scalable multi purpose network representation for large

Scalable Multi-Purpose Network Representation for Large Scale - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scalable Multi-Purpose Network Representation for Large Scale Distributed System Simulation Laurent Bobelin 1 , Arnaud Legrand 1 , arquez 2 Pierre Navarro 1 , David A. Gonz alez M Martin Quinson 3 , Fr eric Suter 4 , Christophe Thi ery 3

  1. Scalable Multi-Purpose Network Representation for Large Scale Distributed System Simulation Laurent Bobelin 1 , Arnaud Legrand 1 , arquez 2 Pierre Navarro 1 , David A. Gonz´ alez M´ Martin Quinson 3 , Fr´ eric Suter 4 , Christophe Thi´ ery 3 ed´ 1 LIG, Grenoble University, France 2 Departemento de Computacion, Universitad de Buneos Aires, Argentina 3 LORIA, Nancy University, France 4 IN2P3 Computing Center, CNRS/IN2P3 Lyon-Villeurbanne, France ANR 08 SEGI 022 ANR 11 INFRA 13 CCGrid 2012 A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy 1 / 12

  2. Large Scale Distributed Systems LSDS (clusters, P2P, grid, volunteer computing, clouds, . . . ) are a pain ◮ analytic methods quickly become intractable and often fail to cap- ture key characteristics of real systems ◮ experiments on the field are tedious, time-consuming, non- reproducible, sometimes even impossible A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 2 / 12

  3. Large Scale Distributed Systems LSDS (clusters, P2P, grid, volunteer computing, clouds, . . . ) are a pain ◮ analytic methods quickly become intractable and often fail to cap- ture key characteristics of real systems ◮ experiments on the field are tedious, time-consuming, non- reproducible, sometimes even impossible Hence, lots of research in our area rely on simulation A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 2 / 12

  4. Large Scale Distributed Systems LSDS (clusters, P2P, grid, volunteer computing, clouds, . . . ) are a pain ◮ analytic methods quickly become intractable and often fail to cap- ture key characteristics of real systems ◮ experiments on the field are tedious, time-consuming, non- reproducible, sometimes even impossible Hence, lots of research in our area rely on simulation LSDS simulation challenges ◮ scalability (both in terms of speed and memory) ◮ accuracy /validity/realism (a very context-dependent notion) ◮ genericity A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 2 / 12

  5. Large Scale Distributed Systems LSDS (clusters, P2P, grid, volunteer computing, clouds, . . . ) are a pain ◮ analytic methods quickly become intractable and often fail to cap- ture key characteristics of real systems ◮ experiments on the field are tedious, time-consuming, non- reproducible, sometimes even impossible Hence, lots of research in our area rely on simulation LSDS simulation challenges ◮ scalability (both in terms of speed and memory) ◮ accuracy /validity/realism (a very context-dependent notion) ◮ genericity Most works trade everything for scalability although. . . Premature optimization is the root of all evil – D.E.Knuth A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 2 / 12

  6. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  7. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations Not everyone has such needs A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  8. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations Not everyone has such needs P2P DHT geographic diversity, jitter, churn � no need for contention, only delay A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  9. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations Not everyone has such needs P2P DHT geographic diversity, jitter, churn � no need for contention, only delay P2P streaming network proximity, asymmetry, interference on the edge � ignore the core A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  10. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations Not everyone has such needs P2P DHT geographic diversity, jitter, churn � no need for contention, only delay P2P streaming network proximity, asymmetry, interference on the edge � ignore the core Grid heterogeneity, complex topology, contention w. large transfers � no need to focus on packets A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  11. Validity: Community Requirements Networking Protocol design requires accurate packet-level simulations Not everyone has such needs P2P DHT geographic diversity, jitter, churn � no need for contention, only delay P2P streaming network proximity, asymmetry, interference on the edge � ignore the core Grid heterogeneity, complex topology, contention w. large transfers � no need to focus on packets Volunteer Computing dynamic availability, heterogeneity � little need for networking HPC complex communication workload, protocol peculiarities � build on regularity and homogeneity Cloud mixture of previous requirements Consequence: most simulators are ad hoc and domain-specific � �� � read “dead within a year or so” A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Context 3 / 12

