science technology engineering math american students lag

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math American students lag far - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math American students lag far behind their international peers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Currently, the United States ranks 18th in math and 13th in science among developed nations.

  1. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

  2.  American students lag far behind their international peers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Currently, the United States ranks 18th in math and 13th in science among developed nations. PISA 2009 Summary  “If America is to maintain our high standard of living, we must continue to innovate. We are competing with nations many times our size. We don't have a single brain to waste. Math and science are the engines of innovation. With these engines we can lead the world. We must demystify math and science so that all students feel the joy that follows understanding .“ Dr. Michael Brown Anne Petersen, 2012

  3.  To provide students educational pathways in the STEM fields of Biomedicine, Engineering, and Environmental Science.  To provide students in the STEM Academy opportunities to use problem solving and inquiry learning in a cross curricular setting.  To integrate current course options for students in ways that make learning relevant to career pathways  To allow students STEM alternatives aside from those offered by Governor’s School program . Anne Petersen, 2012

  4.  Academic pathways that provide student with course selections that revolve around the STEM area.  Enrichment in core classes that corresponds to the STEM pathway yet still teaches VA SOL requirements.  Academic and hands-on experiences in the STEM area of interest.  Upon completion of the coursework and a minimum GPA of 2.5, students will earn a STEM certificate from Gloucester High School. Anne Petersen, 2012

  5.  4 Science courses  4 Math courses  3 Career and Technical courses (see pathways for options)  2.5 GPA  Students must meet all other course requirements as dictated by the GCPS School Board and outlined in the GHS Course Description Guide. Anne Petersen, 2012

  6.  The STEM pathways are provided to serve as a guide for students in selecting courses to complete the STEM Academy strands.  GHS STEM pathways include  Biomedical  Engineering  Environmental Anne Petersen, 2012

  7. Grade Level Science Health and Medical Sciences Math 9th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Algebra I Earth Science (Honors or Traditional) Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Honors Algebra II 10th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Medical Terminology (DE) Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Nutrition and Wellness Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Principles of Human Development Analysis Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Math Analysis 11th Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Medical Terminology (DE) Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Nutrition and Wellness (1/2) Analysis ***Anatomy and Physiology Principles of Human Development Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Biology II (DE) (1/2) Math Analysis Sports Medicine (1/2) Calculus AB Advanced Athletic Training (1/2) Statistics 12th AP Chemistry Medical Terminology (DE) Algebra Functions and Data AP Biology Nutrition and Wellness (1/2) Analysis AP Physics Principles of Human Development Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Honors Physics (1/2) Math Analysis ***Anatomy and Physiology Sports Medicine (1/2) Calculus AB Biology II (DE) Advanced Athletic Training (1/2) Calculus BC ***Capstone Science Course Statistics Anne Petersen, 2012

  8. Grade Level Science Engineering Education Math 9th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Introduction to Engineering Design Algebra I Earth Science (Honors or Principles of Engineering Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Traditional) Honors Algebra II 10th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Introduction to Engineering Design Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Principles of Engineering Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Architectural Drawing Analysis Engineering Drawing and Design Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Computer Integrated Math Analysis Manufacturing ****Introduction to Robotics 11th Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Introduction to Engineering Design Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Principles of Engineering Analysis Anatomy and Physiology Architectural Drawing Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Biology II (DE) Engineering Drawing and Design Math Analysis Computer Integrated Calculus AB Manufacturing Statistics Civil Engineering ****Introduction to Robotics 12th AP Chemistry Architectural Drawing Algebra Functions and Data AP Biology Engineering Drawing and Design Analysis ***AP Physics Computer Integrated Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Honors Physics Manufacturing Math Analysis Anatomy and Physiology ****Introduction to Robotics ****Calculus AB Biology II (DE) Aeronautical Design Calculus BC ****Capstone Science Course STEM Based Advanced Studies in Statistics Anne Petersen, 2012 Engineering ***Capstone Math Course

  9. Grade Level Science Engineering Education Math 9th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Basic Plant Science I Algebra I Earth Science (Honors or Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Traditional) Honors Algebra II 10th Biology (Honors or Traditional) Basic Plant Sciences I Geometry (Honors or Traditional) Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Horticultural II DE Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Analysis Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Math Analysis 11th Chemistry (Honors or Traditional) Basic Plant Sciences I Algebra Functions and Data Honors Physics Horticultural II DE Analysis ***Environmental Science DE Greenhouse Management & Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Biology II (DE) Plant Production III DE Math Analysis Environmental Studies Field Calculus AB Course ***Statistics Green Technology 12th AP Chemistry Basic Plant Sciences I Algebra Functions and Data AP Biology Horticultural II DE Analysis AP Physics Greenhouse Management & Algebra II (Honors or Traditional) Honors Physics Plant Production III DE Math Analysis Biology II (DE) Environmental Studies Field Calculus AB ***Environmental Science DE Course Calculus BC ****Capstone Science Course Green Technology ****Statistics Capstone Environmental Course Anne Petersen, 2012

  10. Ideally, students will apply in the 8 th or 9 th grade. This will allow students to complete the required course requirements prior to graduation. Students may apply in 10 th grade if they already have completed the introductory coursework. Anne Petersen, 2012

  11. The GHS STEM Academy is looking for students that:  Show strong interest and an affinity for math, science, and technology.  Have demonstrated strong attendance and academic work habits during the previous academic year.  Are willing to commit to a long term academic program. Anne Petersen, 2012

  12.  The GHS STEM Academy application will include ◦ Complete and submit the STEM Academy application form ◦ Submission of two letters of recommendation from science, math, and/or technology teachers ◦ Attendance records. Anne Petersen, 2012

  13. Septe tember ber-Novem ember ber 2012 ◦ Information sessions for teachers, parents and students (Middle and High School) ◦ Web site becomes live for public ◦ Applications available through Page and GHS Counseling Departments January ary, 2013 ◦ STEM Academy Applications due to guidance February ary, 2013 STEM teacher/counselor team screens applications; Students notified of acceptance into the Academy. Anne Petersen, 2012

  14. March ch-Ju June ne 2013 Teacher teams for the pathways work together to integrate pathway theme into traditional curriculum Augus ust t 2013 Professional development provided to teachers in pathways. Novem ember ber 2013 Advanced Robotics, Green Technology, and Field Studies courses introduced to School Board for implementation 2014-2015 Anne Petersen, 2012

  15.  Teachers will receive lists of students in the Academy and their corresponding pathways at the beginning of the instructional year.  Professional development will be provided to teachers of the courses aid teachers in developing lessons that are inquiry based and incorporate problem solving.  Teachers of students in the STEM Academy will meet throughout the year so cross- curricular connections can be made in the content areas. Anne Petersen, 2012

  16.  Counselors will work with students in the different pathways to aid in course selections.  After school STEM opportunities will be provided to allow students to participate in problem solving and career exploration for each of the STEM Academy strands.  Speakers from each of the STEM pathways will be brought to both the classrooms and after school to allow students to be exposed to different career fields. Anne Petersen, 2012

  17.  Students will be encouraged to participate and compete in extra-curricular opportunities such as  National Engineering Design Challenge  VJAS Anne Petersen, 2012


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