simply complex task of kubernetes ingress richard li


SIMPLY COMPLEX TASK OF KUBERNETES INGRESS Richard Li 1 WHAT IS INGRESS? Pod Pod Pod Pod Kubernetes External Load routing Static IP Balancer service Pod address Get traffic Route traffic into cluster inside your cluster Pod Pod



  3. Pod Pod Pod

  4. Pod Kubernetes External Load routing Static IP Balancer service Pod address Get traffic Route traffic into cluster inside your cluster Pod

  5. Pod Kubernetes Static IP External Load routing Pod address Balancer service Pod kind: Service type: LoadBalancer Support for LoadBalancer type dependent on cloud provider.

  6. kind: Service type: NodePort Pod Static IP Bare metal Kubernetes Pod address load balancer service Pod

  7. TL; DR. Create a Service of type LoadBalancer if you’re using AWS, GKE, etc. Otherwise, use type NodePort.

  8. This is all Layer 4. What about Layer 7?

  9. Pod External Load Kubernetes Static IP Balancer routing Pod address (normally, service (L7) L4) Pod

  10. Configuration Control plane computes the 1 changes are sent to 2 differences and creates an the control plane. updated proxy configuration. Control Plane Pod Static IP External Load L7 Proxy Pod address Balancer (e.g., NGINX, Envoy) Pod New configuration is passed to 3 proxy.


  12. Decentralized, declarative configuration. SILOED TEAMS DECENTRALIZED, FULL-LIFECYCLE TEAMS PM Dev QA Ops Users Users Ads Ads Catalog Catalog Search Search Imperative, API-driven configuration Declarative configuration 12

  13. You can configure routing via ingress resources (e.g., use an apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 ingress controller). kind: Ingress metadata: name: test-ingress annotations: / spec: rules: - http: paths: - path: /testpath backend: serviceName: test servicePort: 80 13

  14. You can configure routing via annotations --- apiVersion: v1 (e.g., Ambassador API kind: Service Gateway). metadata: name: httpbin annotations: | --- apiVersion: ambassador/v0 kind: Mapping name: httpbin_mapping prefix: /httpbin/ service: host_rewrite: spec: ports: - name: httpbin port: 80 14

  15. Ingress provides portability between different controllers … How many NGINX ingress controllers exist on Kubernetes? 15

  16. Ingress provides portability between different controllers … ingress-nginx (Google) kubernetes-ingress (NGINX) kubernetes-ingress with NGINX Plus (NGINX) … 16

  17. Except ingress isn’t actually portable. Each controller does custom extensions to the ingress specification for features. Each controller has di ff erent features. The “solution” to this conundrum is to keep Ingress in beta (since Kube 1.1) 17

  18. Ingress controller / resources ≠ ingress Ingress controller / resources = routing

  19. kind: Service The NGINX ingress apiVersion: v1 metadata: controller is a Service name: ingress-nginx of type LoadBalancer! namespace: ingress-nginx labels: ingress-nginx ingress-nginx annotations: spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: ingress-nginx ingress-nginx ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: http - name: https port: 443 targetPort: http 19

  20. TL; DR. Most ingress models on Kubernetes use a decentralized, declarative configuration model. This configuration occurs through Kubernetes manifests. Ingress is one format for routing configuration, but there are others. Decide on ingress solutions based on features/functionality/robustness. 20


  22. Ingress isn’t just about routing. Protocols. gRPC, HTTP/2, Observability. Distributed tracing, WebSockets. metrics. Resilience. Timeouts, rate TLS. Redirect from limiting, circuit breakers. cleartext, SNI. Testing. Canary releases, Load balancing. Round robin, tra ff ic shadowing. sticky sessions, maglev … 22

  23. And there are operational concerns, too! Upgrades. How do you upgrade and test your ingress solution? Hitless reloads. How do you avoid impacting your users during configuration changes? Endpoint vs service routing. Do you need to route to Kubernetes services or pods? 23

  24. Upgrades Ingress has a new release (v0.35 —> v0.36) Run a “full stack canary” of new ingress versions • Route most of tra ff ic through v0.35 • Route some tra ff ic through v0.36 (for some services, for 1% tra ff ic, …) 24

  25. Configuration Control plane computes the 1 changes are sent to 2 differences and creates an the control plane. updated proxy configuration. Control Plane Pod External Static IP L7 Proxy LoadBalancer Pod address (e.g., NGINX, (e.g., ELB) Envoy) Pod New configuration is passed to 3 proxy.

  26. Configuration Control plane computes the 1 changes are sent to 2 differences and creates an the control plane. updated proxy configuration. Control Plane Pod External Static IP L7 Proxy LoadBalancer Pod address (e.g., NGINX, (e.g., ELB) Envoy) Pod New configuration is passed to 4 Proxy reloads configuration. 3 proxy.

  27. In Kubernetes, configurations can change frequently (“microservices”), triggering proxy reloads. Existing connections can drop Response latency increases Load balancing quality goes down 27

  28. Strategies for mitigating reloads Don’t trigger reload when there is no change in state Do “hot reloads” (aka “hitless reloads” aka “hot restart”): HAProxy 1.8, NGINX, Envoy Proxy Use APIs to manage configuration (if available): NGINX Plus, Envoy Proxy, NGINX Lua handler, HAProxy 1.8 28

  29. 2016 2017 2018 • NGINX Plus R13 (Aug 2017) • 1.8 released • Runtime API • Finally supports hitless • Shadowing reloads, runtime API • Istio announces in May; will use Envoy • Netflix announces Hystrix 29

  30. Pod Kubernetes External Load routing Static IP Balancer service Pod address Get traffic Route traffic into cluster inside your cluster Pod

  31. By default, Kubernetes Kube-proxy maintains the mapping between a does round-robin load Kubernetes service and balancing. its pods. Pod IP Kubernetes Static IP External Service routing address LoadBalancer Virtual IP Pod IP service Pod IP

  32. You can bypass Kubernetes default with endpoint routing. Pod IP External Kubernetes Static IP LoadBalancer routing address Pod IP (e.g., ELB) service Pod IP (This is how you get sticky sessions, fancier load balancing, etc.)

  33. 33

  34. SERVICE MESH. Service mesh facilitates service-to-service communication • Routing • Resilience • Observability • Security (end-to-end encryption) Grows more important as your topology gets deeper / more complex 34

  35. “Sidecar” deployment model 35

  36. Ingress versus service mesh Service meshes frequently include an ingress (e.g., Istio has a “gateway” abstraction) Service meshes assume you have control of the client Ingress assumes you have no control of the client • HTTP —> HTTPS redirect • OAuth / OIDC 36

  37. TL; DR. Think about the functional aspects of ingress, as well as the operational aspects when choosing an ingress. The edge and service mesh are di ff erent but related use cases. If you’re looking for a new Kubernetes job, add service mesh to your LinkedIn profile (you’ll know more than your hiring manager, anyway). 37


  39. Shadow & Routing : Route Scenario 100% of prod traffic to 1.0 and 1.1. Stream v1.0 Ingress Stream v1.1 Metrics : Compare latency on requests to v1.0 vs v1.1 39

  40. Summary To get tra ff ic into a cluster, you need a service of LoadBalancer or NodePort (and probably a LoadBalancer) This service is implemented as a combination of a control plane and a L7 proxy such as NGINX or Envoy Proxy Ingress resources are a specific way of controlling routing into your cluster, but not the only way When choosing ingress, think about your protocol, resilience, observability, and other requirements 40

  41. Thank you! Twitter: @rdli Slack: @rdl (On Kubernetes, Envoy, and Ambassador Slack channels) 41


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