Self lf-Regulati tion of f Behavior Change Gabriele le Oett ttingen New York Univ iversity Univ iversity of f Hamburg
Mental Contrasting • Principle • Mechanism • Interventions • Application
Mental Contrasting: Principle
Mental Contrasting Desired Strengthened Future Goal Pursuit Mental Expectation is activated Contrasting Weakened Present Goal Pursuit Reality Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .
Mental Contrasting: Mechanisms
How Does Mental Contrasting Affect Behavior Change? Changes in Implic icit it Cogniti tion Changes in Motiv tivatio ion Changes in Resp sponses to Set-Backs A. Kappes, Singmann, & Oettingen (20 1 2). JESP, 48, 8 1 1-8 18. Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .
Mental Contrasting and Successful Goal Pursuit: Evidence Academic/v /vocational Hea ealt lth • Vocational training • Cigarette reduction • Combining work and family life • Coping with stress • Learning a foreign language • Exercise • Studying abroad • Healthy eating • Mathematics • Creativity tests Int nterp rpersonal rela elatio ions • Problem solving • Social responsibility • Help seeking • Help giving • Reconciliation Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .
Implementation Intentions If situation X occurs, then I will perform the goal-directed response Y! If … the waiter asks me to order a drink, then I will ... ask for a mineral water! Gollwitzer (1999). American Psychologist , 54 , 493-503.
How Do Implementation Intentions Enhance Performance? Changes in Activa tivati tion of f Critic ritical Situ ituatio ion Changes in Automatic icit ity of f Actio tion Init itia iatio ion Gollwitzer (1999). American Psychologist , 54 , 493-503.
Prerequisites for the Effects of Implementation Intentions • Goal commitment is strong • If-component specifies critical situation (e.g., challenging obstacle) • Then-component specifies instrumental mean Mental contr trasti ting est stablishes all th three prerequis isit ites
Mental Contrasting wit ith Implementation Intentions (M (MCII) I)
To pass math so I can go to culinary school What is my dearest Wish?
Work in a restaurant, eat good food, become independent What would be the best Outcome of fulfilling my Wish?
I get so angry when my math teacher yells at me What is my main Obstacle, the Obstacle in me?
If If … my math teacher yells at me, then I will … breathe deeply 5 times and get back to work What can you do to overcome the Obstacle? Make an if-then Plan!
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention – more th than MC and II I alo lone : : Breaking Snacking Habits
Breaking Snacking Habits 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 F (2, 56) = 5.68, p < .0 1 p < .05 3.5 p < .0 1 ns 3 Adriaanse, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, Hennes, de MCII Mental Contrasting Ridder, & de Wit (20 10). European Journal of Implementation Intention Social Psychology , 40, 1 277 – 1 293 .
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention – more th than MC and II I alo lone : : Finding Inte tegrativ ive Solutions
Integrative Negotiation MCII Mental Contrasting Kirk, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 3). International Implementation Intention Journal of Conflict Management, 2 4, 1 48-165.
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Time Management
Time Management Scheduled hours Self-reported time management 7.2 50 Time 1 Time 2 Scheduled hours on a 7-day calendar 7.0 45 6-item questionnaire 6.8 40 6.6 F( 1,37) = 9.55, 35 χ 2 ( 2, N = 84) = 5.72, p = .004 p = .058 30 6.4 25 6.2 20 6.0 15 10 5.8 5 5.6 0 MCII RC-Control Object-Control MCII Object-Control Oettingen, Kappes, Guttenberg & Gollwitzer (in press). European Journal of Social Psychology.
Time Management Control Group MCII Oettingen, Kappes, Guttenberg & Gollwitzer (in press). European Journal of Social Psychology.
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Ex Exercise and Die iet
Improving Exercise 255 healthy women with a Inte terventio ion in general practic tice mean age of 4 1 years. Information control Information + MCII 1 2 3 4 5 1 week 1 month 2 months 4 months Time afte ter r the the inte ntervention Diary
MCII Intervention Today’s Exercise W ish ish: exercycling in the evening est O ut feeling balanced Best utcome: O bs tired when I come home bstacle le: P la lan: Overcome/Prevent/Seize Opportunity If I come home tired at 7 pm , th then I will take my If si situati tion (when and where) beh ehavior ipod and exercycle
Exercise after 4 Months Stadler, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (2009). American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 36 , 29-34.
