September 30, 2017
Portfolio Diversification Legacy Loans [in thousands] $3,627,125 $3,579,552 9.30.17 6.30.17 Bonds Bonds $22,412 $22,991 1% 1% Commercial Commercial Business Business Consumer* Consumer* $292,628 $292,798 $568,304 $603,487 8% 8% 16% 17% Const & Land Const & Land Dev Dev Single Family Single Family $464,252 $460,542 Real Estate 13% Real Estate 13% $321,482 $324,178 9% 9% Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Commercial Multifamily Real Estate $745,591 Real Estate Real Estate $1,213,470 20% $1,200,966 $673,576 33% 33% 19% *Includes Home Equity Loans of $110,237 Includes Home Equity Loans of $108,227 2
Portfolio Diversification Terminated Loss Share Agreement Loans [in thousands] $195,380 9.30.17 $182,657 6.30.17 Other Loans Other Loans Multi Family Multi Family $3,782 $3,407 $5,399 $4,942 2% 2% 3% 3% Const & Land Dev Const & Land Dev $1,719 $1,551 Consumer* Consumer* 1% 1% $33,770 $32,033 17% 17% Commercial Commercial Real Estate Real Estate $22,245 $20,613 11% 11% Single Family Single Family Real Estate Real Estate $128,465 $120,111 66% 66% Team Bank, Vantus Bank, Sun Security Bank, and Team Bank, Vantus Bank, Sun Security Bank, and InterSavings Bank InterSavings Bank *Includes Home Equity Loans of $29,182 *Includes Home Equity Loans of $30,581 3
Portfolio Diversification FDIC Assisted Acquired Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 $71,860 $67,346 6.30.17 Commercial Consumer* Const & Land Consumer* Const & Land Business $1,543 Dev $1,314 Dev $5,514 2% $4,338 2% $4,391 8% 6% 6% Commercial Business $5,034 8% Single Family Single Family Real Estate Real Estate $20,761 $20,040 29% 30% Commercial Commercial Real Estate Real Estate $20,894 $20,295 29% 30% Multifamily Multifamily Real Estate Real Estate $16,325 $18,757 24% 26% Valley Bank Valley Bank *Includes Home Equity Loans of $512 *Includes Home Equity Loans of $647 4
Portfolio by Region Legacy Loans [in thousands] $3,579,552 9.30.17 $3,627,125 6.30.17 Missouri SE Missouri Missouri SE $83,054 Missouri Central Central $85,462 Chicago 2% $102,061 $105,955 2% Missouri SW $58,568 3% 3% Chicago $145,875 2% Fayetteville 4% $59,030 Missouri SW $134,463 $158,351 2% Other Fayetteville 4% 4% Regions $138,498 Other Regions $418,418 4% $401,805 12% 12% St Louis St Louis $683,539 $681,862 Texas 19% Texas 19% $387,901 $374,416 11% 10% Kansas Other $83,985 Kansas City Kansas City 2% $262,828 $233,093 Kansas Other Oklahoma 7% Oklahoma 7% $97,633 $222,141 $242,453 3% 6% 6% Springfield Arkansas Other Iowa/ Springfield Iowa/ $87,208 $412,097 Missouri Nebraska/ Nebraska/ $420,873 Arkansas Other 2% Missouri NE/NW South Dakota South Dakota NE/NW 11% $82,002 12% $27,691 $264,293 $250,859 2% $26,964 1% 8% 7% 1% Minnesota Branson $156,601 Branson Minnesota $81,082 4% $88,551 $147,065 2% 4% 2% 5
Portfolio by Region Terminated Loss Share Agreement Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $195,380 $182,657 Chicago Other Regions Missouri Chicago Other Regions Missouri NE/Central $173 $6,404 $180 $6,821 Missouri SE NE/Central $2,136 0% 4% 0% 4% Missouri SE Kansas City $4,236 $1,901 1% $4,521 $9,033 Kansas City 2% 1% Iowa/ 2% 5% Iowa/ St. Louis $8,537 Nebraska/ Kansas Other Nebraska/ St. Louis $12,206 5% Kansas Other South Dakota $3,539 South Dakota $13,584 $3,397 7% $18,626 2% Missouri SW Missouri SW $19,831 2% 7% 10% 10% $10,347 $9,627 5% 5% Minnesota $117,550 Minnesota 64% $125,388 64% Team Bank, Vantus Bank, Sun Security Bank, and Team Bank, Vantus Bank, Sun Security Bank, and InterSavings Bank InterSavings Bank 6
Commercial Real Estate Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $1,200,966 $1,213,470 Storage Storage $6,348 $6,834 1% 1% Recreational Recreational Facilities Facilities Other Other $25,811 $25,181 $68,932 $70,587 2% 2% 6% 6% Industrial Industrial $125,370 $124,117 10% Retail 10% $401,275 Retail 33% $394,083 33% Office Buildings Office Buildings $206,536 $217,030 17% 18% Healthcare $184,876 15% Motels / Healthcare Motels / Hotels Hotels $193,693 $101,229 $107,640 16% Restaurants 8% Restaurants 9% $78,076 $76,818 7% 6% 7
