INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION • ENOR is an Algerian company established under the Algerian under the Algerian law, which operates two (02) gold mines (Tirek and Amesmessa) . • Our main shareholder is • Our main shareholder is the Algerian oil company SONATRACH (NOC), the first african oil company.
GENERALITY GENERALITY ENOR’s mines are located at about 450 km south - west of Tamanrasset., the capital city of the Hoggar area. west of Tamanrasset., the capital city of the Hoggar area. It is a growing town with 100 000 inhabitants. It has an international airport and a university.
ENOR’S CONCESSION WITH ITS GOLD MINES ENOR has a mining license with a total area of license with a total area of 105 850 hectares. This permit covers a significant shear zone of several kilometers length. It links the Archean basement to the Proterozoic formations.
GEOLOGY OF THE ENOR PERMIT The Tirek and Amesmessa deposits as well as the dozens of gold occurrences occurrences or or geochemical geochemical anomalies, are controlled by a sub- meridional regional shear zone, of which the extension is known over more than 50 km long and 2-3 km wide ( ductile mylonites). This shear zone links the Archean granite-gneiss formations of the “Mole of In Ouzzal” to the West, and the Proterozoic formations to the East.
THE GOLD MINERALISATION � Gold mineralization is quartz veins with pyrite, galena, gold and rare sphalerite. These veins are interpreted as gold and rare sphalerite. These veins are interpreted as shear veins (shear zone) and more rarely as vein of tension gashes. � Compared to the major Archean gold shears (Kalgoories – Australia, Gold Val – Canada) which concentrate their deposits far from the major fault, the Pan African major deposits far from the major fault, the Pan African major fault provides the specificity to hold the two deposits of Tirek and Amesmessa in addition to other gold occurrences, which can be their own extension .
THE AMESMESSA GOLD DEPOSIT � Discovered in 1975, the Amesmessa gold deposit is represented by a dozen of veins areas extending over approximately 12 km North-South. The main veins 8 and 9 of approximately 12 km North-South. The main veins 8 and 9 of this deposit as well as other satellite veins have been mined in open pits since 2006, in partnership with a foreign partner. � The Amesmessa mine is currently in production. Approximately 3.7 tons of gold were produced by the Heap Leach. � On the basis of 43 430 m of DDH, and 800 m of underground exploration work to the depth of- 80 m, and after expertise done by SIDAM (Canada), the estimated gold resources of 16 gold veins known in Amesmessa are approximately 1 400 000 oZ:
AMESMESSA RESOURCES Grade Ore Obs Thickness Resources (m) (g/t) (T) Gold ( kg / Oz) Categories C1 1.98 18.6 1392900 25 929.8 / 833 755 160 m depth Categories C2 1.36 17.1 1025700 17 573.0 / 565 048 400 m depth C1+C2 C1+C2 1.66 1.66 18.0 18.0 3637600 3637600 43 502.8 /1 398 803 43 502.8 /1 398 803 Perspectives 1.36 14.6 1219000 17 755.0 / 570 900
AMESMESSA RESOURCES BY DEPTH CATEGORIE C1 CATEGORIE C1 C1+C2 Ore Ore Gold Gold Ore Ore Gold Gold Ore Ore Gold Gold DEPTH DEPTH tons kg/Oz tons kg/Oz tons kg/Oz - 40 m 13 901/ 446 978 114 100 2 086 / 67 074 901 700 15 987 / 514 051 787 600 - 80 m 19 738 / 634 662 334 400 5 836 / 187 653 1 458 000 25 575 / 822 315 1 122 600 - 160 m 1 392 900 25 930/ 833 762 637 600 9 953 / 320 032 2 031 500 35 883/1 153 794 - 200 m 751 500 11 949 / 384 212 2 145 400 37 879/1 217 974 - 300 m 899 300 14 541/ 467 556 2 293 200 40 471/1 301 318 - 400 m 1 025 700 17 573/ 565 048 2 419 600 43 503/1 398 810 TOTAL 1 392 600 25 930/ 833 762 1 025 700 17 573/ 565 048 2 419 600 43 503/1 398 810
THE TIREK GOLD DEPOSIT - The Tirek gold deposit is located at about 64 km north of the Amesmessa mine. Amesmessa mine. - It has been mined by open pits from 2001 to 2007.The ore was processed by a small CIL plant built by MDM (South Africa). About 1 800 kg (57 858 Oz) of gold was produced by the CIL process. by the CIL process. - The Tirek mine is not operating currently waiting for the studies concerning the transition to mine this deposit by underground operations and building a new CIL plant.
