Strategic Business Innovator - Daiwa Investment Conference Tokyo 201 Daiwa Investment Conference Tokyo 2012 2 - - - SBI Holdings' History Since Its Founding and SBI Holdings' History Since Its Founding and the Strategy for Continued Future Growth the Strategy for Continued Future Growth March 7 7, 201 , 2012 2 March Yoshitaka Kitao Yoshitaka Kitao Representative Director & CEO Representative Director & CEO SBI Holdings, Inc. SBI Holdings, Inc.
The items in this document are provided as information related to the financial results and the business strategy of the SBI Group companies and not as an invitation to invest in the stock or securities issued by each company. None of the Group companies guarantees the completeness of this document in terms of information and future business strategy. The content of this document is subject to revision or cancellation without warning. Note: Fiscal Year (“FY”) ends March 31 of the following year 1
I. 12-Year History of the SBI Group Since Its Foundation II. Business Strategy and Restructuring the Group for the Next 10 Year Period 2
I. 12-Year History of the SBI Group Since Its Foundation 1. Completion of the Completion of the “ “Financial Ecosystem Financial Ecosystem” ” and and 1. Promotion of the Pentagon Management romotion of the Pentagon Management P 2. Acceleration of the Global Business, Focusing on Asia Acceleration of the Global Business, Focusing on Asia 2. 3. Pursuit of the Pursuit of the “ “Brilliant Cut Initiative Brilliant Cut Initiative” ” to Shift the to Shift the 3. Domestic Business from a Scale Expansion to a Domestic Business from a Scale Expansion to a Quality Improvement M Model odel Quality Improvement 3
1. Completion of the “Financial Ecosystem” and Promotion of the Pentagon Management 4
SBI Holdings Today SBI Holdings Today Establishment End of 1999 Dec. 2011 Customer base 0 12.5 million Officers and 55 3,124 employees (cons.) Operating FY2010: JPY 141.1bn 0 revenues (cons.) Peak time (FY2007): JPY 222.6bn Consolidated 119 companies 0 subsidiaries (Including partnership) Publicly owned 7 companies 0 companies (including SBIH) Peak time: 11 (FY2007) Capital JPY 50m JPY 81.6bn Net assets JPY 50m JPY 459.7bn 5
The SBI Group's Customer Base Breakdown of the customer base (as of the end of Dec. 2011) (thousand) (thousand) 13,000 2,338 SBI SECURITIES (Accounts) 12,501 4,333 SBIH InsWeb (No. of customers) 1,097 E-LOAN (No. of customers) 12,000 22 11,722 Other financial websites (No. of customers) (Total no. of customer 736 MoneyLook registrations) (New portfolio customer 80 Morningstar Japan 11,000 registrations) 128 SBI Card (Valid cards issued) 10,419 1,280 SBI Sumishin Net Bank (Accounts) 10,000 347 SBI Insurance (Total no. of contracts ) (Total no. of service 800 Autoc one 9,290 users in 2010) (Total no. of customer 852 Lifestyle-related websites 9,000 registrations) 112 SBI Credit (No. of customers) 8,418 Others 375 (SBI Mortgage, SBI Point Union, etc.) 8,000 12,501 Total Mar.2008 Mar.2009 Mar.2010 Mar.2011 Dec.2011 * Repetition customers between group companies are counted double while it is omitting repetition in each service site when it can be recognized as a unique user. * The total number of contract of SBI Insurance excludes continuing contracts, expiring contracts and early-withdrawal 6
Completion of the Formation of a Financial Business Ecosystem (in 2008) Since the establishment of the SBI Group, we have been expanding our financial ecosystem by forming a variety of joint ventures with leading companies in the financial industry A globally unique Internet-based financial conglomerate that realizes one-stop services is established Synergy Synergy [SBI SECURITIES] Financial Ecosystem Synergy Synergy Synergy 7
Pentagon Management of Financial Services (1) Pentagon Management of Financial Services (1) (Set in March 2010) As an "Internet-based Financial Conglomerate," unlike a traditional conglomerate, a conglomerate management style is deployed that is based on the formulation of an order within the Group that pursues a materially accelerated growth in the expansion of the business of the Group as a whole. 1. Our financial ecosystem consists of five core businesses among our financial services: securities, banking, non-life Insurance, life Insurance and settlement services. 2. Create synergies by mutually linking core businesses to effect exponential growth for the entire Group. 3. Focusing on each core business, we will place affiliated companies and businesses that possess core business support functions, and aggressively pursue synergistic effects with each core business, in order to differentiate ourselves from our competitors, thereby promoting exponential growth in each core business. 8
Pentagon Management of Financial Services (2) Pentagon Management of Financial Services (2) (Set in March 2010) 4. The face-to-face channels, such as SBI Money Plaza, will be expanded across Japan, to serve as an infrastructure business that will propel growth in the five core businesses and advance the integration of the online and face-to-face services. This will enable the organization to provide, on a neutral basis, comparably superior products to customers whether the products are from inside or outside the Group, so that the SBI Group may become Japan's largest financial products distributor. 5. By introducing the systems and know-how of our core businesses accumulated in Japan, in tandem with the economic development of emerging countries, we will be positioned to promote the development of the financial services business in those countries. 9
Pentagon Management in the Financial Services Business System Know-how Overseas Expertise Securities Supporting businesses Overseas Settlement [SBI SECURITIES] System System Banking Services Know-how Know-how Expertise Expertise Supporting businesses Supporting businesses capital Overseas Common Infrastructure SBI Money Plaza SBI Net Systems Non-life SBI-LG Systems Insurance Life Insurance System System Supporting businesses Supporting businesses Know-how Know-how Expertise Expertise Overseas Overseas Investment Business 10
Examples of synergies between core business and supporting business: Provision of Securities Related Services by SBI SECURITIES and Other Surrounding Companies Synergy Provision of FX market Synergy infrastructure and systems Operating “Japannext PTS”, for 20 pairs of currencies the largest PTS market in Japan [SBI SECURITIES] The largest number of accounts in online securities Synergy Synergy Approx. 2.35 mil. accounts as of the end of Jan. 2012 Financial agent tailored to Provision of investment trusts Synergy Synergy evaluation and other information of financial products Synergy The largest information Providing online news website about China Synergy Synergy and articles of the world 102.9 mil. PV a month that are influential to 5.38 mil. unique user a month stock markets in the As of Jan. 2012 Japanese language 11
SBI Group's Driving Growth Factors ( ⅰ ) Tracking the Major Trends ( ⅱ ) Formation of “Business Ecosystem” ~Organizational structure that leads to “structural differentiation” and “realization of near-future vision of finance”~ ( ⅲ ) Adherence to the “Customer-centric Principle” 12
SBI Group's Driving Growth Factors ( i i ) Tracking the Major Trends ) Tracking the Major Trends ( 13
Environment Surrounding the SBI Group Since Its Foundation Two big trends that supported rapid growth of the SBI Group since its foundation in 1999 <1> The Internet <2> Deregulations of Revolution Financial Industry ~Near- -future vision of financial industry in the Internet age~ future vision of financial industry in the Internet age~ ~Near The triple "One Service" will inevitably be expected The triple "One Service" will inevitably be expected One List One Stop One to One One List One Stop One to One Comparison of the various A wide range of financial Concierge service that financial services desired services provided by a provides individual by customers summarized single financial institution. customer consultation. in one list. The SBI Group expected the evolution and enhancement of the Internet, so it has been accelerating the growth of its Internet-based financial field 14
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