjs} Department of Mathematics The University of Michigan 1
Simple Sparse Approximation ❦ ❧ Work in the d -dimensional, complex inner-product space C d ❧ Let { ϕ ω : ω ∈ Ω } be a collection of unit-norm elementary signals ❧ Choose T indices λ 1 , . . . , λ T ∈ Ω ❧ Suppose we measure a noisy sparse signal T � = c t ϕ λ t + ν s t =1 ❧ The simple sparse approximation problem asks 1. Can we identify the indices λ 1 , . . . , λ T ? 2. Can we estimate the coefficients c 1 , . . . , c T ? Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 2
Facts about Greedy Algorithms ❦ A greedy algorithm for sparse approximation makes locally optimal choices in an effort to obtain a good global solution. Advantages ❧ Fast ❧ Easy to implement ❧ Work well for many problems Disadvantages ❧ Less robust than ℓ 1 methods ❧ Not effective for superresolution Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 3
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) ❦ Input: A signal s and the number of terms T Output: Indices { λ 1 , . . . , λ T } and coefficients { c 1 , . . . , c T } 1. Set the initial residual r 0 = s and the counter t = 1 2. Find an index λ t that solves max ω ∈ Ω |� r t − 1 , ϕ ω �| 3. Determine the orthogonal projector P t onto span { ϕ λ 1 , . . . , ϕ λ t } 4. Calculate the new residual: r t = s − P t s 5. Increment t , and repeat until t = T 6. The coefficient estimates appear in the expansion � T = P T s t =1 c t ϕ λ t Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 4
Simultaneous Sparse Approximation ❦ Idea: More observations should make the problem easier ❧ Choose T indices λ 1 , . . . , λ T ∈ Ω ❧ Suppose we measure K noisy sparse signals T � = c tk ϕ λ t + ν k s k t =1 ❧ The simultaneous sparse approximation problem asks 1. Can we identify the indices λ 1 , . . . , λ T ? 2. Can we estimate the set of coefficients { c tk } ? Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 5
Application: MIMO Communications ❦ Transmit 1: Receive 1: � t h t 1 ϕ λ t + ν 1 ϕ λ 1 ���� Transmit 2: Receive 2: � t h t 2 ϕ λ t + ν 2 ϕ λ 2 ���� · · · · · · Transmit t : Receive k : � t h tk ϕ λ t + ν k ϕ λ t ���� ❧ The dimension d corresponds with the length of a transmission block ❧ Send one elementary signal on each of T transmit antennas ❧ Measure one superposition on each of K receive antennas ❧ The numbers h tk are fading coefficients ❧ The vectors ν k are additive noise Goal: Identify which elementary signals were transmitted Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 6
Simultaneous OMP ❦ Input: A d × K signal matrix S and the number of terms T Output: Indices { λ 1 , . . . , λ T } 1. Set the initial residual R 0 = S and the counter t = 1 2. Find an index λ t that solves K � max |� R t − 1 e k , ϕ ω �| ω ∈ Ω k =1 3. Determine the orthogonal projector P t onto span { ϕ λ 1 , . . . , ϕ λ t } 4. Calculate the new residual: R t = S − P t S 5. Increment t , and repeat until t = T Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 7
Experiments with S-OMP ❦ ❧ The Z 4 Kerdock code yields 64 elementary signals in C 8 ❧ Fix the number of transmit/receive antennas and the SNR ❧ For each trial, we construct K signals T � = h tk ϕ λ t + ν k s k t =1 where h tk are Gaussian variables and ν k are Gaussian vectors ❧ S-OMP is used to pick T elementary signals ❧ Calculate the fraction correctly identified ❧ Average over 1000 trials Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 8
Hamming distance per receive antenna as a function of SNR at 4 transmit antennas 20dB 0.55 16dB 13dB 11.2dB 0.5 10dB 6dB 0.45 0.4 hamming distance 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 number of receive antennas Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 9
Hamming distance as a function of k receive antennas at SNR = 20dB k=1 k=2 0.7 k=3 k=4 k=5 k=6 0.6 k=7 k=8 0.5 hamming distance 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 number of transmit antennas Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 10
A Theoretical Result for S-OMP ❦ Claim: Each result for simple sparse approximation has an analog for simultaneous sparse approximation. Define the coherence parameter µ = max λ � = ω |� ϕ λ , ϕ ω �| Suppose that T µ ≤ 1 Theorem 1. 3 . Let S be a signal matrix. After T iterations, S-OMP calculates a T -term approximation A T of the signal matrix that satisfies √ � S − A T � F ≤ 1 + 6 KT � S − A opt � F where A opt is the optimal T -term approximation of S in Frobenius norm. Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 11
Convex Relaxation for SSA ❦ ❧ Can view simultaneous sparse approximation as a combinatorial optimization problem min # nonzero rows of C subject to � S − Φ C � F ≤ ε C ❧ Can replace this combinatorial problem with a related convex program � min max | c ωk | subject to � S − Φ C � F ≤ δ C k ω ❧ One can prove the two problems often have similar solutions Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 12
Related Work ❦ ❧ C ¸etin, Malioutov, Willsky (Algorithms, Applications) ❧ Chen, Huo (Theory) ❧ Cotter, Engan, Kreutz-Delgado, Rao, et al. (Algorithms, Applications) ❧ Gribonval, Nielsen (Theory, Applications) ❧ Leviatan, Lutoborsky, Temlyakov (Theory) Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 13
Publications and Preprints ❦ ❧ TGS, “Simultaneous sparse approximation via greedy pursuit,” ICASSP 2005. ❧ TGS, “Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part I: Greedy pursuit,” submitted November 2004. ❧ T, “Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part II: Convex relaxation,” submitted November 2004. ❧ GT, “Applications of sparse approximation in communications,” submitted January 2005. ❧ TG, “Signal recovery from partial information via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,” submitted March 2005. Papers available from . Contact information: {jtropp|annacg|martinjs} . Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 14
Greed: Still Good ❦ Percentage of input signals recovered (d = 256) 100 90 80 70 Percentage recovered 60 50 40 30 20 m=4 m=12 m=20 10 m=28 m=36 0 50 100 150 200 250 N umber of measurements (N) Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 15
Greed: Still Good ❦ Suppose that s is an arbitrary m -sparse signal in R d . Given Theorem 2. K p m log d random linear measurements of s , OMP can recover s with probability 1 − O ( d − p ) . This theorem is more or less equivalent with results for ℓ 1 minimization due to Cand` es–Tao, Donoho, and Rudelson–Vershynin. Simultaneous Sparse Approximation (ICASSP 2005) 16
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