sentinel lymph nodes for breast carcinoma a paradigm shift

Sentinel Lymph Nodes for Breast Carcinoma: A Paradigm Shift Edi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sentinel Lymph Nodes for Breast Carcinoma: A Paradigm Shift Edi Brogi MD PhD Attending Pathologist Director of Breast Pathology Sentinel Lymph Nodes 2014 AJCC 2010 staging Micrometastases Occult metastases Z0011 and B-32:

  1. Sentinel Lymph Nodes for Breast Carcinoma: A Paradigm Shift Edi Brogi MD PhD Attending Pathologist Director of Breast Pathology

  2. Sentinel Lymph Nodes 2014 • AJCC 2010 staging • Micrometastases • Occult metastases • Z0011 and B-32: implications for SLN evaluation • Routine • Intraoperative review of MSKCC current protocols

  3. Assessing LN status of patients with breast carcinoma used to be simple …

  4. Today, LN involvement comes in 3 different flavors… • pN1 • pN0 pN0(i-) MACROMETASTASIS pN0(i+) size >2 mm ISOLATED TUMOR CELLS (ITCs) • pN1mic single cells and clusters MICROMETASTASIS <0.2 mm, even in H/E- size >0.2 mm and <2 mm stained slides >200 cells in one LN section pN0(mol-) and pN0(mol+) AJCC 2010

  5. Micrometastases (<2 mm) Annals Surgery 1971 • First defined by Huvos et al. in 1971 • 75% 8-y OS for 63 pts with mets only in level I LNs – 94% 8-y OS for pts with micromets – 64% 8-y OS for pts with macromets

  6. practical approach to measuring size of LN met 1/5 of 200X 100X FOV FOV = 0.2 mm = 2 mm 100X final magnification 200X final magnification • The diameter of a 100X • The diameter of a 200X field of vision (FOV) FOV (20X objective and (10X objective and 10X 10X ocular piece) is about ocular piece) is about 2 1 mm mm • One fifth of a 200X FOV diameter is about 0.2 mm

  7. SEER micrometastasis study • 209,720 patients (SEER) 1992-2003 – pN0 – pN1mi (0.3-2 mm) – pN1 (>2 mm) • N1mi significant at multivariate analysis (p<0.0001) – vs N0 (HR1.35) – vs N1 (HR 0.82) Chen SL et al Ann Surg Oncol. 2007, 12:3378-84

  8. SENTINEL LYMPH NODE  1 st LN draining tumor bed  1 st site of local mets  SLN identification  Tc 99 -radiotracer  “hot” and/or 0  isosulphane blue dye  “blue” and/or  or palpable intraoperatively  Usually 1-3 SLNs identified

  9. Histologic evaluation of SLNs • SLN site of first local metastasis AND • Only 1-3 SLNs per patient • More extensive evaluation of SLNs aimed to identify occult metastases

  10. Occult metastases An occult metastasis is any metastasis that is either missed or not identified on initial examination using a “standard” evaluation protocol

  11. Section through plane A LN is diagnosed as negative  all mets are occult A A

  12. Section through plane B LN is diagnosed as positive for met  larger mets are still occult B B


  14. ENHANCED PATHOLOGY OF SLN Many different protocols have been used to identify occult metastases in SLNs

  15. What is the clinical significance of occult metastases? MSKCC retrospective study NASBP B-32

  16. Significance of occult metastases MSKCC retrospective study • 368 LN-neg women treated between 1976-78 • all had MRM and axillary dissection • no systemic rx • All LNs blocks retrieved and re-evaluated using same enhanced pathology protocol H&E and IHC 50 µ H&E and IHC 1 H&E and 1 AE1:AE3 stained section from each of two levels 50 µ apart

  17. Significance of occult metastases MSKCC retrospective study • Patient median age: 57 y (24-83) • Tumor Type DUCTAL 319 (87%) LOBULAR 49 (13%) • Tumor size cm – <1.0 64 (17%) – 1.1- 2.0 180 (49%) – >2.0 123 (34%) – missing 1 (<1%) Tan, L. K. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1803-1809 2008

  18. Significance of occult metastases MSKCC retrospective study 83/368 (23%) with occult metastases IHC+/HE- 50 (14%) IHC+/HE+ 33 (9%) pN0i+ ( < 0.2 mm): 61 (73.5%) pN1mic (0.3-2 mm): 17 (20.5%) pN1a (>2mm): 5 (6%) Tan, L. K. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1803-1809 2008

  19. DFS by pattern of LN staining IHC-/H&E- IHC+/H&E- IHC+/H&E+ Tan, L. K. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1803-1809 2008

  20. DFS by largest cluster size Negative <0.2 mm 0.3-2.0 mm Tan, L. K. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1803-1809 2008

  21. MSKCC retrospective study Strenght Limitation • Patients received no • Nowadays most patients adjuvant therapy receive some form of adjuvant therapy (chemo-tx + hormone-tx data informative of the + radio-tx + immuno-tx) biologic significance of small tumor deposits in LNs data NOT informative in the greatest majority of cases

