OPTIMIZING HIGH PERFORMANCE SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE BY ADDING SILICA FUME AND GLASS POWDER Student: Supervisors: Raymond Alexander Yonathan Prof. Dr. Ir. Triwulan, DEA. 3114202003 3114202003 Dr. Eng. Januarti JE, ST., MT. 1
Contents 1. Background 2. Purpose 3. Define controlled factors, levels, degree of freedom, and orthogonal arrays 4. Materials 5. Mix Design 6. Test Results 7. Taguchi data analysis 8. Discussions 9. Conclusion 2
Background Green house effect More cement productions Developing Construction Concretes countries technologies Durable concretes 3
Background Silica Fume and Glass Powder as Cement Replacement • Improved strength and durability of concrete • Glass powder is suitable for self compacting concrete High performance self Compacting Concrete • Efficient, productive, durable, good quality • Less human errors Taguchi’s data analysis method • Efficient experimental activities 4
Purpose 1. Optimizing high performance self compacting concrete as the main purpose 2. Analyzing the effects of materials used in high performance self compacting concrete 5
Define controlled factors, levels, degree of freedom, and orthogonal arrays Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Factors Degree of Freedom Code Controlled Factors (%) (%) (%) A 2 A Coarse Aggregate 45 50 55 B 2 B Glass Powder 10 15 20 C 2 C Silica Fume 20 40 60 D 2 D Viscocrete 0,8 1 1,2 Total 8 • Degree of Freedom = Number of Levels - 1 • Coarse aggregate from aggregate’s volume • Glass powder from cement’s weight • Silica fume from glass powder’s weight • Viscocrete from binders weight 6
Define controlled factors, levels, degree of freedom, and orthogonal arrays Orthogonal Arrays L 9 (3 4 ) Exp Code A B C D L a (b c ) R1-10-20 1 1 1 1 R2-15-40 1 2 2 2 Where: L = Latin Square Design R3-20-60 1 3 3 3 a = Number of rows R4-10-40 2 1 2 3 b = Number of levels R5-15-60 2 2 3 1 c = Number of factors R6-20-20 2 3 1 2 R7-10-60 3 1 3 2 R8-15-20 3 2 1 3 R9-20-40 3 3 2 1 7
Materials Ordinary Portland Cement PT. Varia Usaha Beton 1. Glass Powder PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk (need to be pulverized using ball mill) 2. Silica Fume PT BASF Indonesia 3. Water PDAM ITS Laboratory 4. Sika Viscocrete / polycarboxylate ether PT SIKA Indonesia 5. Plastimen VZ / Polyhydroxy Carbon Salts PT SIKA Indonesia 6. Coarse Aggregate PT Surya Beton Indonesia 7. Fine Aggregate PT Surya Beton Indonesia 8. 8
Mix Design 40% paste + 60% aggregate Plastimen Glass Powder Silica Fume Water Viscocrete Fine A Coarse A Exp Code Cement (kg/m 3 ) VZ (kg/m 3 ) (kg/m 3 ) (Liter/m 3 ) (liter/m 3 ) (kg/m 3 ) (kg/m 3 ) (Liter/m 3 ) R1-10-20 612,75 54,47 13,62 170,21 5,11 1,36 897,6 739,8 R2-15-40 569,85 60,34 40,22 167,6 6,29 1,34 897,6 739,8 R3-20-60 527,27 52,73 79,09 164,77 7,43 1,32 897,6 739,8 R4-10-40 607,73 40,52 27,01 168,81 7,61 1,35 816 822 R5-15-60 570,06 40,24 60,36 167,67 5,04 1,34 816 822 R6-20-20 532,79 106,56 26,64 166,5 6,25 1,33 816 822 R7-10-60 608,53 27,05 40,57 169,04 6,35 1,35 734,4 904,2 R8-15-20 569,63 80,42 20,1 167,54 7,55 1,34 734,4 904,2 R9-20-40 532,5 79,88 53,25 166,41 5 1,33 734,4 904,2 • Yellow Color showed highest value 9
Test Results 35,00 60,00 Compressive Total Strength on 28 Slump V-Funnel L-Box 30,00 Porosity 50,00 Codes Days Compressive Strength (MPa) 25,00 40,00 (MPa) (cm) (s) (%) Porosity (%) 20,00 R1 56,34 79,5 8,17 0,83 17,93 30,00 15,00 R2 53,2 72,5 12,3 0,79 15,51 R3 40,98 69,5 7,1 0,83 20,89 20,00 10,00 R4 42,93 71 11,8 0,76 16,11 R5 45,99 68,5 14 0,73 24,57 10,00 5,00 R6 42,76 80,5 8,3 0,82 18,5 R7 32,16 73,5 12,94 0,78 29,02 0,00 0,00 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R8 22,35 79 37,37 0,8 21,95 Varian R9 31,82 71 8,81 0,79 22,71 Porositas Total Porositas Terbuka Porositas Tertutup Kuat Tekan Bleeding Badly Bubbled ±5cm • Around 1 cm thick paste showed at the surface of specimen need to be cut and converse before tested 10
