LOCATION Avon Park Air Force Range 2
MacDill AFB 3
Natural Resources 4
Landscape Goals and Desired Outcomes Vision: A partnership enhancing the landscape, supporting agriculture, critical resources, local economies. Goals: - Increase acreage in conservation - Maintain & Enhance Habitat Corridors - Ensure proper management of Conservation Lands - Increase participation of willing land owners - Streamline Conservation Easement Acquisition Process - Continued coordination with local governments - Increase awareness among real-estate appraisers of need for inclusion of ecosystem services 6
Successes and Challenges Vision: - SL designation: Recognition of what was already happening - Joint NRCS (RCPP)/REPI Project Challenges: - Become more than the sum of the parts - Do not add bureaucracy - Capacity - Streamline Conservation Easement Acquisition -- Sentinel Landscape Easement -- Appraised value of ecosystem services 7
Questions? 8
Enabling Program Components NRCS - RCPP DOD - REPI • 10 U.S. Code § 2684a - Agreements to limit • 16 U.S. Code Subchapter VIII - REGIONAL encroachments and other constraints on CONSERVATION PARTNERSHIP military training, testing, and operations PROGRAM • (h)I NTERAGENCY C OOPERATION IN • An eligible partner shall provide a C ONSERVATION P ROGRAMS T O A VOID OR significant portion of the overall costs R EDUCE A DVERSE I MPACTS ON M ILITARY of the scope of the project, which will R EADINESS A CTIVITIES .—In order to facilitate be reflected in the Partnership interagency cooperation and enhance the Agreement. The overall cost includes effectiveness of actions that will protect both all direct and indirect costs associated the environment and military readiness, the recipient of funds provided pursuant an with implementation, from NRCS and agreement under this section or under the partner(s). Partners may include Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670 et seq.) may, with funds they have received from regard to the lands and waters within the other Federal sources as part of scope of the agreement, use such funds to their contribution to the project, satisfy any matching funds or cost- provided they submit a written sharing requirement of any conservation program of the Department of Agriculture commitment from the Federal or the Department of the Interior agency confirming such funds can notwithstanding any limitation of such be used in conjunction with NRCS program on the source of matching or funds . cost-sharing funds.
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