L e a d Wor kg r oup Re por t to the Community He a lth Advisor y Counc il Se pt 27, 2018
L e a d Work Group Me mbe rs Me mb e rs: Lyree Adams Dr. Ken Fawcett Joann Hoganson Erin Banchoff Karyn Ferrick Andy Johnston Connie Bohatch Tracey Fountain Terri Land Comm. Emily Brieve Alicynne Glazier Dr. Azizur Molla Chandy Colley Paul Haan Matthew VanZetten
E xe c utive Summa ry Purpose: To create a plan for accomplishing the objectives identified in the “Ending Child Lead Exposure in Kent County” report. To work with stakeholders to determine how the community can work toward fulling the report’s recommendations (CHAC, KCHD, other organizations, and the public).
E xe c utive Summa ry Continue d Activity: Workgroup met six times. Condensed 37 recommendations into six primary goals. Five-year vision established for each goal. Year one metrics: measurable outcomes, accountability, identification of who would lead operations, and resource dollars needed to achieve each goal. Meeting in 3rd Quarter FYE 2019 to evaluate, and lay plans for the coming year recommended.
E xe c utive Summa ry Continue d Goals to commence in the first year (some to continue into the future): Goal 1: Inform the community about how to reduce the risk of lead exposure and mitigate exposure impacts through better nutrition and other best practices. Goal 2: More resources to fix homes and conduct prevention activities. Goal 3: Identify model ordinances & policies for lead prevention and share with local units of government in Kent County.
E xe c utive Summa ry Continue d Goals to commence in the first year (continued): Goal 4: Increase and improve the quality of data. Goal 5: Encourage medical providers to test all children at 9 to 12 months and 24 to 36 months of age. Goal 6: Sufficient project leadership and management in place to ensure success.
Goal 1: Inform the community about how to reduce the risk of lead exposure and mitigate exposure impacts through better nutrition and other best practices. 5-Year Vision: Reach the population at risk for lead exposure and lead poisoning and educate them. Dashboard: Polling data
Goal 2: More resources to fix homes and conduct prevention activities. 5-Year Vision (measurable): Resources to address 200 homes/year with government resources (current state is ~50-75/year). Dashboard: Kent County homes remediated/abated by year using public resources.
Goal 3: Identify model ordinances and policies for lead prevention and share with local units of Government in Kent County. 5-Year Vision: Proactive policy that identifies lead hazards in housing and promotes fixing those hazards. Dashboard: Completed report submitted to the Grand Rapids Lead Free Kids Advisory Committee. Grand Rapids Lead Free Kids Advisory Committee makes preliminary policy recommendations.
Goal 4: Increase and improve the quality of data. 5-Year Vision (measurable): A comprehensive, public-facing website that presents timely and historical data in an accessible and easily understandable manner is created and maintained over time. Dashboard: Website version 1.0 launched.
Goal 5: Encourage medical providers to test all children at 9 to 12 months and 24 to 36 months of age. 5-Year Vision (measurable): 100% of 1 and 2-year-olds are tested annually. Dashboard: Number of 1 and 2-year-olds tested with target being 100% per census.
Goal 6: Sufficient project leadership and management in place to ensure success. 5-Year Vision (measurable): The incidence of childhood lead poisoning is reduced by an audacious 50% county-wide. Dashboard: Project Manager and leadership team is advancing progress on each of the 5 goals above.
Re sourc e s ne e de d to support this work 1. Health Educator/Program Manager 2. Health Educator 3. Sanitarian Cost: 3 New positions – approximately $450,000 annually, includes salaries, benefits, program materials.
L e a d Wor kg r oup Re por t to the Community He a lth Advisor y Counc il Se pt 27, 2018
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