self lf regulati tion of f behavior change

Self lf-Regulati tion of f Behavior Change Gabriele le Oett - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Self lf-Regulati tion of f Behavior Change Gabriele le Oett ttingen New York Univ iversity Univ iversity of f Hamburg Mental Contrasting Principle Mechanism Interventions Application Mental Contrasting: Principle

  1. Self lf-Regulati tion of f Behavior Change Gabriele le Oett ttingen New York Univ iversity Univ iversity of f Hamburg

  2. Mental Contrasting • Principle • Mechanism • Interventions • Application

  3. Mental Contrasting: Principle

  4. Mental Contrasting Desired Strengthened Future Goal Pursuit Mental Expectation is activated Contrasting Weakened Present Goal Pursuit Reality Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .

  5. Mental Contrasting: Mechanisms

  6. How Does Mental Contrasting Affect Behavior Change? Changes in Implic icit it Cogniti tion Changes in Motiv tivatio ion Changes in Resp sponses to Set-Backs A. Kappes, Singmann, & Oettingen (20 1 2). JESP, 48, 8 1 1-8 18. Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .

  7. Mental Contrasting and Successful Goal Pursuit: Evidence Academic/v /vocational Hea ealt lth • Vocational training • Cigarette reduction • Combining work and family life • Coping with stress • Learning a foreign language • Exercise • Studying abroad • Healthy eating • Mathematics • Creativity tests Int nterp rpersonal rela elatio ions • Problem solving • Social responsibility • Help seeking • Help giving • Reconciliation Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .

  8. Implementation Intentions If situation X occurs, then I will perform the goal-directed response Y! If … the waiter asks me to order a drink, then I will ... ask for a mineral water! Gollwitzer (1999). American Psychologist , 54 , 493-503.

  9. How Do Implementation Intentions Enhance Performance? Changes in Activa tivati tion of f Critic ritical Situ ituatio ion Changes in Automatic icit ity of f Actio tion Init itia iatio ion Gollwitzer (1999). American Psychologist , 54 , 493-503.

  10. Prerequisites for the Effects of Implementation Intentions • Goal commitment is strong • If-component specifies critical situation (e.g., challenging obstacle) • Then-component specifies instrumental mean Mental contr trasti ting est stablishes all th three prerequis isit ites

  11. Mental Contrasting wit ith Implementation Intentions (M (MCII) I)

  12. To pass math so I can go to culinary school What is my dearest Wish?

  13. Work in a restaurant, eat good food, become independent What would be the best Outcome of fulfilling my Wish?

  14. I get so angry when my math teacher yells at me What is my main Obstacle, the Obstacle in me?

  15. If If … my math teacher yells at me, then I will … breathe deeply 5 times and get back to work What can you do to overcome the Obstacle? Make an if-then Plan!

  16. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention – more th than MC and II I alo lone : : Breaking Snacking Habits

  17. Breaking Snacking Habits 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 F (2, 56) = 5.68, p < .0 1 p < .05 3.5 p < .0 1 ns 3 Adriaanse, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, Hennes, de MCII Mental Contrasting Ridder, & de Wit (20 10). European Journal of Implementation Intention Social Psychology , 40, 1 277 – 1 293 .

  18. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention – more th than MC and II I alo lone : : Finding Inte tegrativ ive Solutions

  19. Integrative Negotiation MCII Mental Contrasting Kirk, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 3). International Implementation Intention Journal of Conflict Management, 2 4, 1 48-165.

  20. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Time Management

  21. Time Management Scheduled hours Self-reported time management 7.2 50 Time 1 Time 2 Scheduled hours on a 7-day calendar 7.0 45 6-item questionnaire 6.8 40 6.6 F( 1,37) = 9.55, 35 χ 2 ( 2, N = 84) = 5.72, p = .004 p = .058 30 6.4 25 6.2 20 6.0 15 10 5.8 5 5.6 0 MCII RC-Control Object-Control MCII Object-Control Oettingen, Kappes, Guttenberg & Gollwitzer (in press). European Journal of Social Psychology.

  22. Time Management Control Group MCII Oettingen, Kappes, Guttenberg & Gollwitzer (in press). European Journal of Social Psychology.

