SENEGAL PRESENTATION Basic Professionnal Training Course for Nuclear Safety October 15-26, 2018 Daejeon(Korea)
Geographical localisation : Ouest of Africa Capital city : Dakar Population: 12,000 000 Area : 196 722 Km2 BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) ratified ( December 22, 1970). Safeguards Agreement in connection with the (NPT) entered into force (14 January 1980). Modified Small Quantities Protocol (SQPMod) signed 15 December 2006 Additional Protocol approved in 2005 and signed in 2006; not yet ratified Pelindaba treaty (Africa free of nuclear weapons) signed on 1996 and ratified on 2006. BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Convention on Nuclear Safety, accession: 24/12/2008, entered in force: 24/03/2009. Convention on Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (ASSIST), in force: 23/01/2009, ratification: 24/12/2008. Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive waste Management, in force: 24/03/2009 ; Accession : 24/12/2008 Convention on the Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, in force: 03/24/2009 ; accession : 24/12/2008 PPS Management of RS, April 10-13, 2018_DAKAR (Senegal)
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM): ratified (14 October 2003). Amendement to the convention not yet ratified Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA Convention, 1988): in force (7 November 2004) Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf (1988 Protocol on Fixed Platforms): in force (7 November 2004) Senegal has declared its support to the code of conduct on the safety and security of radioactive sources in November 2010. BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
The governor of AOF in 1956 (four years before the independence of Senegal). This is the Order n° 8409, I.G.T.L.S.-A.O.F., dated 20/4/1956 - "Order concerning the protection of personnel exposed to X-rays and radiation from radium in hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical offices, dental and radiological practices in nursing homes and cancer centers BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Law No. 17-2004 “Loi relative à la protection contre les rayonnements ionisants” Law 2009-14 "Loi n° 2009-14 relative à la sécurité en matière nucleaire et à la radioprotection” Decree "décret 010-893 portant organisation et fonctionnement de l'Autorité de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire" (ARSN) Prime Minister Circular letter (n°3218 of 28 July 2011) calling for declaration of all sources of ionizing radiation in the country. BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Status : Draft submitted to the Legal affairs Commission of the Primer Ministry to be adopted by the Parliament. BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
MoU signed with Customs, Gendarmerie and Army and cooperation developed with fire brigades for: Develop and strengthen national border control capacity by improving the understanding of CRN materials and raising awareness of the risk posed by such materials if they are not interdicted and properly managed and handled by national authorities at borders (land, sea and air). Foster inter-agency regional cooperation between national border control authorities and promote synergies between counterparts. (MoU with ARSN Mauritania BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Five products found in the cupboard : Thorium Nitrate and Uranyl acetate from PROLABO-RHONE POULENC BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
3 years plan for a research reactor through a national project (Ministry of higher Education and Research; This project will be a pilot for an NPP project; Interim Storage facility for Low activity Radioactive Waste (already Operational) BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
Senegal has started its legal framework since 1957, and is doing its upgrade; Multilateral and bilateral cooperation are being developed. However more equipment and initial and periodic training are needed to increase scientific and technical capabilities; With strong political commitment and the help of multilateral and bilateral cooperation, all national stakeholders will succeed in ensuring the safety of nuclear materials and radioactive sources in the country in a graded manner. BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
MERCI 19 BPTC for Nuclear Safety, Octorber 15-26, 2018_DAEJEON (Korea)
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