
s ustainability is an inteGral eleMent in ad aGency Jwts old - PDF document

I L 0 5 1 4 _ 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 0 1 4 - 0 4 - 2 4 T 1 1 : 3 7 : 5 6 + 1 0 : 0 0 May/Jun 2014 20 infolinK-bpn SuStainability SuStainability Materials rewrite office space to create new and sustainable experiences [words] Geraldine chua

  1. I L 0 5 1 4 _ 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 0 1 4 - 0 4 - 2 4 T 1 1 : 3 7 : 5 6 + 1 0 : 0 0 May/Jun 2014 20 infolinK-bpn SuStainability SuStainability Materials rewrite office space to create new and sustainable experiences [words] Geraldine chua [photoGraphy] peter bennetts Jwt presentation space by MaKe architecture s ustainability is an inteGral eleMent in ad aGency Jwt’s old rosella factory office presentation space, considered at every staGe of the desiGn process. It is most obvious in the material choices, with products selected for two reasons: to complement a recent fit-out while retaining the industrial feel of the existing warehouse, and to minimise the project’s impact during construc- tion and throughout its life. An immediate testament to this thoughtful selection is the large curved wall that wraps around the presentation room, meeting with a series of breakout spaces. Coated with more than 18 different types of Dulux paints, the wall is made of 200 recycled mass-made timber battens. A less obvious type of sustain- ability also pervades the office, primarily via the new fluid and flexible break-out spaces which were achieved by pulling away the meeting room volume from the existing external wall. These areas offer a sustainable way of working, where employees can take a break amidst their hectic schedules. They also present a space for informal meeting and discussions, people to work on their laptops, and office events and gatherings. over 200 Messmate recycled timber battens fixed to steel angles are featured on the curved wall, with the variety of colours featured replicated throughout the office to define spaces. for instance, the green used in the offices of the creative directors have been featured on this main wall, reflecting the larger, overall master plan for the office, and signalling a community of like-minded workers.

  2. I L 0 5 1 4 _ 0 2 1 - 1 0 2 0 1 4 - 0 4 - 2 4 T 0 8 : 2 1 : 0 8 + 1 0 : 0 0 may/jun 2014 21 InFOLInK-BPn SUSTAINABILITy the plywood flooring by t&G Ply is stained, and the area is lit up by twist Fixed surface mounted Led downlight from Lighting Partners australia. these are accompanied by Cage Pendant (nud), unfold Pendant (muuto), and Float Pendant (Benjamin hubert) lights via Great dane. the white chair is from tait. the rough texture of the bricks, as well as the warehouse shell, have been left untouched, although the walls are coated in murobond’s murowash and Bridge paint. this aligns with the design strategy of creating an atmosphere that was not ‘too corporate’. nikpol timber veneer in Coal Seam and Seasalt were used within the informal spaces, creating desks as well as seating areas for staff spilling out from the meeting room after long pitches and presentations. tait’s Good One Stools and Good One Bar Stools offer occupants additional areas for rest and discussion. the curved wall can be animated and comes to life, with colours ranging from pinks and purples, to blues and greens revealed to the eye as one walks around and past the battens. this is affected by the steel angles, which allow more colour to peek out when walking from a particular direction. wash and wear – Low Sheen paints the intimate spaces also run parallel to the large presentation room, with the by dulux include Velvet Rose, tibetan rooms bridged by Cascade niagra aluminium sliding doors from Criterion Silk, domino, dandelion yellow, Blue Industries. Both spaces have access to natural light through the windows, antarctic, Red Stop, Spring Onion and which include the Capral 400 narrowline Series aluminium, Breezeway altair tingle. the dulux Powdercoat duralloy Louvre aluminium, and Criterion’s aluminium 120 Platinum Series. is in white Satin and monument finishes.