Construction & Land Development Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $464,252 $460,542 Other Industrial Other Single Family Industrial $12,778 $14,471 $15,450 $10,924 $24,399 3% 3% Single Family 3% 3% 5% $12,879 Motels / Hotels 3% $8,929 Motels / Hotels 2% Office $12,504 Office $24,355 2% 5% $27,096 6% Healthcare Healthcare Apartments $39,654 $22,230 $228,108 9% 5% 50% Retail Apartments $54,967 $241,054 12% Retail 52% $65,976 14% Commercial Land Dev Commercial $41,681 Land Dev 9% $38,028 8% Residential Residential Land Dev Land Dev $14,664 $14,647 3% 3% 8
Multi Family Real Estate by Region Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $673,576 $745,591 Fayetteville Fayetteville Arkansas Other $32,253 Arkansas Other $17,960 $18,068 $21,087 4% 3% 2% 3% Chicago Chicago $8,337 $7,068 Kansas Other 1% Kansas City 1% Kansas Other Other Regions Other Regions $28,203 Kansas City $40,353 $30,786 $97,624 $119,617 4% 6% $66,122 4% 15% 16% 9% Minnesota Minnesota $34,888 $32,294 5% 4% Iowa / Neb / Texas Texas South Dakota Iowa / Neb / $143,524 $48,022 $146,405 South Dakota 7% 21% 20% $44,810 Springfield 6% Springfield $55,260 $53,873 8% 7% St. Louis Oklahoma St. Louis $59,608 $82,853 $100,916 9% 12% Missouri 14% Central Missouri /NE/NW Oklahoma Central Missouri Missouri $12,582 $69,711 /NE/NW Southwest Southwest 2% $12,474 9% $11,194 $23,275 2% 4% 2% Average credit size is $2,493,614 Average credit size is $2,322,506 9
Multi Family Real Estate by LTV Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $673,576 $745,591 25% or less 86% and 25% or less 86% and higher $8,518 $8,224 higher $19,041 1% 3% $19,317 1% 3% 26%-50% 76%-85% 26%-50% $107,319 $117,431 14% $95,891 76%-85% 18% 14% $105,057 14% 51%-75% 51%-75% $505,656 $432,713 68% 64% 10
Consumer Auto Loans by Region Legacy Loans [in thousands] $429,346 9.30.17 $394,339 6.30.17 Other Other Regions Regions Kansas Other $22,214 $22,183 $13,208 6% 6% Kansas Other 3% $12,192 Fayetteville 3% Fayetteville $35,686 Oklahoma $38,291 9% Oklahoma Iowa / Neb / SD $2,352 Arkansas Arkansas 9% Iowa / Neb / SD $28,394 $2,644 1% Other Other $34,482 7% 1% $37,861 $39,807 8% 10% 9% Missouri Missouri Southwest Southwest $61,692 $57,090 Springfield 14% Springfield 14% $61,341 $66,552 16% 16% Missouri Missouri Central $17,516 Central Missouri St. Louis St. Louis 4% $19,131 Missouri Southeast $36,184 $33,251 4% Southeast Missouri 8% $66,256 8% $72,957 NE/NW 17% Missouri 17% $4,754 NE/NW 1% Kansas City $5,159 Kansas City $15,432 1% $17,056 4% 4% New autos--4% 71% of the Consumer Portfolio 69% of the Consumer Portfolio New autos--4% • • • • Used autos--96% Avg. origination balance $16,300 Avg. origination balance $16,306 Used autos--96% • • • • Indirect loans-- 89% Avg. origination term 5 years Avg. origination term 5 years Indirect loans-- 88% • • • • Direct loans--11% Expected life 23 months Expected life 21 months Direct loans--12% • • • • Average Primary FICO-706 Average Primary FICO-683 • 11 • (Adjusted to exclude nonperforming and insured credit program loans) (Adjusted to exclude nonperforming and insured credit program loans)
NonPerforming by Type Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $13,264 $9,459 Consumer* Const & Land Dev $136 $3,035 Commercial 1% Business 23% $2,180 23% Single Family Commercial Commercial Real Consumer* Real Estate Business Estate $3,742 $1,502 $568 40% $5,388 6% 11% 41% Commercial Single Family Real Multifamily Real Real Estate Estate Estate $2,756 $2,554 $77 1% 29% 19% Const & Land Multifamily Dev Real Estate $624 $161 5% 1% *Includes Home Equity Loans of $508 *Includes Home Equity Loans of $214 12
NonPerforming by Region Legacy Loans [in thousands] 9.30.17 6.30.17 $13,264 $9,459 Springfield $481 St Louis 4% $1,509 11% St Louis Arkansas Other Regions $1,128 $1,073 8% $1,738 11% Other Regions 13% $2,014 Texas 21% $1,026 Springfield 8% $1,939 Texas 21% $1,025 11% Branson $3,856 Iowa/ Neb /S. Missouri Arkansas 29% Dakota Other $832 $359 Missouri $1,221 9% 3% Missouri Central 13% Other $1,433 Iowa/ Neb /S. Missouri SE $1,227 11% Dakota 9% $507 Missouri $244 4% Central Missouri SE 3% $598 $513 5% 6% 13
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