shahram hadian shahram hadian

Shahram Hadian Shahram Hadian Born in Iran Proud U.S. Citizen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The TIL Project Presents Speaking The Truth In Love Shahram Hadian Shahram Hadian Born in Iran Proud U.S. Citizen Transformational Life Change 1999 (Leaving Islam and becoming a Christian) Pastor of Truth in Love

  1. The TIL Project Presents… “Speaking The Truth In Love” Shahram Hadian

  2. Shahram Hadian ❖ Born in Iran ❖ Proud U.S. Citizen ❖ Transformational Life Change 1999 
 (Leaving Islam and becoming a Christian) ❖ Pastor of Truth in Love Christian Fellowship (Spokane Valley, WA) ❖ Former Police Officer, Teacher, Coach ❖ Candidate for WA State Governor in 2012

  3. Sources Of Islam ❖ Quran ( ❖ Sunna (The Practice) ➢ Hadith (Traditions) 60% ➢ Sira (Biography) 26% ➢ Islam is 14% Allah ➢ 86% Muhammad ❖ Shari’ah (Sacred Law) ➢ Reliance of the Traveller

  4. Will America 
 Surrender or Survive?

  5. Principles of 
 The Declaration & US Constitution ❖ Establishment of Natural Law 
 (10 Commandments) ❖ Separate & equal stations: 
 Separation of powers ❖ Equal protection & rights under Natural Law We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,…

  6. Principles of 
 The Declaration & US Constitution ❖ Rights are from God & “Unalienable” … that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ❖ US Constitution ❖ Article 6: Supremacy of the Supreme Law of the land & judges are bound by this Law

  7. Principles of 
 The Declaration & US Constitution ❖ Bill of Rights to the US Constitution ❖ 1 st Amendment: Freedom of religion, conscience, speech, press, etc. ❖ 2 nd Amendment: Right to bear arms in 
 self-defense of rights ❖ 5 th Amendment: Right of indictment of 
 Grand Jury for capital or infamous crime ❖ 5 th Amendment: No depravation of life, liberty or property without due process of law ❖ 6 th & 7 th Amendment: Right of speedy and public trial & right of jury trial under Common Law

  8. Principles of 
 The Declaration & US Constitution ❖ 8 th Amendment: No cruel & unusual punishments ❖ 11 th Amendment: Can’t be prosecuted by foreign states or foreign law ❖ 13 th Amendment, Sect 1: 
 No slavery or involuntary servitude ❖ 14 th Amendment, Sec. 1: Equal protection under the US Constitution ❖ 15 th Amendment, Sec. 1: Right of blacks & slaves to vote ❖ 19 th Amendment: Rights of women to vote

  9. Islamic Law (Shari’ah) Violates 
 All 5 Sections of the 1 st Amendment ❖ Freedom of Religion ❖ Freedom of Speech ❖ Freedom of Assembly ❖ Freedom of the Press ❖ Freedom of Addressing Grievances

  10. Shari’ah Violates Other Principles of Declaration & Constitution ❖ No equality under the law 
 (non-Muslim or kafir is never equal to a Muslim) ❖ No equal protection under Shari’ah 
 (justice is dualistic) ❖ No equal rights for women or children ❖ Non-Muslims cannot bear arms (dhimmi) ❖ No separation of powers ❖ Shari’ah is a violation of Natural Law 
 (Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God)

 Women’s Lack of Rights ❖ Women can be beaten (Surah 4:34) ❖ Women’s mind is deficient The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" 
 The women said, "Yes." 
 He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."– Sahih Bukhari 3:48:826

  12. Women’s Lack of Rights ❖ Women cannot travel without permission from husband (ROT M.10.3) ❖ Can’t leave home without his permission 
 (ROT M.10.4) ❖ Polygamy permitted for men (ROT M.5.2) ❖ Violation of Natural Law & U.S. Law 
 (Outlawed in all 50 States) ❖ Female Genital Mutilation 
 (ROT E.4.3) ❖ Child brides ❖ Violation of Natural Law, 
 equal protection clauses 
 under the Declaration & the Constitution

  13. Women’s Lack of Rights

  14. World Hijab Day Rabbi Judy Schindler: Stan Greenspon Center for Peace and Social Justice St. Paul Academy in Minneapolis, MN Olean, NY High School

  15. Apostasy ❖ Killing Apostates: Muhammad: “A Muslim that had admitted that there is no god but Allah and that I am His prophet may not be killed except for three reasons: 
 as punishment for murder, for adultery, or for apostasy.” - Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17 ❖ ROT: O8.1,2 ❖ Violation of 1 st Amendment: 
 Freedom of Religion ❖ Violations of 5 th , 6 th , 7 th , 8 th , 14 th Amendments

  16. Dhimmitude ❖ Dealing with religious minorities: 
 Conditions of dhimmitude (ROT O.11.0-9) ❖ Violation of Natural Law & equal protection clauses of the Constitution ❖ Violation of 1 st Amendment: 
 Freedom of religion

  17. Center For Security Policy Poll ❖ 2015 poll of Muslims in America ❖ Muslim population in America is estimated to be 1% (I say hogwash, more like 3% or 9 million) ❖ (51% ) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shari’ah” ❖ (51% ) of Muslims believe that they should have the choice of either American or Shari’ah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply Shari’ah

  18. Center For Security Policy Poll ❖ Signs of growing Jihad to implement Islam ❖ Almost 25% of Muslims believed “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed” ❖ Nearly 20% of Muslims said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make Shari’ah the law of the land in this country ❖ WE have a serious problem!! ❖ Fact: We have already seen application of 
 Islamic law in American courts: 2015/ 01/ 05/ shariah-in- american-courts-the-expanding-incursion-of-islamic-law-in- the-u-s-legal-system/

  19. Shari’ah in America

  20. Shari’ah in America

  21. WHAT CAN WE DO?? “… The Truth shall set you free.” ❖ Wake up America/Church ❖ Islam has breached America ➢ National security, 
 our government, our schools, 
 our media, our churches ➢ “Fox is in the henhouse” ➢ “Fox is redecorating henhouse” ➢ Watchmen on the wall? ❖ Repent and turn back to God ❖ Stop “political correctness” ❖ Pray for revival to restore our 
 Judeo-Christian heritage

  22. Will America 
 Surrender or Survive?

  23. Check Out Our New DVDs Presentation Special! 
 4 for $50 or 5 for $60

  24. Check Out Our DVDs Presentation Special! 
 4 for $50 or 5 for $60

  25. Booklets Conference Special! 
 $10 for each

  26. Booklets Conference Special! 
 2 for $5


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