satellite based technologies for regional national local

Satellite based Technologies for Regional/ National/ Local dissem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Satellite based Technologies for Regional/ National/ Local dissem ination of Alerts An efficient tool for Adm inistrations to W orldSpace uses its Digital Technology reach Ctizens Alm ost Anyw here - for the delivery of Multim edia content

  1. Satellite based Technologies for Regional/ National/ Local dissem ination of Alerts An efficient tool for Adm inistrations to W orldSpace uses its Digital Technology reach Ctizens – Alm ost Anyw here - for the delivery of Multim edia content - I ndependant from terrestrial infra- text, data, im aging and stream ing structures. video - directly to transportable receivers in a service area that includes 5 billion people.

  2. THE NEED is for an alerting system w hich can cover all Multi-hazard approach , hazards and can be delivered by authorized agencies directly and instantaneously Redundancy to those w ho respond to the em ergency . W ithin Nation Robustness I ssuance of w arnings Delivering em ergency and preparedness data dow n to village level. Sustainability Authority to Authority: From National to Local Authority . Authority to Citizen: Local Authorities dissem inate W arnings to com m unities.

  3. THE NEED is for an Alerting System w hich can cover all hazards and can provide to Authorities w ho respond to the em ergency Tools to reach populations dow n to the Village level I ndependent from any terrestrial infrastructure.

  4. Authorities are able to record and deliver Audio/ Data W arnings to Anny receivers W eb based Alert Platform allow ing generation and broadcasting of Alerts A Public Key I nfrastructure ( PKI ) for Users authentication Encryption of m essages. XML-based Alerts allow ing interoperability And Multi-lingual com m unication.

  5. Operates as a single point of entry for National Anny Netw ork W eb based platform to Authorities. issue w arnings and m anage the Netw ork To generate and geo-reference Alerts. To visualize on m aps the term inals status. To give access to specific partners applications. Recipient Managem ent The user can define and activate recipients and/ or groups Of recipients through standard forms. Alert Managem ent The user can create alerts following the CAP standard. The addressing of terminals can be done several ways: • by listing the groups of recipients • by defining a geographical area • by defining a country code • by a combination of the above criteria The system supports also exercise or test alerts.

  6. The Multim edia Receiver: The Radio Receiver Capabilities: Linux-based term inal hosting Specifically adressable to an dedicated applications for alerts individual or to a group and preparedness. To receive geo-referenced alerts, Small (170x124x38mm) Silencer( without fan) Hard disk 40Gb To control relays for sw itching on external devices ( sirens, flash lights,..) To display sum m arized textual inform ation about the alert To autom atically tune itself to an alert audio channel that w ould give The radio receiver with its mini- instructions. antenna I ncludes a built- in GPS and an GPRS/ GSM ( optional) system for - Validation - Aknow ledgem ent - Alert generation.

  7. Receivers The base configuration: • • The alert system includes in this base configuration: • Operation (fig3) • a DAMB-R2 receiver with an L-band antenna • a power supply (2 AA batteries or 6V AC/ D adapter • The essential operation is identical to the DAMB-R or car power adapter) WorldSpace Radio receiver. A new function was added: Press and buttons simultaneous for 2 second to show the coordinate information. • When the receiver is locked to the service channel sending alert messages, icon will appear on the left of DAMB-R2 display. • When a new alert message received applicable to the terminal itself or to the area where the terminal is currently located, the buzzer in DAMB-R2 will beep for 5 seconds . • In case the alert includes a control message to switch to a specific alert audio channel , the speaker in DAMB-R2 will begin to play audio program defined in the alert message. Display • When DAMB-R2 is in Alert state, all buttons are redefined. Press or button could show the alert Base information one by one.

  8. Receivers The additional alert box is an add-on equipment of the WorldSpace Alert System. It communicates with Add-on Box: DAMB-R2 receiver via USB cable. It can provide In this extended configuration, the Alert System includes: coordinate information via a built-in GPS and control other alert equipment such as Sirens, Flashing lights a DAMB-R2 receiver with L-band antenna. by built-in relays. an Additional alert box a GPS antenna a 12-24V AC/ DC adapter.

  9. Audio: How it can be used Audio: How it can be used Audio uplink to satellite Satellite Uplink Station Transmission to audio receivers Live/Recorded Individual Village Classroom Emergency Preparedness Content: -Locally & regionally relevant -Culturally appropriate -Practical & solution oriented -Balance and accurate/ Non-political

  10. Multimedia: How it can be used Multimedia: How it can be used Internet-type downloads without an Internet connection Multimedia adapter converts receiver to modem for download of data from satellite to computer Uplink Station Internet Preparedness Contents Receiver + MMS Adaptor + computer

  11. Audio Broadcasting for Emergency Relief Audio Broadcasting for Emergency Relief

  12. Cyclone Warning System for Fisherman out at Sea Cyclone Warning System for Fisherman out at Sea • Pilot Experiment in west coast of India • 80 boats fitted with WorldSpace reception - Encased in water proof enclosure - Pretuned to the assigned channel • Warning messages in MP3 format via Internet to the uplink site • Boats into the sea up to 200 miles • Valuable experience gained in designing the full system WorldSpace Reception on a Fishing Boat WorldSpace Reception on a Fishing Boat

  13. Anny Netw ork is not a substitute to existing solutions. I t can be used as a unique W arning System or as a redundant W arning System linked to other solutions.

  14. – Existing coverage of m ore than 1 3 0 countries. – Reach w ell beyond traditional com m unication netw orks. – Rapid roll-out of the system over w ide areas. – Geo- referencing and selective addressability. – Easy to use w eb-interface for alert generation, updates and cancellation. – Built- in authentication and security features. – Low pow er consum ption and possibility of Lufo or solar pow ering. – Display of the alert in CAP form at. – I nterface to an external box for operating a relay for a w arning signal. – Ease of deploym ent, operation and m aintenance. – Expandability and Scalability.

  15. • With CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (e.g., Indian Meteorological Department, PTI, …) who can provide alerts • With NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (e.g., M.S. Swaminathan Foundation) who can provide information for communities’ preparedness • With STATE AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (e.g., Relief Commissioner in Chennai, Kenya, Tanzania Meteo) who can coordinate activities pre/post-disaster • With UN AGENCIES involved in Emergency communications, humanitarian affairs, preparedness and educational (e.g., ITU, WMO,ISDR etc..) • With TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS and COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS and CONTENTS PROVIDERS

  16. Pierre Casadebaig General Manager Pierre Genillon DataCasting Manager Jérom e Soum agne Chief Technology Officer For more information, visit our Web Site : w w w .w W orldSpace France 13, rue Michel Labrousse 31100 TOULOUSE FRANCE Didier Lehoux WorldSpace Marine service Stay at your disposal for live demos in the ITU Montbriand ground floor.

  17. Thank you Thank you


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