  22. NSABP B-32 Clinically Negative Axillary Nodes (n=5,611) Randomization GROUP 2 GROUP 1 SLNB SLNB and ALND SLN+ on H&E SLN- on H&E No ALND ALND

  23. NASBP-32 study QUESTION Is SLN biopsy equivalent to ALND for axillary staging of patients with cN0 LNs?

  24. NSABP B-32 SLN negative patients OS similar for SLN&ALND and SLN w/o ALND 100 * 300 deaths triggered the definitive 80 analysis * 309 reported as of 12/31/2009 % Surviving 60 84.6% of pts in the study received systemic therapy 40 Treatment N Deaths 20 SNR and AD 1975 140 SNR only 2011 169 HR=1.20 p=0.117 0 Data as of December 31, 2009 0 2 4 6 8 Years After Entry

  25. NSABP B-32 SLN negative patients DFS similar for SLN&ALND and SLN w/o ALND 100 80 % Disease-Free 60 84.6% of pts in the study received systemic therapy 40 Treatment N Deaths 20 SNR and AD 1975 315 SNR only 2011 336 HR=1.05 p=0.542 0 Data as of December 31, 2009 0 2 4 6 8 Years After Entry

  26. NASBP-32 study QUESTION 1 Is SLN biopsy equivalent to ALND for axillary staging of patients with cN0 LNs? ANSWER: YES

  27. NASBP-32 study QUESTION 2 What is the significance of a false negative SLN biopsy in clinically LN-negative patients? in other words, What is the significance of occult mets in patients with clinically negative LNs? Or: What is the best method for histologic evaluation of SLNs?

  28. NSABP B-32 Pathology Methods • SLNs sliced at 2.0 mm intervals • All slices paraffin-embedded • Original lab examined only one H&E-stained slide from each block • All SLN-negative blocks were sent to Univ. of VT lab for additional evaluation Weaver D et al. AJSP 2009;33:1583-1589

  29. NASBP B-32 additional pathology evaluation at the central lab 1 surface H&E B32 protocol 1 H&E and 1 CK-IHC at 2 levels 0.5 mm apart to identify mets >1 mm comprehensive protocol 1CK IHC every 0.18 mm to identify mets >0.2 mm Weaver D et al. AJSP 2009;33:1583-1589

  30. NASBP B-32 pathologic evaluation Weaver D Am J Surg Pathol. 2009;11:1583-9 Micro mets N1mic 0.2 mm ITCs N0i+

  31. ITCs or MICROMETASTASIS pN1mi: >0.2mm pN0i+: <0.2mm

  32. Deeper section shows MICROMETASTASIS pN1mi: 0.4mm

  33. NSABP B-32 Occult metastases SLN biopsy and ALND SLN biopsy alone 1924 SLN neg pts with F/U info 1960 SLN neg pts with F/U info 1608 had no occult mets 1660 had no occult mets 316 had occult mets 300 had occult mets Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  34. NSABP B-32 Occult metastases SLN biopsy and ALND SLN biopsy alone 1924 SLN neg pts with F/U info 1960 SLN neg pts with F/U info 1608 had no occult mets 1660 had no occult mets 316 had occult mets 300 had occult mets 15.9% of pts had occult mets Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  35. Occult mets more likely in younger pts, larger tumors, and mastectomy All patients (N=3887) Characteristics P value number/total number (%) Age 0.03 <49 172/947 (18.2%) >50 445/2940 (15.1%) Clinical tumor size <0.001 <2.0 cm 481/3260 (14.8%) 2.1-4.0 cm 123/567 (21.7%) >4.1 cm 13/60 (21.7%) Planned surgical treatment <0.001 Lumpectomy 510/3399 (15.0%) Mastectomy 107/488 (21.9%) Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  36. Occult metastases and adjuvant therapy All patients (N=3887) Adjuvant therapy P value number/total number (%) Chemotherapy Yes 305/1548 (19.7%) <0.001 No 309/2319 (13.3%) Endocrine therapy Yes 454/2648 (17.1%) <0.001 no 160/1217 (13.1%) Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  37. Occult mets  slightly worse regional/ distant recurrence Recurrence No Occult Mets Occult Mets Total Cohort Site (n=3268) (n=616) (n=3884) Local 86 (2.6%) 16 (2.6%) 102 (2.6%) Regional 14 (0.4%) 7 (1.1%) 21 (0.5%) Distant 94 (2.9%) 23 (3.7%) 117 (3.0%) Contralateral 83 (2.5%) 16 (2.6%) 99 (2.6%) Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  38. Occult Metastases and Survival Distant Disease Free Interval slightly but significantly shorter Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  39. Occult Metastases and Survival Disease Free Survival slightly but significantly shorter Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  40. Occult Metastases and Survival Overall Survival slightly but significantly worse 95.8% 94.6% Difference only 1.2% To achieve survival benefit in 1.2% of patients, 98.8% patients would have to be overtreated Weaver D. et al. NEJM , 2011;364:412-21

  41. NASBP-32 Results Summary • 15.9% prevalence of occult metastases • 3.5% overall regional or distant recurrence • 1.2% reduction in 5-years survival in women with occult metastases – 0.6% reduction with ITC – 2.4% reduction with micrometastasis


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