same as threshold

Same as Threshold - 1) Meet all Western Electrcity Coordinating - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Attachment A G California ISO ~EXiiCe~~n,Gf:cl ncl Afiriet Opehiiins25% Same as Threshold - 1) Meet all Western Electrcity Coordinating Council Reliability Standards Same as Threshold - i. Reliabilty Standard CPS-1 (Number of

  1. Attachment A G California ISO Â~EXê¡íëiiCe~~n,Gf:cl äncl Afiriet Opehiiiòns¡25% Same as Threshold - 1) Meet all Western Electrcity Coordinating Council Reliability Standards Same as Threshold - i. Reliabilty Standard CPS-1 (Number of months achieving Nine of 9 months achieving at least 100% score. (Range: 183% to 12 Same as Threshold at least 100% score) 190%); Average-to-Date 187.06% (as of September 19, 2007.) - ii. Reliabilty Standard CPS-2 (Number of months achieving Nine of 9 months achieving at least 90% score. (Range: 95% to 97%) 12 Same as Threshold at least a 90% score) Average-to-Date 96.46% (as of September 19, 2007.) ii. Reliabilty Standard DCS (Maximum number of Zero violations through September 19, 2007. 139 Year-to-date 2 violations) 0 disturbances (11 disturbances inside the iSO). ~ One violation reported to WECC through September 19, 2007 occuring on March 20 on Path 15 (Midway-Los Banos). Thermal Limit, Over Limit iv. Reliabilty Standard OTC (Maximum Number of Same as Threshold - 2 = 144 MW;Duration = 274 minutes. Fine of $4,800 was assessed. violations) 0 Subsequent investigation into the root cause of the violation yielded the source. v. Operating Reserve Compliance (Number of violation Same as Threshold 0 declarations to WECC) Zero violations through September 19, 2007. - vi. Reliabilty Standard (Number of Emergency One Stage 1 emergency declaration through August 31 that occurred on 5 Total costs no less than - 4 Declarations) 3 August 29 due to higher than forecast loads. Total costs no more than Total costs no more than Reliabilty Management Costs (RMC) are tracking more than $190M 2) Reduce Reliability Management Costs $50M above adjusted 2006 adjusted 2006 costs $50M below adjusted 2006 below the adjusted 2006 RMC through September 19. We are well on costs (estimated at $375M) costs (estimated at $275M) (estimated at $325M) track to exceed the Stretch measure. Integrated Market Simulation (IMS) Release 2 concluded on July 20. All CAISO systems, The release was a good opportunity to exercise the Day-Ahead Market All CAISO systems, business processes, and and did not meet all of the Market Participants' expectations. IMS business processes, and personnel ready for MRTU 3) Market Redesign and Technology Upgrade (MRTU) Release 3 incorporated market participant feedback and was personnel ready for MRTU Same as Target Go-Live for trade date Feb successfully started on September 24 exercising the Day-Ahead, Hourly Implemented on Schedule and within Budget Go-Live for trade date Feb Scheduling Process and Real-Time Markets. While the California ISO 1,2008 within Budget of 1,2008 within Budget $182M ($189,223M Budget 1, 2008, internally we are driving has extended the start of MRTU to April ($189,223M) _ Threatened " Less Contingency) to a February 1, 2008 readiness date for all business processes, systems, and employees. _ On Track for Stretch ~ On Track for Target 0 Behind. But Managing Toward Target Achieved Stretch TBD - To Be Determined l¿ Achieved Target CAISO Page 1 of 4 October g, 2007

