sabina gold

SABINA GOLD & SIL ILVER CORP. Developing the high- grade Goose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SABINA GOLD & SIL ILVER CORP. Developing the high- grade Goose Mine at the Back River Gold District. The work done on Back River over the last two years offers opportunity to bring higher-grade ounces in earlier in the mine life,

  1. SABINA GOLD & SIL ILVER CORP. Developing the high- grade Goose Mine at the Back River Gold District. The work done on Back River over the last two years offers opportunity to bring higher-grade ounces in earlier in the mine life, providing for increased production profile and economics and reduced payback; improving on an already top tier project. This work will form the basis of an updated Feasibility Study and Resource Estimate due Q1/21. August 2020 1

  2. 2 Forw rward Looking In Information Statements relating to our belief as to the results of exploration activities, timing of receipt of necessary authorizations and licenses, the availability of project financing, the timing of the start of construction and the first gold pour, and the results of further optimization studies to the feasibility study, the potential tonnage and grades and contents of deposits and the potential production from and viability of Sabina’s properties are forward looking information within the meaning of securities legislation of certain Provinces in Canada. Forward looking information are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always identified by the words “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential,” “opportunities,” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will,” “would . ” “may,” “could,” or should occur. The forward looking information is made of the date of this video. This forward looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward looking information, including, without limitation: the effects of general economic conditions; changing foreign exchange rates; risks associated with exploration and project development; the calculation of mineral resources and reserves; risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work arising from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company’s properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes; access to project funding or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; title matters; government regulation; obtaining and receiving necessary licenses and permits; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Sabina’s operations and other risks and uncertainties including those described in Sabina’s annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2019 available at Forward looking information is based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina’s management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update the forward looking information should management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, change, except as required by applicable law

  3. With ith Majo jor perm rmit its and so socia ial l li license receiv ived, Sa Sabin ina is is sh shovel l ready Advanced, large, high grade - Why Sabina? 6 g/t open pits vs world average of 1.2 g/t* 1 Back River Gold Project A mining district in a stellar jurisdiction Nunavut, Canada Critical project components de-risked Project optimizations underway to increase production profile and enhance economics Robust economics at US$1150 gold – significant leverage to increasing gold price Well funded with exceptional people C$75m at Q2/2020 3 * 1 2019 average grade of open pit and U/g deposits with gold as primary commodity in M&I. S&P Global Intelligence

  4. 4 COVID ID-19 Glo lobal Health Cris isis is Response Measures Im Imple lemented Course of Action: What we did Course of Action: what we are doing ❑ Work from home protocol initiated March 15; ❑ worked in consultation with external parties to ❑ First Company in Nunavut to make the decision phase in camp re-opening with camp protocols that to de-mobilize camp, deferring exploration to ensure the safety of our workforce and the later in the year and protecting our northern surrounding communities. ❑ Continuing to engage with local governments, the community stakeholders from unnecessary risk of exposure; KIA and Kitikmeot communities ❑ Decelerated project development activities to ❑ Protocols will be modified based on new preserve cash and wait for more stable market information to ensure our safety measures remain conditions; and appropriate. ❑ Implement reporting tracking system of ❑ Slowly and safely phasing in corporate office re- employee health through self quarantine opening ❑ Maintaining vigilant approach with safety of our period after returning home from camp or travel and in general. employees being number 1 Meanwhile, we have close to 10 million ounces of gold in the most secure bank anywhere – in the ground that we own!

  5. 5 The In Investment Opportunity Development Companies By Size and Grade Base Based on on 201 2014 reso esource es esti timate no not t There are few advanced including three ne new hig high-grade dis discoveries gold projects that are large, high grade, district scale and in good jurisdictions. Back River is advanced engineered, permitted and has obtained social license RBC Capital Markets – Aug 23/20

  6. Nunavut, Canada – Over r 4 decades s of f prosperit ity in in min inin ing

  7. 7 Bac ack Ri River – De Deposits ar are Well l Dr Drill illed , , Well l Understood an and Open. Over 56 568, 8,000 meters of of drill rillin ing comple leted. Opportunitie ies to o in incr crease resources an and op optimize rese serv rves with ith in infill fill drill rillin ing Mineral Resource Estimate Gold Resource Oct/14 Tonnes (kt) Au (g/t) Metal (koz Au) Measured & Indicated Indicated Inferred Inferred Millions oz Measured 10,273 5.27 1,740 8 Indicated 17,969 6.22 3,593 Under Sabina 7 Ownership Measured and Indicated 28,242 5.87 5,333 6 5 Inferred 7,750 7.43 1,851 4 3 Mineral Reserve Estimate Aug/15 Classification Tonnes (kt) Au (g/t) Au (koz) 2 Proven 6,983 5.97 1,340 Total Open Pit 1 Probable 1,885 5.52 335 0 Proven 20 9.52 6 Total Underground 1998 2002 2007 2009 2010 2012 2015 Probable 3,471 7.37 822 Proven 7,003 5.98 1,346 Total Back River 1980’s & 90s 1997-2009 June 2009 2010-2014 Property Probable 5,356 6.72 1,157 George & Goose Project owned by Arauco, Project acquired +325% resource deposit discoveries Kinross, Miramar & DPM by Sabina growth under Sabina 80% of open pit reserve is in Proven Category Infill drilling for new resource estimate underway *See mineral reserves and resources estimate slide 30 for details

  8. 8 Back River Property Ba Back Riv iver r A Dis istric ict Sc Scale le Gold ld Opportunit ity Port 100% OWNED BY SABINA Bath LEGEND George Property Existing Mineral Resources: Camp Indicated 1.1m oz @ 5.6 g/t Area of Interest Inferred 980k oz @ 6.32 g/t Claim Lease Included in prior Feasibility ~600 k oz QA/QC Slide 30 Inuit Owned Land Significant extended production Surface opportunities exist through: Subsurface and Surface ❑ Deposits not included in first mine plan (at both Goose and George) George Project ❑ Low risk resource opportunities with infill program 80 Km ❑ Increase production profile by brining forward Boulder higher-grade underground resources Boot ❑ Numerous blue sky and brownfield targets Goose Project ❑ Continued greenfield and generative exploration future Del Significant existing resources at George on 20km of largely unexplored iron formation offering opportunity for another mining complex on the 0 12.5 25 Back River district Kilometres

  9. 9 Back k Riv iver is is Permit itted, Shovel l Ready and Offers Robust Economics Initial Capital Expenditures as a % of Market Capitalization ❑ At US$1150 gold price and 530% Sabina has one of the lowest capital 480% $.80 FX generates 24.2% after intensity ratios relative to peers 364% tax IRR (9/15 Feasibility Study) ❑ Simple executable first mine 164% 103% 81% 81% produces ~200,000 Oz per 61% 55% year for ~12 years. Expanded Orla Orezone Rubicon Sabina Gold Standard Belo Sun Cardinal INV Falco mine life demonstrated. ✓ Back River is a Company Maker with embedded growth in a ❑ Fully permitted and shovel world class jurisdiction ready. Strong government and ✓ 6.2 g/t Au open pits – highest grade undeveloped pits community support; ✓ Robust Economics ✓ Capex geared to a company Sabina’s size ✓ Competitive Opex ❑ Social license in hand ✓ Strong Production Profile ✓ 12 year mine life with significant expansion demonstrated QA/QP – see slide 29

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