science mathematics and money

Science, Mathematics and Money The people and ideas depicted on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Science, Mathematics and Money The people and ideas depicted on currency reflect national and cultural priorities. Many foreign countries feature scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and philosophers on their bills, including formulas

  1. Science, Mathematics and Money • The people and ideas depicted on currency reflect national and cultural priorities. • Many foreign countries feature scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and philosophers on their bills, including formulas & instruments! • Some countries depict only politicians on money. Q: Why does this matter?

  2. Carl Friedrich Gauss German Marks

  3. Leonhard Euler Swiss Francs

  4. Lord Kelvin British Pounds Michael Faraday British Pounds

  5. Sir Isaac Newton British Pound Albert Einstein Israeli Liras

  6. Galileo Galilei Italian Lires

  7. Guglielmo Marconi Italian Lire

  8. Alessandro Volta Italian Lire Democritus of Abdera Greek Drachma

  9. Nicolas Copernicus Polish Zloty

  10. Marie Curie Polish Zloty

  11. Frederic Chopin Polish Zloty

  12. Marie and Pierre Curie French Francs

  13. Rene Descartes French Francs Blaise Pascal French Francs

  14. Voltaire French Francs Louie Pasteur French Francs

  15. Erwin Schrodinger Austrian Schillings Lord Earnest Rutherford New Zealand Dollars

  16. Nicola Tesla Serbian Dinars

  17. Nicola Tesla Yugoslavian Dinars 10 10 !

  18. Nicola Tesla Yugoslavian Dinars Niels Bohr Danish Kroner

  19. Abu Ali al-Hasan Iraqi Dinars Sigmund Freud Austrian Schillings

  20. Charles Darwin British Pounds Richard Dawkins

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