  2. Attachment A G California ISO e 0 owing projec s are a i eren sages 0 regu a ory approva Wi the CPUC: Antelope-Pardee(Segment 1, Tehachapi), Antelope Transmission Project (Segments 2 and 3, Tehachapi), Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Porject (Segments 4 through 11), Sunrise 50% of the transmission 100% of the transmission Powerlink, and Palo Verde-Devers No.2. Due to the nature and timing projects, approved by project, approved by of the regulatory approval process, this goal is currently noted as TBD. California ISO Board of California iSO Board of TARGET PLUS 800 MW Additionally, Trans Bay Cable recieved all regulatory approvals Governors through 1st 4) Transmission Capacity Increase Governors through 1st increase in transmission TBD regarding permits. Quarter, 2007 receive Quarter 2007 receive capacity by February 2008 Potential capacity increases by February 2008 include the Southern regulatory approval by regulatory approval by California Import Transmission (SCIT) consisting of increase of 400 MW February 2008 February 2008 by New Miguel - Old Town 230 kV line, shunt capacitors at Miguel and Valley, and 100 MW of new peakers in SCE service territory providing necessary voltage support; and 1100 MW Vaca Dixon 500/230kV Same as Threshold - 5) Employee Skil Development: Percent of targeted population fulfllng skil gaps On track for acquiring required new skils prior to MRTU deployment. i. Skills for Operators for MRTU Assessment on applying the new skils continually being performed. To 100% Same as Threshold date, 100% (67 of 67 real time operators) have completed MRTU Training (Levels 100,200, 300) and role-based training is underway. ii. Advanced skils for Engineers to meet long-term corporate To date, 20% (9 of 45 engineers) have completed training and skil 25% application assessment. Another class is underway. Expecting to 30% 35% objectives 35% - achieve Target measure and achieving the Stretch measure is likely. iii. Advanced business/economic skils To date, 35% (28 of 80 targeted individuals) completed required training 25% 30% and demonstrated application of these skils. ii. Respect 70% 75% 6) "Employer of Choice" Best Practices Assessment: (X) of employees providing favorable rating (X% or more) in the areas of: i. Communication 70% 75% iii. Job Satisfaction 70% 75% 80% 80% Employee survey to be managed by an independent third party is 80% scheduled for distribution in the mid 4th quarter, 2007. Currently iv. Career Management/Professional Development Opportunities 70% Same as Threshold TBD working with independent third part to update the employee survey 75% v. Cross-Divisional Teamwork (i.e., communication, coordination, 70% Same as Threshold components. coo eration 75% ." _ On Track for Stretch ~ On Track for Target 0 Behind, But Managing Toward Target _ Threatened Achieved Stretch TBD - To Be Determined J Achieved Target CAISO Page 2 of4 October 9, 2007

  3. Attachment A ø California ISO 75% ofthe time, the 5 day 75% of the time, the 5-day goal for responding or goal for responding or referrng inquiry is met. setting expectation is met. - Within 5 business days, (The organization receiving inquiries to Customer the referrl wil respond Testing in August was completed and areas for improvement were Services and Industry within 5 business days with TARGET PLUS 75% ofthe identified and addressed. August 31st was the kickoff. Current 7) Timeliness of Issue Resolution Affirs are either: either: time the expected performance is meeting the Target measure. Insuffcient data has been 1) Answered and closed; 1) Infonnation closing the resolution date is met. collected to assess Stretch measure. issue; OR OR 2) Referrd via the 2) An estimate of time corporate-wide tool to othe necessary to provide departments for a infonnation to close the response. issue.) 4th Quarter customer survey documents that 70% ofthose surveyed agree MRTU-related questions are included into the 2007 corporate survey, that MRTU readinessl 4th Quarter customer 4th Quarter customer which is to be conducted in November. Prior to conducting the survey, communications met their survey documents that 80% survey documents that 90% the CAISO wil publish a client-facing document to showcase needs. (MRTU readiness of those surveyed agree ofthose surveyed agree 8) MRTU Readiness and Communication improvements undertaken since the 2006 survey. TBD communication effrt are that MRTU readinessl that MRTU readinessl assessed in 2nd Quarter communications met their communications met their needs. needs To date, no specific deficiencies in the readiness and communication customer survey. Related processes have been identified. mitigation plans are successfully implemented and documented.) The Board of Governors wil determine Management's performance on Management this goal. We have taken actions to accurately represent and clearly memorandums and articulate stakeholder positions and any controvery. We started by presentations to the Board clarifying the internal process for managing stakeholder engagements faciltate Board decision and executing key service-level agreements supporting a consistent process by accurately 9) Stakeholder Process stakeholder process with specified roles and responsibilties. We also Same as Target Same as Target TBD representing and clearly created the mechanism for clearly articulating stakeholders positions articulating Stakeholder and any controversy. The Summary of Submitted Comments document positions, including and a matrix of stakeholder positions was deployed with the identifying any remaining September's Board memorandums. High-level summaries of controversy. stakeholder positions are also included in the presentation material " (slides). _ On Track for Stretch On Track for Target 0 Behind, But Managing Toward Target _ Threatened Achieved Stretch ~ Achieved Target TBD - To Be Determined CAISO Page 3 of4 October 9, 2007


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