Seguin Historic Resources Survey Preliminary Results Presentation JULY 2019
Presentation Overview • Historic Resources Surveys • Project Background & Goals • Project Approach • Results • Q & A
Historic Resources Surveys
Historic Resources Surveys • A systematic method to identify and document historic‐age resources • Fieldwork and research
Significance & Integrity Significance • Significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture • Important to history at the local, significance + integrity state, or national level Integrity • Does it look much the way it used to? • Does it illustrate its significance? significance, but lacks integrity
Historic Resources Surveys • A historic resources survey is simply an inventory • A tool to document the appearance and significance of properties over time • Does not in itself impose regulations
Historic Resources Surveys • Required for Certified Local Governments
Historic Resources Surveys • Information from surveys can be used in many ways: • Design standards • Demolition review • Disaster documentation • Official designation
Designation Local State National Can be Honorary + Honorary + regulatory & Tax Credits Tax Credits have benefits
Designation • Period of Significance • Area(s) of Significance
NRHP District Designation • Individual • District • Contributing • Non‐contributing Local District Designated resources in downtown Seguin
Seguin Project Background
Previous Projects 1977‐1979 Survey 1983 NRHP district established Local district established ~1998 2003 NRHP district updated/expanded
SS6 Previous Projects 1977‐1979 Survey 1983 NRHP district established Local district established ~1998 2003 NRHP district updated/expanded 2018 Survey
Project Tasks & Goals
Project Tasks 1. Develop historic context
Project Tasks 2. Reconnaissance survey of downtown and Austin St. between downtown and the railroad
Survey includes resources built in 1973 or earlier
Project Tasks 3. Windshield survey of area outside the reconnaissance survey area Windshield survey area
Project Goals 1. Assign high, medium, and low priorities
Medium priority High priority Low priority
Project Goals 2. Make recommendation regarding existing historic district boundaries 3. Update list of contributing/non‐contributing resources within district
Project Goals 4. Make recommendations regarding new districts and individually eligible resources
Value to City • Heritage tourism efforts • Future city planning decisions • Expansion/update to historic district • Designation of local landmarks • Future state and federal listing potential • Identification of resources with the greatest historical significance that may require focused preservation efforts or funding • Refinement of design guidelines • Disaster planning • Historic resource data management
Seguin Project Approach
Project Approach Prep Survey Process Report
Prep Survey Process Report
Developed draft historic context
Historic aerials
Field maps
Developed Custom Database
Prep Survey Process Report
Field Survey
Local Research
Prep Survey Process Report
Individual Property Research • Review written materials and historical photographs/maps • Incorporate information from community members
Complete Inventory Forms • QA/QC • Assess significance • Assign high, medium, or low priority • Individual / district recommendations Sample page from a THC inventory form
Prep Survey Process Report
Results & Recommendations
# of documented resources: 186
Parcels in the Reconnaissance Survey Area 14% 6% Historic‐age parcel* Non‐historic‐age parcel Vacant parcel / parking lot 80% *Defined as parcels with one or more historic‐age resource (built in 1973 or earlier) visible from the right‐of‐way
Historic Function of Surveyed Resources 140 119 120 100 80 60 45 40 20 10 8 4 0 Commerce / Domestic Government Recreation / Other Trade culture
Year Built of Surveyed Resources 40 33 24 21 19 16 12 11 4 3 3
Preservation Priorities Low High 22% 22% Medium 56%
Examples of High Priority Properties Craftsman residence, c. 1910 Southern Pacific’s masonry freight depot, c.1900
Examples of Medium Priority Properties 310 N. Austin Street Streamline Moderne gas station
Examples of Low Priority Properties c. 1900 commercial building with major 1973 building that lacks significance alterations
6 3 Existing Historic Designations local landmarks NRHP
6 3 Existing Historic Designations local landmarks NRHP 32 26 Recommended local landmarks NRHP Eligible
Examples of Local Landmark & NRHP Recommendations Late 19 th century Classical Revival Early Modern/Post‐war Modern architecture; earliest fire station in Seguin still in operation residence (local landmark & NRHP) (local landmark & NRHP) Spanish Colonial Revival/Art Deco theater; Rare example of a mobile calaboose one of two of the era remaining in Seguin associated w/ county convict farm (local (local landmark & NRHP ) landmark)
NRHP District Re‐Evaluation Recommendations • Expanded period of significance from c. 1845 ‐ 1953 to 1838 ‐ 1969 • Increased boundary • 101 contributing resources; 16 noncontributing resources
80 37 Current NRHP District noncontributors contributors Recommended 101 16 Update to NRHP contributors noncontributors District
SS8 Recommended NRHP Historic District Expansion
Local Historic District • Establish Period of Significance and Areas of Significance • Increase boundary • 117 contributing resources; 25 noncontributing resources
New Historic District • Austin Street Residential Historic District • Recommended eligible as local district and NRHP district
New Historic District
New Historic District
Recommendations for Future Work 1. Update local historic district boundaries and pursue designation for those properties recommended eligible as local landmarks. 2. Pursue an update to the Seguin Commercial Historic District NRHP nomination. 3. Pursue listing of individual resources recommended eligible for the NRHP and the recommended Austin Street Residential Historic District.
Recommendations for Future Work 4. Conduct a citywide windshield survey (excluding the current reconnaissance survey area) to identify high priority properties; then document only these properties.
Recommendations for Future Work 5. Conduct intensive‐level research on the historical African American business district in order to determine if a historic district is present. 212 E Court St: potentially located in an African American business district; potential association w/ early African American doctor in Texas
Recommendations for Future Work 6. Pursue a historic context to document Seguin’s rich multi‐ethnic history and conduct a survey of resources associated with the city’s Mexican American heritage and African American heritage.
Recommendations for Future Work 7. Support digitization of the Heritage Museum’s photo collections. Courtesy of The Heritage Museum
Last Call for Community Input • Download report at • Email us property information a t
Questions? Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc. Sandy Shannon, Project Manager 512.944.9144 City of Seguin Kyle Kramm, Main Street & CVB Director 830.401.2448
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