MCII Intervention Today’s Healthy Eating W ish ish: eat 3 portions of fruits est O ut utcome: well being Best O bs chocolate dessert at lunch bstacle le: P la lan: Ove vercome/P /Prevent/Seize Opportunity If… chocolate dessert at lunch , then… I will take a fruit salad , si situa uation ion (wh (when and nd whe here) beha behavior
Healthy Diet after 2 Years Stadler, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 10). Health Psychology , 29 , 27 4-283.
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Physical Mobility in Chr hronic Back Pain Pati tients
Improving Physical Mobility in Chronic Back Pain Patients Christiansen, Oettingen, Dahme, & Klinger (20 10). Pain, 1 49, 444-452.
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Ex Exercise in Str troke Pati tients
Sport Activity after 1 Year 3 ore Scor y Sc ctivity t Act 2,5 Sport Baecke Spor p =.06 Baec p < .0 1 2 Information treatment as usual Standardized information treatment Marquardt, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, & Liepert (20 1 4). Under Review Standardized information treatment + MCII
Weight Loss After 1 Year 1 0 n kg p < .0 1 oss in eight loss -1 p < .05 Weig -2 -3 Information treatment as usual Standardized information treatment Marquardt, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, & Liepert (20 1 4). Under Review Standardized information treatment + MCII
MCII I as s Online Behavio ior Cha hange Intervention: Reducing Str tress in Healt lth Care Providers
Reducing Stress in Health Care Providers Reduced stress: Reduced stress: Body Increased work 0.30 Perceived symptoms engagement 0.20 0.10 t (65) = 2.25, t (65) = 2.75, p < .03 p = .007 0 -0.10 t (63) = 2.35, p = .02 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40 -0.50 -0.60 Control Group MCII Grund, Gollwitzer, & Oettingen (20 1 5). In Preparation .
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Reducing Alc lcohol l Consumption
Reducing Alcohol Consumption Study 1: 1 week 9 Study 2: 4 weeks Heavy drinking events Standard drinks per week per week Number of heavy drinking events 3 Number of standard drinks 7 2.5 per week per week 2 5 1.5 1 0.5 t (67) = 2.1 1, t (56) = 2.07 p < .05 p = .05 0 College Students Adult Mturk Users Control Group Wittleder, Kappes, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, MCII & Morgenstern (20 1 5). In Preparation .
MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Stu tudy Effort and Performance in Hig igh School and Middle School Stu tudents
MCII Intervention
Study Effort Study 1: Study 2: Study 3: PSAT workbook Homework completion GP A School attendance completion High School Students Middle School Students Disadvantaged Middle School Students Control Group Duckworth, Grant, Loew, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 1). Educational Psychology, 3 1 , 17-26 . Gawrilow, Morgenroth, Schultz, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 3). Motivation and Emotion, 37, 1 34-1 45 . MCII Duckworth, Kirby, Gollwitzer, A., & Oettingen (20 1 3). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 7 45-753 .
Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions (MCII) Academic/v /vocational Hea ealt lth • Work engagement • Exercise • Mastery of everyday life • Stress Management • Decision making • Healthy diet • Negotiation performance • Weight loss • Class attendance • Pain management • Course Grades • Insomnia • Time Management Int nterp rpersonal rela elatio ions • Fairness • Reconciliation • Perspective taking • Reduced social anxiety • Sustainable consumption Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .
Traditional Behavior Change Interventions... • modify incentive value and expectations • modify framing of status quo • modify content or structure of goals MCII is a meta-cognitive self-regulation strategy drawing on imagery that changes cognition and energy outside of awareness
Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions • Principle • Mechanisms – Cognition, Motivation, Feedback • Interventions – MCII
Gabriele Oettingen New York University University of Hamburg www.woopmylif ife.o .org Ava vaila lable now:
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