session a transforming healthcare

Session A: Transforming healthcare through a common quality agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Session A: Transforming healthcare through a common quality agenda Partnering to accelerate best care, best health, best value Des partenariats pour offrir de meilleurs soins, tre en meilleure sant, optimiser les ressources Session A:

  1. Session A: Transforming healthcare through a common quality agenda Partnering to accelerate best care, best health, best value Des partenariats pour offrir de meilleurs soins, être en meilleure santé, optimiser les ressources

  2. Session A: Transforming healthcare through a common quality agenda Moderator: Nizar Ladak , Executive Vice President and COO, Health Quality Ontario Panelists: Dr. Michael Sherar , President and CEO, Cancer Care Ontario Pat Campbell , President and CEO, Ontario Hospital Association Susan Fitzpatrick , ADM, Negotiations and Accountability Management, MOHLTC Don Ford , CEO, Central East Community Care Access Centre Kim Baker , CEO, Central Local Health Integration Network Dr. Michael Rachlis , Consultant, Health Policy Analysis 1

  3. Disclosures The Moderator and Panelists have nothing to disclose 2

  4. Session Format Moderated Panel Format Panelists will present their message utilizing a few slides to illustrate the key strategies and or tactics needed to move towards a common quality agenda. The Audience will have an opportunity to participate in two ways: • Answer questions, provide opinion during session using key pad technology. • Q&A Session 3

  5. Audience Participation We want to know what you think • Panelists will ask for your input on a variety of questions throughout the discussion this morning. • Using the key pads on your chair, answer by choosing only one response. • Answer within the time allotment • See the aggregate response instantly. 4

  6. Warm-up Question What exactly is PROROGUING? 1. A Polish delicacy you eat with sour cream 2. Something you did as a teenager, hoping no one would find out 3. An infectious disease 4. Something your dog drags around the house 5. A new boy band 5

  7. Session A : Transforming healthcare through a common quality agenda How do we all move in the same direction? • ECFAA: Strengthen focus on quality and emphasizes continuous quality improvement • Ontario’s Action Plan for Healthcare : better access, better quality and better value • HQO , working with partners to promote a common Quality Plan (page 11 Strat Plan) that will: – Focus on evidence, benchmarks and standards – Support quality improvement; – Identify priorities; – Utilize common measures to monitor, report progress and provide feedback; – An integrated approach (cross-sectoral) • Gathering of Key Stakeholders today to discuss - moving forward 6

  8. Panelist Presentation Dr. Michael Sherar President and CEO, Cancer Care Ontario 7

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  11. CCO’s Performance Improvement Cycle 1 Data/Information • Incidence, mortality, survival • Analysis • Indicator development • Expert input 4 2 Performance Knowledge Management • Research production • Institutional agreements • Evidence-based guidelines • Quarterly review • Policy analysis • Quality – linked funding • Planning • Clinical accountability 3 Transfer • Publications • Practice leaders engaged • Policy advice • Public reporting • Technology tools • Process innovation 10

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  13. Key pad question Where do you feel the greatest emphasis should be when focusing on the need to improve the quality of patient care? 1. Safety (Avoiding, preventing, and ameliorating adverse outcomes or injuries caused by healthcare management.) 2. Effectiveness (Providing services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit.) 3. Accessibility (Making health services available in the most suitable setting in a reasonable time and distance.) Responsiveness (Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual 4. patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.) 5. Equitability (Providing care and ensuring health status does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics (gender, ethnicity, geographic location, socioeconomic status, age.) Integration (Coordinating health services across the various functions, activities 6. and operating units of a system.) Efficiency (Optimally using resources to achieve desired outcomes.) 7. 12

  14. Panelist Presentation Pat Campbell President and CEO, Ontario Hospital Association 13

  15. The Ontario Hospital Association: A common quality agenda is multilayered 14

  16. We know a common quality agenda includes: Effective performance management building off evidence based medicine and clinical process management Strong capable leaders with clear vision and determination Access to data to drive improvement G. Ross Baker, Anu MacIntosh-Murray, Christina Porcellato, Lynn Dionne, Kim Stelmacovich and Karen Born. High Performing Healthcare Systems: Delivering Quality By Design. 2008. Growing recognition that high performance within organizations misses key issues that impact patients and outcomes The Change Foundation. Who Is the Puzzle Maker? Patient/Caregiver Perspectives on Navigating Health Services in Ontario. [Report]. June 2008. Toronto: The Change Foundation.

  17. What could be missing? A system-wide performance • Must allow a shared understanding of individual provider framework applied in a comprehensive responsibilities and shared areas (including primary care). and meaningful way (e.g., Scorecard)? Collaborative processes to examine • Using evidence to address multi-level challenges in and address the interfaces between quality improvement. organizations? Investment in the development and • Patient experience, patient reported outcomes, staff deployment of key metrics that matter? engagement • Not just accountability – timely, relevant, easy Assurance that data is available to support QI? access.

  18. Question for the audience Of the things that are missing, where should the focus be to support the development of a shared quality agenda? 1. Articulate system-level strategic priorities and goals 2. Collaborative processes to examine and address patient transitions 3. Investment in the development and deployment of newer key metrics 4. Ensuring data is available to support QI efforts within and between service providers 17

  19. Panelist Presentation Susan Fitzpatrick Assistant Deputy Minister Negotiations and Accountability Management MOHLTC 18

  20. Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care – A Call to Action : Better Access; Better Quality; Better Value • Childhood obesity strategy Keeping Ontario • A smoke-free Ontario 1 healthy • Online cancer risk profile and expanded screening • Family healthcare at the centre of the system • Faster access and a Faster access 2 • House calls stronger link to • Local integration of family care family health care • A focus on quality in family healthcare • High quality care • Timely proactive care • 3 Care as close to home as possible Right care, right • Seniors strategy time, right place • Local integration reform • Moving procedures into community • Funding reform 19

  21. The Excellent Care for All Act ...a unified commitment to a shared vision The people of Ontario and their Government: … Believe that the patient experience and the support of patients and their caregivers to realize their best health is a critical element of ensuring the future of our health care system … Share a vision for a Province where excellent health care services are available to all Ontarians, where professions work together, and where patients are confident that their health care system is providing them with excellent health care … Recognize that a high quality health care system is one that is accessible, appropriate, effective, efficient, equitable, integrated, patient centred, population health focussed, and safe … Believe that quality is the goal of everyone involved in delivering health care in Ontario 20

  22. Alignment of our key activities under the features of a high performing system 1 to achieve the vision enshrined in Ontario’s Action Plan and ECFAA Set the Direction & Priorities Excellent Care for All Strategy Provincial Quality Campaign Positive Change @ Scale with Align strong Build Incentives clinical Capacity for and Levers engagement Improvement Health Quality Ontario Quality Alignment to Health System Funding Reform Strategic Partnerships Quality Improvement Plans IDEAS 1 High Performing Healthcare Systems: Delivering Quality By Design: by G. Ross Baker, Anu MacIntosh-Murray, Christina Porcellato, Lynn Dionne, Kim Stelmacovich and Karen Born. 21

  23. Keypad Question What is the most important factor that is allowing your organization to embed the quality agenda into your services, programs or everyday work? 1. Collaboration with other groups or organizations 2. Clinical leadership 3. Provincial level support by Ministry and HQO 4. Strong evidence-based translation 5. Rigorous performance measurement and/or reporting through QIP and other mechanisms 6. Other 22

  24. Panelist Presentation Don Ford Chief Executive Officer Central East Community Care Access Centre 23

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