THE TIREK GOLD DEPOSIT The Tirek deposit is characterized by a significant lode device gathered in three lode device gathered in three vein fields (A, B, C) spread over an area of 11.5 Km2. Between 1973 and 1987, ORGM carried out on this deposit an important DDH deposit an important DDH program (44 00O m), underground works (1300 m). The estimated resources for the Tirek deposit are presented in the table below:
THE TIREK GOLD DEPOSIT Resources Ore (Tons) Grade (g/t) Gold (kg /Oz) Catégorie C1 395 600 28.5 11 279 / 362 670 Catégorie C2 197 500 18.2 3 591 / 115 460 C1+C2 C1+C2 593 100 593 100 25.1 25.1 14 870 / 478 130 14 870 / 478 130 Perspectives 113 400 17.4 1 972 / 63 410
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES OF THE ENOR’S PERMIT • Since 2004, ENOR has confirmed and defined the different criteria controlling the gold mineralization at regional level by: criteria controlling the gold mineralization at regional level by: • The alteration interpretation of the data from the ASTER satellite has allowed the identification 76 interesting targets . The majority of these targets are located in, or near the regional shear zone cross cutting the archean basement. Some of them overlap already known occurrences. • The air mag and spectrometric survey has also confirmed the structural control of gold mineralization. structural control of gold mineralization. • ENOR has carried out a soil geochemical exploration and a RC drilling program in order to check the Aster anomalies. • Previously additional resources was estimated to 250 000 Oz.
ENOR’S NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WE WOULD LIKE TO : � Develop and increase the production capacity of our two (02) gold deposits. � Launch an important exploration program in order to � Launch an important exploration program in order to increase known resources.
ENOR’S NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WE ARE LOOKING FOR : WE ARE LOOKING FOR : Establishing a win-win partnership with a mining company with exploration and mining experience of gold ores located in shear zones. A company having technical and financial capacities for the A company having technical and financial capacities for the development of mining operations in its two gold deposits using underground and open pit methods.
ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO OUR FUTUR PARTNER � Financial contribution for the new development plan of company’s deposits. � Tax advantages related to operation and mining in accordance with the law in force � Competitive fuel prices
CONCLUSION This document is a quick presentation of the Tirek and Amesmessa gold deposits as well as confirmed gold Amesmessa gold deposits as well as confirmed gold potentialities in an area with a very favorable archean environment. Our company has the support of its shareholder SONATRACH to develop mining activity in our perimeter, despite the inconclusive experience with our previous partner. partner. We are ready to begin preliminary contacts with any mining company possessing the required know-how and a strong aim to develop a long term partnership with us.
ENOR’S GOLD PRODUCTION (Oz) Amesmessa Tirek Total 2001 2001 7588 7588 7588 7588 2002 13312 13312 2003 1865 1865 2004 19196 19196 2005 14309 7106 21415 2006 772 9646 10418 2007 7588 7588 2008 2008 20804 20804 20804 20804 2009 32090 32090 2010 23248 23248 2011 10965 10965 Total 109775 58714 168489
NEW PROJECT PHILOSOPHY Tirek Mine Amesmessa Mine Low High High Low Waste Grade Grade Grade Grade Waste ore Ore Ore ore Mise à Plant lant Mise à Mise à CIL CIL Terril Terril Terril New Heap Heap Leach Leach
AMESMESSA MINING INSTALLATIONS Designation Year Obs/ origine Tirek CIL plant 2001 MDM Carbon plant, ADR and refinery 2006 SVEE Crushing plant With Agglomerator 2006 Roc Impact Chemical Laboratory and sample preparation 2006 UEE Heap Leach Pad 2006 Power supply (6 gensets) Power supply (6 gensets) 2006 2006 6 x1500 Kva 6 x1500 Kva Warehouse and SP magasine 2006 Mine mobile Equipment Fleet 2006 Caterpillar Ball Mill 15 tph 2012 RC Rig with a 6x4 truck 2010 Sandvick
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