  12. Network Communication Models Packet-level simulation Networking community has standards, many popular open-source projects (NS, GTneTS, OmNet++,. . . ) ◮ full simulation of the whole protocol stack ◮ complex models � hard to instantiate ◮ inherently slow A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 4 / 12

  13. Network Communication Models Packet-level simulation Networking community has standards, many popular open-source projects (NS, GTneTS, OmNet++,. . . ) ◮ full simulation of the whole protocol stack ◮ complex models � hard to instantiate ◮ inherently slow Delay-based models The simplest ones. . . ◮ communication time = constant delay, statistical distribution, LogP � ( Θ(1) footprint and O (1) computation) ◮ coordinate based systems to account for geographic proximity � ( Θ( N ) footprint and O (1) computation) Although very scalable, these models ignore network congestion and typically assume large bissection bandwidth A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 4 / 12

  14. Network Communication Models (cont’d) Flow-level models A communication (flow) is simulated as a single entity:  S message size   T i,j ( S ) = L i,j + S/B i,j , where L i,j latency between i and j   B i,j bandwidth between i and j Estimating B i,j requires to account for interactions with other flows A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 5 / 12

  15. Network Communication Models (cont’d) Flow-level models A communication (flow) is simulated as a single entity:  S message size   T i,j ( S ) = L i,j + S/B i,j , where L i,j latency between i and j   B i,j bandwidth between i and j Estimating B i,j requires to account for interactions with other flows Assume steady-state and share bandwidth every time a new flow ap- pears or disappears Setting a set of flows F and a set of links L � Constraints For all link j : ̺ i � C j if flow i uses link j A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 5 / 12

  16. Network Communication Models (cont’d) Flow-level models A communication (flow) is simulated as a single entity:  S message size   T i,j ( S ) = L i,j + S/B i,j , where L i,j latency between i and j   B i,j bandwidth between i and j Estimating B i,j requires to account for interactions with other flows Assume steady-state and share bandwidth every time a new flow ap- pears or disappears Setting a set of flows F and a set of links L � Constraints For all link j : ̺ i � C j if flow i uses link j Objective function ◮ Max-Min max(min( ̺ i )) ◮ or other fancy objectives e.g., Reno ∼ max( � log( ̺ i )) A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 5 / 12

  17. Wrap up on flow-level models Such fluid models can account for TCP key characteristics ◮ slow-start ◮ flow-control limitation ◮ RTT-unfairness ◮ cross traffic interference They are a very reasonable approximation for most LSDC systems Yet, many people think they are too complex to scale. Let’s prove them wrong! ¨ ⌣ A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Network Models 6 / 12

  18. How to achieve scalability Platform description N nodes and E links Main issues with topology ◮ description size, expressiveness ◮ memory footprint ◮ computation time Representation Input Footprint Parsing Lookup A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Topology Representation 7 / 12

  19. How to achieve scalability Platform description N nodes and E links Main issues with topology ◮ description size, expressiveness ◮ memory footprint N ◮ computation time Classical network representation N 1 Flat representation 5000 hosts doesn’t fit in 4Gb! { L 12 , L 52 , . . . , L 4 } Representation Input Footprint Parsing Lookup N 2 N 2 N 2 Flat 1 A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Topology Representation 7 / 12

  20. How to achieve scalability Platform description N nodes and E links Main issues with topology ◮ description size, expressiveness ◮ memory footprint ◮ computation time Classical network representation 1 Flat representation 5000 hosts doesn’t fit in 4Gb! 2 Graph representation assum- ing shortest path routing Representation Input Footprint Parsing Lookup Dijsktra N + E E + N log N N + E E + N log N N 2 N 3 Floyd N + E 1 A. Legrand (CNRS) INRIA-MESCAL Scalability vs. Accuracy Topology Representation 7 / 12


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