Taguchi data analysis (85% confidence level) Single response Multi response Glass Silica Estimated optimum Glass Silica Viscocrete Estimated optimum Test Coarse Aggregate Viscocrete Test Coarse Aggregate Powder Fume Condition Powder Fume Condition Slump flow Slump flow (cm) 73,056 ± 2,040 cm 55% ** 10% 20% * 1% * 78,778 ± 2,040 cm (cm) L-Box 55% * 15% * 40% * 1% ** 0,760 ± 0,030 L-Box 0,807 ± 0,032 V-Funnel (s) 45% 20% 40% ** 1% - V-Funnel (s) 45%* 15%** 40%* 1%* - Compressive Compressive 45% * 10% 40% ** 0,8% * 54,037 ± 5,496 MPa 53,828 ± 5,314 MPa Strength (MPa) Strength (MPa) Porosity (%) 45% * 15% ** 40% * 1,2% * 14,274 ± 0,677 % Porosity (%) 15,636 ± 0,677 % Note: (*) Significant Factor Note: (*) Significant Factor (**) Pooled Factor (**) Pooled Factor • V- Funnel’s optimum condition is unclear no significant factors optimum condition will have a big error 11
Discussion A. Slump Flow Optimum: Coarse aggregate 55%, Glass Powder 10%, Silica Fume 20%, Viscocrete 1% (single-response). Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1% (multi-response). Estimated: 78,778 ± 2,040 cm (single-response) 73,056 ± 2,040 cm (multi-response) Significant factors: the greatest effect is Silica Fume, followed by viscocrete. (single-response) the greatest effect is Silica Fume, followed by coarse aggregate, and then viscocrete. (multi-response) • At R6 and R8 bleeding occurred highest amount glass powder cannot reduce bleeding. • Liu (2010), Limantono (2015), Ekaputri (2015) Glass Powder absorb less amount of water than silica fume. 12
Discussion B. V-Funnel Optimum : - Estimated : - Significant factors : - • Unclear result wrong assumption of factors or levels. 13
Discussion C. L-Box Optimum: Coarse aggregate 55%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1% (single-response). Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1% (multi-response). Estimated: 0,760 ± 0,030 (single-response) 0,807 ± 0,032 (multi-response) Significant factors: the greatest effect is Coarse aggregate, followed by silica fume, and then glass powder. (single-response) the greatest effect is Silica Fume, followed by coarse aggregate, and then viscocrete. (multi-response) • Gravel has important role (Okamura, 2003; Brouwers, 2005) by lowering coarse aggregate, could increase segregration resistance as shown by L-box results. 14
Discussion D. Compressive Strength Optimum: Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 10%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 0,8% (single-response). Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1% (multi-response). Estimated: 54,037 ± 5,496 MPa (single-response) 53,828 ± 5,314 MPa (multi-response) Significant factors: the greatest effect is Coarse aggregate, followed by viscocrete. (single-response) the greatest effect is Silica Fume, followed by coarse aggregate, and then viscocrete. (multi- response) • Lower coarse aggregate higher fine aggregate small porous high strength (Rashid, 2009; Logan, 2009) • Same recommendation composition (Limantono,2015; Ekaputri, 2015) 10-15% Glass Powder, 40-60% silica fume. 15
Discussion E. Porosity Optimum: Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1,2% (single-response). Coarse aggregate 45%, Glass Powder 15%, Silica Fume 40%, Viscocrete 1% (multi-response). Estimated: 14,274 ± 0,677 % (single-response) 15,636 ± 0,677 % (multi-response) Significant factors: the greatest effect is Silica fume, followed by coarse aggregate, and then viscocrete. (single-response) the greatest effect is Silica Fume, followed by coarse aggregate, and then viscocrete. (multi-response) • It was found that (Wille, 2011) using high range water reducer and microsilica could decreased porosity. 16
Conclusion 1. Taguchi’s method provide more result with less experimental trial. Using bigger orthogonal array, better result could be achieved. For V-funnel test, another trial need to be done misassumption on the factors and levels 2. cause unclear result. 3. Glass Powder absorb small amount of water. 4. Gravel has great effect on segregration. It is recommended to use 10-15% of glass powder, 40% of silica fume, 0,8% of viscocrete 5. high compressive strength. 6. Using higher range water reducer and microsilica can lower the concrete porosity. 7. Another trial should be done regarding the combination of viscocrete + plastimen vz + glass powder causing bubble at certain amount (assumption). 17
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