Significance of drugs in human life
Disease • A number pfetabolic activities like locomotion,respiration, digestion, circulation etc.,occurs in any living organism leading a successful life • Any unwanted change resulting out of disturbance among these metabolic activities is called disease Causative factors of disease • Frequent changes occurring in the surrounding of living organisms,tissue degeneration, functional disorders of various systems deficieqncy of nutrients,parasitic infections indiscriminate use of pesticides, insecticides
• Changes occuring in the ecosystem due to deforestation,sewage released into drinking water are the common factors affecting the helath of living organisms including man Characterstics of a disease • Every disease expresses itself with certain specific characters • Sudden rise in temperature (fever),anorexia(loss of appetite), sleeplessness (insomnia),nausea,vomiting,diarrhoea,cough,cold, inflammations,pains,rash etc., Are to be understood as the characters of disease
Drug • Substances used to prevent, diagnose and cure the disease in animals or man are called drugs Significance of drugs in human life • Diseases were identified since the origin of man • Drugs have took their origin with the thinking of curing the disease • As the new diseases spreader,a number of new drugs were discovered • Changes occuring in the surroundings,food habits,living habitats etc.,have lead to the spread of number of new diseases,discovery of new therapeutic methods and new drugs
• Becaiyof continuous researches and effective implementation of the immunization programme,dreadful diseases like smallpox,and polio are suceesfully eradicated from our country • Man to lead successful life depend on some type of drugs and their therapeutic action • Hence drugs have a great influential role play in the living sland survival of the human being
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