samples of mixed containers

SAMPLES OF MIXED CONTAINERS Maximum Recovery Minimum Waste TM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SAMPLES OF MIXED CONTAINERS Maximum Recovery Minimum Waste TM MIXED CONTAINER RECYCLING Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Containers in one recycling bin. Containers in one recycling

  1. SAMPLES OF MIXED CONTAINERS Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  2. MIXED CONTAINER RECYCLING Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Containers in one recycling bin. Containers in one recycling bin. You DO NOT have to separate these items. You DO NOT have to separate these items. “We can party with the tin cans…” ‘Come mingle with us…” Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  3. FACT For every tonne of paper you recycle, 17 trees are saved. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  4. MIXED CONTAINERS CO-MINGLED TOGETHER Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  5. FACT It takes 90% less energy to recycle a used aluminum can than to make a brand new one. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  6. MIXED CONTAINER RECYCLING Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Recycle your Tin, Glass, Metal and Plastic Containers in one recycling bin. Containers in one recycling bin. You DO NOT have to separate these items. You DO NOT have to separate these items. “We can party with the tin cans…” ‘Come mingle with us…” Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  7. FACT Aluminum cans take 500 years to break down. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  8. MIXED CONTAINERS CO-MINGLED TOGETHER Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  9. MIXED CONTAINER RECYCLING MATERIALS NOT ACCEPTED NO Milk cartons/milk containers NO Milk substitute tetra packs/cartons NO Styrofoam NO Paper products NO Garbage bags, Plastic bags, Plastic wrap, shrink wrap NO Nylon strapping NO Broken glass, dishes, china NO Garbage NO Food waste Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  10. FACT The energy saved by recycling one aluminum can is enough to power the average Canadian television set for 108 minutes. = + Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  11. SAMPLES OF CLEAN CONTAINERS Each of these containers have been rinsed out. There is no food or liquid residue left inside. Clean aluminum Clean tin cans cans Clean glass Clean plastic bottles bottles Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  12. PREPARING YOUR MIXED CONTAINERS Three simple steps to prepare your containers for recycling: Step #1 Remove lids from the container. Step #2 Rinse out food/liquid residue inside of the container. Step #3 Place the recyclable container into the correct recycling receptacle. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  13. IS IT GARBAGE OR RECYCLING? Clean Containers: Only containers that are rinsed out with NO food or liquid waste are accepted in the container recycling totes. Non-Clean Containers: If the container has food or liquid waste still left inside, and you do not have time to clean it out, put the unclean container into the garbage, NOT for recycling. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  14. FACT It takes 5 recycled PETE bottles to make enough fiberfill to stuff a ski jacket. = Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  15. WHAT DOES ‘CONTAMINATION’ MEAN? ‘Contamination’ occurs when unwanted materials that are not accepted in a specific recycling container, tote or bin are placed in with the accepted materials. This can be food, liquid, or other recyclable items that go elsewhere. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  16. EXAMPLES OF CONTAMINATION - sauce left inside of - unrinsed tub, sauce containers bottle - deposit water bottle - black garbage bag Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  17. FACT Food scraps and yard debris make up 1/3 to 1/2 of the average householder's waste. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  18. ORGANICS RECYCLING Not sure what goes in the Organics tote? Read the new signage posted in your lunch room. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  19. MINIMIZE YOUR CONTAMINATION  Read the signage posted for recycling. This will indicate what does and does not go into the containers, totes or bins.  If you are unsure of where to put your recyclables, ask before you take action.  Make sure to remove all food and liquid waste from the Mixed Containers. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  20. FACT When you recycle one glass bottle, the energy saved is enough to keep a light bulb burning for 4 hours. = + Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  21. EXAMPLES OF CONTAMINATION - unrinsed ketchup bottle - tuna left inside of can - deposit water bottle Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

  22. FACT Plastic can take up to 500 years to break down in the landfill. All the plastic you have ever thrown in the garbage is still there. Maximum Recovery … Minimum Waste TM

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