session 3 rules m odifications proposals rules m

Session 3 Rules m odifications proposals Rules m odifications tim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Session 3 Rules m odifications proposals Rules m odifications tim efram e 6 July 2 0 1 7 Rules & Regulations are provided to NFs 1 8 Septem ber 2 0 1 7 NFs revert/ provide comments to FEI on all rules 2 4 October

  1. Session 3 Rules m odifications proposals

  2. Rules m odifications tim efram e  6 July 2 0 1 7 – Rules & Regulations are provided to NFs  1 8 Septem ber 2 0 1 7 – NFs revert/ provide comments to FEI on all rules  2 4 October – Draft Rules are published for GA  2 1 Novem ber – Approval by the GA Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  3. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • Existing rules: • 8 1 4 .1 .4 These rides may be held in conjunction with wider national or FEI approved series or programs, with approval of the FEI, in consultation with the Technical Committee, which shall reserve the right to require the series or program be run under CEIO or CEI-4 Star requirements, regardless of distances. • 8 1 4 .1 .5 CEIs are defined in the FEI Calendar. CEIs are divided into four different star levels as follows: • 8 1 4 .1 .5 .1 4 Star: Senior Championships of a minimum of 160 km in one day, Young Horse Championships for 7 year olds – maximum distance 130kms, Junior and Young Rider Championships of a minimum of 120 km, maximum of 130km in one day. Regional Championships where the OC can apply for a change of distance to take into account local climatic or other conditions. Maximum Pulse at Vet Gates: 64 bpm within 20 minutes. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  4. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • Proposal: • 8 1 4 .1 .4 These rides may be held in conjunction with wider national or FEI approved series or programs, with approval of the FEI, in consultation with the Technical Committee, which shall reserve the right to require the series or program be run under CEIO or CEI-4 and 5 * Star requirements, regardless of distances. • 8 1 4 .1 .5 CEIs are defined in the FEI Calendar. CEIs are divided into four five different star levels as follows: • 8 1 4 .1 .5 .1 4 Star: Senior Cham pionships of a m inim um of 1 6 0 km in one day, Young Horse Cham pionships for 7 year olds – m axim um distance 1 3 0 km s, Junior and Young Rider Cham pionships of a m inim um of 1 2 0 km , m axim um of 1 3 0 km in one day. Regional Cham pionships w here the OC can apply for a change of distance to take into account local clim atic or other conditions. Maxim um Pulse at Vet Gates: 6 4 bpm w ithin 2 0 m inutes. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  5. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • 8 1 4 .1 .5 .1 4 Star : All rides of 1 6 0 km in one day, or 9 0 -1 00 km per day over 2 days, or 7 0 - 8 0 km per day over 3 days or m ore. Maxim um Pulse at Vet Gates: 6 4 bpm w ithin 10 m inutes. Prize Money, or in kind value, up to 29 .99 9 CHF, stabling according to the Veterinary Regulations. President of the Ground Jury, Foreign Judge, Technical Delegate, Chief Stew ard, President of the Vet Com m ission, Foreign Vet Delegate and Appeal Com m ittee can be appointed by the FEI . Pre- ride briefing is strongly advised for all Officials, Trainers and participants. • The Pre- ride briefing can be conducted in the national language, w ith a m andatory translation to English if needed. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  6. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • 8 1 4 .1 .5 .2 . 5 Star: All rides in one day or m ulti-day. Maxim um Pulse at Vet Gates: 6 4 bpm w ithin 1 0 m inutes. Prize Money, or in kind value, of m ore than 3 0 ’0 0 0 CHF. Needs to have FEI certified data and tim ing system and stabling according to Veterinary Regulations. President of the Ground Jury, Foreign Judge, Technical Delegate, Chief Stew ard, President of the Vet Com m ission, Foreign Vet Delegate and Appeal Com m ittee w ill be appointed by the FEI . Pre-ride briefing conducted in English is m andatory for all officials, trainers and participants. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  7. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • Reason for the m odification: 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% CEI 3 79% 50% CEI 2 40% CEI 1 30% 20% 13.3% 10% 2.7% 1.3% 1.1% 2.3% 0% I II VII VIII Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  8. CEI Events Art. 8 1 4 .1 • Reason for the change: Sum of Total Event Venue NF PM CHF Sum of Total Event PM CHF Event Level UAE 5'227'711 QAT 253'100 FEI Group CEI 1 CEI 2 CEI 3 GBR 159'039 BRN 56'220 I 0.27% 0.61% 0.47% SVK 54'527 CHN 34'656 II 0.35% 1.27% 1.10% MAS 27'986 HUN 20'820 VI 0.03% 0.06% 0.12% BEL 15'642 BRA 10'603 VII 2.32% 13.31% 78.97% TUN 6'360 ROU 5'739 VIII 1.11% 0.00% 0.00% FRA 4'271 THA 2'693 CRO 2'669 CHI 2'020 BUL 1'281 GRE 1'068 POL 664 Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  9. W eights Art. 8 1 2 • Existing rule: • 8 1 2 .1 - At all senior CEI4* Championship, the minimum riding weight for Athletes must be 75kg to include all riding equipment (Article 812.6). • 8 1 2 .2 - At senior CEI3* the minimum riding weight is 75 kg - details to be clearly shown on the approved ride schedule. • 8 1 2 .3 - At CEI 1* and 2* alternative weight divisions or gender divisions may be allowed, subject to prior approval by the FEI , and must be clearly specified in the FEI schedule Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  10. W eights Art. 8 1 2 • Proposal: • 8 1 2 .1 At all senior CEI 4 * CEI 5 * and Championship, the minimum riding weight for Athletes must be 75kg to include all riding equipment (Article812.6). • 8 1 2 .2 At senior CEI 3 * CEI 4 * the minimum riding weight is 75 kg - details to be clearly shown on the approved ride schedule. • 8 1 2 .3 At senior CEI2* and CEI3* the minimum riding weight is 75 kg - details to be clearly shown on the approved ride schedule. • At CEI 1* and 2 * alternative weight divisions or gender divisions may be allowed, subject to prior approval by the FEI , and must be clearly specified in the FEI schedule Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  11. W eights Art. 8 1 2 • Reason for the m odification:  Horse w elfare: • Weight is a way to control and reduce the increase of speeds.  Fair chances for m ale and fem ale contestants: • The tendency worldwide is for people to grow taller and therefore bigger. The average weight of a man is 77Kg and the average weight of a woman is 62Kg. A 75Kg seems to be a fair proposal.  Encourages the grow th and expansion of the discipline: • A fair weight requirement means that greater number of riders can compete under equal sporting conditions. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  12. Horse ages Art. 8 1 5 .2 .4 • Existing Rule: • 8 1 5 .2 .4 For 4-Star, CEIOs and Championships (excluding Young Horse Championships where the minimum age must be 7 years) Horses must be at least 8 years of age. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  13. Horse ages Art. 8 1 5 .2 .4 • Proposal: • 8 1 5 .2 .4 For 4-Star and 5 -Star , CEIOs and Championships (excluding Young Horse Championships where the minimum age must be 7 years 8 years ) Horses must be at least 8 years 9 years of age. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  14. Horse ages Art. 8 1 5 .2 .4 • Reason for the m odification: Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  15. Mandatory Rest Periods Art. 8 1 5 .3 .1 • Existing Rule: • 8 1 5 .3 .1 After competing in a CEI or National Events, a Horse must be given a mandatory minimum rest period, as defined, before it is again eligible to participate in a National or FEI Competition: • Distance completed 0 – 46 km 5 days Over 46 – 86 km 12 days Over 86 – 126 km 19 days Over 126 – 146 km 26 days Over 146 Km 33 days Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  16. Mandatory Rest Periods Art. 8 1 5 .3 .1 • Proposal: 815.3.1 After competing in a CEI or National Events, a Horse must be given a mandatory • minimum rest period, as defined, before it is again eligible to participate in a National or FEI Competition: • Distance completed 0 – 46 km 5 days Over 46 – 86 km 12 days Over 86 – 126 km 19 days Over 126 km -146 km 26 days Over 146 Km 33 days • In addition to the above mandatory rest period, will be added an extra 7 days rest for average speeds of 20km/h or higher at all distances. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  17. Mandatory Rest Periods Art. 8 1 5 .3 .1 • Reason for the m odification:  Based on the scientific research studies conducted by the Glasgow University and the information provided by Prof. Chris Whitton  Protect the horse  Reduce fractures  Allow sufficient time for the bone to repair  Prevent Catastrophic Injuries as much as possible Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017

  18. Horses qualifications Art. 8 1 6 .1 .4 • Existing Rule: • 8 1 6 .1 .4 For 8 years old Horses and older, dispensation of art. 816.1.2 and 816.1.3 can be granted if athletes and Horses, not necessarily as a combination, have accumulated a minimum of 240km in a maximum of three National Events in a 36 months period. Fédération Equestre I nternationale, Endurance Forum 2017, 02.05.2017


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