  23. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Ex Exercise and Die iet

  24. Improving Exercise 255 healthy women with a Inte terventio ion in general practic tice mean age of 4 1 years. Information control Information + MCII  1  2  3  4  5 1 week 1 month 2 months 4 months Time afte ter r the the inte ntervention  Diary

  25. MCII Intervention Today’s Exercise W ish ish: exercycling in the evening est O ut feeling balanced Best utcome: O bs tired when I come home bstacle le: P la lan: Overcome/Prevent/Seize Opportunity If I come home tired at 7 pm , th then I will take my If si situati tion (when and where) beh ehavior ipod and exercycle

  26. Exercise after 4 Months Stadler, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (2009). American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 36 , 29-34.

  27. MCII Intervention Today’s Healthy Eating W ish ish: eat 3 portions of fruits est O ut utcome: well being Best O bs chocolate dessert at lunch bstacle le: P la lan: Ove vercome/P /Prevent/Seize Opportunity If… chocolate dessert at lunch , then… I will take a fruit salad , si situa uation ion (wh (when and nd whe here) beha behavior

  28. Healthy Diet after 2 Years Stadler, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 10). Health Psychology , 29 , 27 4-283.

  29. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Physical Mobility in Chr hronic Back Pain Pati tients

  30. Improving Physical Mobility in Chronic Back Pain Patients Christiansen, Oettingen, Dahme, & Klinger (20 10). Pain, 1 49, 444-452.

  31. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Improving Ex Exercise in Str troke Pati tients

  32. Sport Activity after 1 Year 3 ore Scor y Sc ctivity t Act 2,5 Sport Baecke Spor p =.06 Baec p < .0 1 2 Information treatment as usual Standardized information treatment Marquardt, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, & Liepert (20 1 4). Under Review Standardized information treatment + MCII

  33. Weight Loss After 1 Year 1 0 n kg p < .0 1 oss in eight loss -1 p < .05 Weig -2 -3 Information treatment as usual Standardized information treatment Marquardt, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, & Liepert (20 1 4). Under Review Standardized information treatment + MCII

  34. MCII I as s Online Behavio ior Cha hange Intervention: Reducing Str tress in Healt lth Care Providers

  35. Reducing Stress in Health Care Providers Reduced stress: Reduced stress: Body Increased work 0.30 Perceived symptoms engagement 0.20 0.10 t (65) = 2.25, t (65) = 2.75, p < .03 p = .007 0 -0.10 t (63) = 2.35, p = .02 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40 -0.50 -0.60 Control Group MCII Grund, Gollwitzer, & Oettingen (20 1 5). In Preparation .

  36. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Reducing Alc lcohol l Consumption

  37. Reducing Alcohol Consumption Study 1: 1 week 9 Study 2: 4 weeks Heavy drinking events Standard drinks per week per week Number of heavy drinking events 3 Number of standard drinks 7 2.5 per week per week 2 5 1.5 1 0.5 t (67) = 2.1 1, t (56) = 2.07 p < .05 p = .05 0 College Students Adult Mturk Users Control Group Wittleder, Kappes, Oettingen, Gollwitzer, MCII & Morgenstern (20 1 5). In Preparation .

  38. MCII I as s Behavior Cha hange Intervention: Stu tudy Effort and Performance in Hig igh School and Middle School Stu tudents

  39. MCII Intervention

  40. Control

  41. Study Effort Study 1: Study 2: Study 3: PSAT workbook Homework completion GP A School attendance completion High School Students Middle School Students Disadvantaged Middle School Students Control Group Duckworth, Grant, Loew, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 1). Educational Psychology, 3 1 , 17-26 . Gawrilow, Morgenroth, Schultz, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer (20 1 3). Motivation and Emotion, 37, 1 34-1 45 . MCII Duckworth, Kirby, Gollwitzer, A., & Oettingen (20 1 3). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 7 45-753 .

  42. Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions (MCII) Academic/v /vocational Hea ealt lth • Work engagement • Exercise • Mastery of everyday life • Stress Management • Decision making • Healthy diet • Negotiation performance • Weight loss • Class attendance • Pain management • Course Grades • Insomnia • Time Management Int nterp rpersonal rela elatio ions • Fairness • Reconciliation • Perspective taking • Reduced social anxiety • Sustainable consumption Oettingen (20 1 2). European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 1-63 .

  43. Traditional Behavior Change Interventions... • modify incentive value and expectations • modify framing of status quo • modify content or structure of goals MCII is a meta-cognitive self-regulation strategy drawing on imagery that changes cognition and energy outside of awareness

  44. Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions • Principle • Mechanisms – Cognition, Motivation, Feedback • Interventions – MCII

  45. Gabriele Oettingen New York University University of Hamburg www.woopmylif ife.o .org Ava vaila lable now:


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