sharing is caring capitalization

Sharing is Caring Capitalization Do Not Capitalize Do Capitalize - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sharing is Caring Capitalization Do Not Capitalize Do Capitalize Civil Rights movement Congress Environmental Justice Congressional movement House Consultant Senate Country NY State Health Department

  1. Sharing is Caring

  2. Capitalization  Do Not Capitalize  Do Capitalize  Civil Rights movement  Congress  Environmental Justice  Congressional movement  House  Consultant  Senate  Country  NY State Health Department

  3. Spellchecker isn’t perfect  Number of pubic figures  Command an control  Companies may not have bee advocating  Professional foresters were trained in silyiculture.

  4. Acronyms  Spell out first, use acronym subsequently  The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)  Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA),  Rest of paper– CCC or SDWA  Politicians (party-2 letter acronym, all caps)  Al Gore (D-TN)  Henry Waxman (D-CA)

  5. Introduction  Description of Client, what is the big environmental goals, and policy positions/preferences  Description of opposing interest(s) and their policy preferences  Quality of research, quotes, mission statement about preferences  Sense of scope of challenge

  6. Understanding/Application of Downs' Theory  Where it is on issue attention cycle?  How salient is the issue to the public? What is the high and low estimate for how important the issue is to the public?  Application of Downs' Cycle Theory/Implication of salience  Quality/creativity of research- polls, newspaper, etc

  7. Application of Kingdon Model  Problem stream -use of indicators/focusing groups to show magnitude of issue  Policy Stream - identification of alternatives, analysis of political and technical feasibility  Political stream- how open is the political window, implication for which policies can or can't go  Reasonable analysis of best/worse case what could reasonably be expected to pass  Quality and creativity of research

  8. Stone Issue Framing  Empirical- “demonstrate the mechanism by which one set of people brings about harms to another set”  Moral- “they blame one set of people for causing the suffering of others”  Analysis of use of symbols and numbers  Analytical approach- how to use Stone's ideas to frame- villain/negligence/stupidity  Opposing side -

  9.  3 Strengths of paper  3 things they could do to improve the paper


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