Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Science GCSE Overview ◼ There are 6 exams: 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics. Trilogy ◼ Each exam is 1hr 15minutes long and worth 16.7% towards your overall grade. ◼ You will achieve 2 Science GCSE’S eg. 44, 54, 65 – all 6 exams are totalled together to give you your final grading. Triple ◼ Triple exams are 1 hour 45 minutes long to cover the extra content. ◼ You will achieve 3 separate GCSE’S eg. Biology 7, Chemistry 6 and Physics 8.
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity All of the marks from the 6 papers are added together:
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Science GCSE Overview Paper 1 Biology Chemistry Physics Cells Atoms & The Energy Periodic Table Organisation Bonding & Electricity Structure Infection & Quantitative Chem Particle Model of Response Matter Bioenergetics Chemical Changes Atomic Structure Energy Changes
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Science GCSE Overview Paper 2 Biology Chemistry Physics Homeostasis Rates of Reaction Forces Inheritance Organic Chemistry Waves Ecology Chemical Analysis Magnets & Electromagnets Chemistry of the Space – TRIPLE Atmosphere ONLY Using Resources
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Science GCSE Overview 1 st Exam – Tuesday 12 th May 6 th Exam – Friday 12 th June Half Term = 23 rd May – 1 st June
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Trilogy Students
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Triple Science Students ◼ Separate revision guides and practice questions including an online edition
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Practice Practice Practice All pupils have access to PiXL PowerPoints for every topic. The slides include: ◼ Subject Knowledge ◼ Practice Questions ◼ Answers to Reflect
Cell structure part 1 - Animal, plant cells and bacterial cells You will need to know the differences between plant, animal and bacterial cells. cell� wall cell� membrane cytoplasm Bacterial cells are much bacterial� DNA� loop� plasmid� DNA� rings this� is� NOT� in� a� nucleus smaller than bacteria� may� have� more� plant and than� one� of� these bacterial� cell animal cells.
Cell structure part 1 - Animal, plant cells and bacterial cells Cell part Function Animal Plant Bacteria Contains genetic material, which controls the Nucleus ✔ ✔ activities of the cell Most chemical processes take place here, controlled Cytoplasm ✔ ✔ ✔ by enzymes Controls the movement of substances into and out of Cell membrane ✔ ✔ ✔ the cell Mitochondria ✔ ✔ Most energy is released by respiration here ✔ ✔ Ribosomes Protein synthesis happens here Strengthens the cell – made of cellulose (not bacteria) Cell wall ✔ ✔ (algal cells also have a cell wall) Contain chlorophyll, absorbs light energy for Chloroplasts ✔ photosynthesis Permanent ✔ Filled with cell sap to help keep the cell turgid vacuole Bacterial DNA ✔ Loop of DNA NOT found in a nucleus Small ring of DNA often used as a vector in genetic Plasmid (DNA) ✔ modification
Cell structure part 1 – QuestionIT 5. Name the structures A to L on the diagrams below and label cells 1, 2 and 3. a. f.� b.� c.� g.� d.� h. e.� 1.� ______� cell 2.� ______� cell j. k. i. m. l. 3.� ___________� cell
Cell structure – AnswerIT 5. Name the structures A to L on the diagrams below and label cells 1, 2 and 3. a.� nucleus f.� vacuole b.� cytoplasm� c.� cell� membrane� g.� cell� wall� d.� ribosome h.� chloroplast e.� mitochondria� 1.� animal� cell 2.� plant� cell k.� cell� membrane j.� cell� wall i.� cytoplasm l.� bacterial� DNA� m.� plasmid� DNA� 3.� bacterial cell
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Repetition Make flash cards – keyword on one side and the definition on the back. ◼ Simple mind maps – minimal writing, pictures ◼ Transform bigger chunks into pictures/songs etc ◼ Teach others… ◼
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity Revision Videos ◼ Primrose Kitty ◼ Freesciencelessons (9-1)
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity How will pupils know if they are on track this year? ◼ End of topic assessments – Foundation & Higher Tier ◼ Assessment feedback – strengths and targets for improvement ◼ PPE results – pupils will be given the grade they would have achieved for that paper. ◼ Teacher feedback
Title of Learning Episode: AQA Exams Application Recall Repetition Revisewise – Science Practice Reflect Memory Independence Resilience Positivity
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