s s mart meters and mart meters and

S S mart meters and mart meters and Piergiorgio CityGML for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

S S mart meters and mart meters and Piergiorgio CityGML for energy Cipriano efficiency in buildings efficiency in buildings Agenda - S - S inergis and S inergis and S unshine unshine - Few numbers - EPB data and projects - EPB data

  1. S S mart meters and mart meters and Piergiorgio CityGML for energy Cipriano efficiency in buildings efficiency in buildings

  2. Agenda - S - S inergis and S inergis and S unshine unshine - Few numbers - EPB data and projects - EPB data and projects - Data models - CityGML - CityGML - INS PIRE - Green Button - Green Button - Linking smart metering to CityGML - Linking smart metering to CityGML

  3. http://www.powerless - film.com/

  4. S inergis is one of the major Geo-ICT companies in Italy … companies in Italy …

  5. … and part of Dedagroup ICT … and part of Dedagroup ICT Network Network

  6. www.sunshineproject.eu/ about www.sunshineproject.eu/ about

  7. smart urban services smart urban services based on open standards based on open standards to support energy efficiency of buildings open data hub for data distribution on “underground” and “green energy” “underground” and “green energy” eEnvironmental services eEnvironmental services for advanced for advanced applications within INSPIRE 3D CityGML models for solar energy potential assessment and noise mapping & simulation assessment and noise mapping & simulation

  8. source: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/population/data/main_tables source: http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/buildings.cfm source: http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/buildings.cfm

  9. Europe 2011 - Energy Flow (MT OE) source: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/publications/doc/2013_pocketbook.pdf

  10. source: http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/

  11. source: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/observatory/trends_2030/doc/trends_to_2050_update_2013.pdf

  12. In 2009, the European households were responsible households were responsible for of the total final 68% energy use in buildings. energy use in buildings. Energy Energy in in households households is is mainly consumed by heating ( 70% ), ( 70% ), cooling, cooling, hot hot water, water, cooking and appliances. Gas is the most common fuel Gas is the most common fuel used in buildings. source: http://www.europeanclimate.org/documents/LR_%20CbC_study.pdf

  13. In the EU, the gross floor space could be concentrated in a land could be concentrated in a land area equivalent to that of Belgium area equivalent to that of Belgium (30,528 km2) source: http://www.europeanclimate.org/documents/LR _% 20C bC _study.pdf

  14. source: https://bpd.lbl.gov/

  15. source: https://bpd.lbl.gov/

  16. source: http://www.buildingsdata.eu/

  17. source: http://rebus.tebe - energy.eu/

  18. source: http://energyefficiency.centralivinglab.eu/

  19. (almost) everything can be located … Location is essential for linking information from different providers and sources different providers and sources

  20. source: http://www.simstadt.eu/en/index.html

  21. Building Energy Building Energy Efficiency Building Properties Chart Building Details Building Details

  22. short video (2’) (3D viewer powered by http://cesiumjs.org/)

  23. source: http://www.simstadt.eu/en/index.html

  24. source: http://www.rev - mac.com/docs/CityGML.pdf

  25. source: http://www.rev - mac.com/docs/CityGML.pdf

  26. Involvement of construction and utility organizations is needed to determine the EPB data specifications, with convergence between CityGML and BIM. convergence between CityGML and BIM.

  27. INS INS PIRE Directive (2007) defines principles and PIRE Directive (2007) defines principles and implementing rules for the sharing of interoperable data and services among public organisations in EU

  28. http://en.wiki.modeling.sig3d.org/index.php/2014_S_HfT_EnergyADE

  29. ETSI -GreenButton by NAES D (North American Energy S tandards Board) was identified as the preferred implementation option for the meter data exchange protocol to be used in S data exchange protocol to be us ed in S unshine. uns hine. IEC 61968 -9 was judged to be much more complicated and less supported in terms of practical examples and software tools. source: http://greenbuttondata.org/

  30. Green Button Connect My Data provides the Retail Customer with the ability to “ authorize” a service provider (the “ Authorized T (the “ Authorized T hird Party” ) to access his or her EUI hird Party” ) to access his or her EUI directly from the Data Custodian without further interaction with the Retail Customer. T his architecture presents a consistent mechanism for authorized exchange of energy usage information. T authorized exchange of energy usage information. T he he entity and information exchange requirements are defined in the ES PI standard.

  31. source: http://greenbuttondata.org/

  32. source: http://greenbuttondata.org/

  33. source: http://greenbuttondata.org/

  34. Green Button is not only a schema for encoding data about meters reading (ES data about meters reading (ES PI), it also identifies PI), it also identifies a layered stack of open standards on which to build a practical way to publish the data: • the encoding of the meter readings is the payload of an open protocol for creating and consuming open data: the OData protocol (OASIS) • it is based on an HT T P and RES T paradigm • it supports different formats and specifically Atom , the one that is relevant for Green Button one that is relevant for Green Button • Atom is a IETF standards , well understood and wide spread use • • ESPI standard can be considered a profile and extension ESPI standard can be considered a profile and extension of the IEC 61968 standard (akas NAES B REQ.21) standard internationalization is actively pursued XEMT ECH optical meter reading system (http://www.xemtec.com/9 -0- AMR - Retrofit.html)

  35. (William Thomson, Lord Kelvin)

  36. T T hank for your attention hank for your attention piergiorgio.cipriano@sinergis.it


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