significant disproportionality update

Significant Disproportionality Update October 3, 2019 Falling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Significant Disproportionality Update October 3, 2019 Falling Through the Cracks: RSD Info 2015-16 shared publicly to date Significant Disproportionality: Background Standard calculation methods were established for significant

  1. Significant Disproportionality Update October 3, 2019

  2. Falling Through the Cracks: RSD Info 2015-16 shared publicly to date

  3. Significant Disproportionality: Background ● Standard calculation methods were established for significant disproportionality from the US Department of Education. ● New calculation method is different than what MO - DESE has historically utilized to monitor state data. ● Rockwood was notified by DESE to develop a plan to allocate 15% of CCEIS funds

  4. Significant Disproportionality: Rockwood Information Rockwood School District was identified as having a significant disproportionality in the areas of: ● Discipline removals for African-American students with disabilities ● Identification of African-American students with intellectual disabilities. ● Data based on 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 school years ● There are 98 possible ways to be disproportionate

  5. OSS Rate per 100 Students Non IEP students receiving OSS All Non IEP students Source: DESE June Core & December enrollment submissions

  6. OSS Rate per 100 Students Students with IEP receiving OSS All students with an IEP Source: DESE June Core & December enrollment submissions

  7. OSS Rate per 100 Students Black students receiving OSS All black students Source: DESE June Core & December enrollment submissions

  8. OSS Rate per 100 Students Black students with IEP receiving OSS All black students with an IEP Source: DESE June Core & December enrollment submissions

  9. Significant Disproportionality: Rockwood Response ● The Way Forward: Universal Equity, Opportunity, Access ○ Utilize a systematic approach ■ Develop a multi-tiered system of support that provides differentiated levels of resources ■ Form RSD subcommittee within Rockwood Learning Council (RLC) ■ Conduct an equity audit ○ Provide a culturally responsive environment for all students. ■ Framework, common language & support for teachers, staff & students ■ Employee training on culturally competent & responsive teaching strategies ○ Empower all students to design personalized pathways for their future ■ Increase enrollment of students from underrepresented populations in advanced coursework

  10. Significant Disproportionality: Rockwood Plan ● ● Professional Learning Access Points/Delivery Models: ○ ○ Dismantling Racism (Tabari Coleman) Rockwood Learning Council ○ ○ Safe Connections Social Workers, Counselors, and Nurses ○ Trauma, Race, and Schools Meetings ○ ○ Equity Audit Principals & Assistant Principals Meetings ○ ○ Culture & Climate (Anthony Muhammad) Administrative Council ○ ○ Research-based best practices (John Summer workshops/New Teacher Orientation Hattie’s work) ○ Early Release Days ○ ○ Analyzing Disproportionality Data Student groups ○ ○ Restorative Practices Curriculum ○ ○ Cultural Proficiency Building-Specific Professional Learning ○ Collective Efficacy

  11. Questions?


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