  3. I L 0 5 1 4 _ 0 2 2 - 2 2 2 0 1 4 - 0 4 - 2 4 T 0 8 : 1 2 : 0 4 + 1 0 : 0 0 may/jun 2014 22 InFOLInK-BPn profile meLIssa BrIGht, maKe arChIteCture – BehInd the jwt PresentatIOn sPaCe desIGn [wOrds] GeraLdIne Chua be it by being more sustainable or positively screen. These little flexible spaces also perform m aKe arChIteCture Is a meLBOurne- affecting how its occupants live. This is an more than one function, and can be used for Based PraCtICe whICh has GaIned agenda that is always running in the office. multiple reasons, tying in with our idea of reCOGnItIOn Over the years FOr building less and small, but thinking big. PrIOrItIsInG quaLIty BeFOre quantIty We like the different constraints that a client’s what dO yOu thInK are In Its InnOvatIve, sIte-sensItIve desIGn brief brings to the process, which means sOLutIOns. a drIvInG FOrCe FOr Key OBstaCLes hInderInG there is not necessarily a prescribed style to thIs emerGInG FIrm Is Its FOundInG our designs, so our buildings look different. austraLIan arChIteCts In dIreCtOr meLIssa BrIGht, Or as we There’s clearly collaboration with our clients desIGnInG sustaInaBLy? have COme tO KnOw her – meL. to produce a building, and you can see their personality shine through in the end result. Before starting MAKE, Mel worked with I probably think the current political sustaInaBILIty Is a Key drIver LAB Architecture Studio on a number of climate, without naming names! FOr maKe. why dO yOu large-scale commercial buildings in China. what ImPrOvements dO yOu thInK Today, the architect prefers working on thInK a sustaInaBLe ethOs shOuLd Be made sO arChIteCts smaller residential projects that add value to Is ImPOrtant, and hOw Is It someone’s life or the community they live in. Can COntrIBute tO a mOre aChIeved wIth eaCh PrOjeCt? sustaInaBLe BuILt envIrOnment? When asked why she chose this profession, Mel ponders for a beat before replying that she In the end, architecture is not really a initially wanted to be an engineer in high school. sustainable profession – we’re building new Many of the people and clients who deal with In her words, “I suppose I couldn’t believe things that use resources which are costly to architects know about sustainability and are that you could do something that you really the environment, and so we try to minimise engaged in that conversation, but educating loved doing, was fun, and get paid for it.” our impact wherever we can. But, we’re people is still important. I think the biggest issue not necessarily doing this through add-on for architects is that we’re still only involved in The crossover between creative pursuit and sustainability features that cost money. such a small percentage of projects. We’re not practicality, such as having to keep the water relevant enough, so the suburbs are marching out and complying with planning regulations, One of the conversations we’re more interested in out and the growth boundaries keep being is a relished challenge for Mel, who likes having is how to design in a way that might help extended. Most of the cookie cutter houses being working in a creative way within technical people to live sustainably. Rather than building built are not designed by architects and have constraints. The variety of architecture, which poorly, we try to build a bit less, but make it no consideration to orientation and siting. is not confined to visiting sites or 3D model- of a higher quality so it lasts much longer. dO yOu have any wOrds OF ling, is another reason why she continues to hOw dOes thIs transLate tO advICe On sustaInaBLe desIGn? find her work interesting and engaging. the jwt PresentatIOn sPaCe? Nothing beats seeing a project get built, though. I don’t pretend to be an expert, but we work The process of seeing something she designed We’ve reused an existing warehouse space for hard to think responsibly about what we come to life, at a stage where all problems the JWT project, which is a lot about sustain- do. With small budget projects, we try and have been resolved, is hugely satisfying – a ability in the office and work life. The office integrate sustainable elements, so they are magic most architects must appreciate. space has natural ventilation and access to light, not necessarily things that you add on or take and uses less energy for heating and cooling. off. The most important tip I would give is to G: what Is yOur desIGn PrOCess LIKe? In addition, we’ve tried to use materials with design for place, orientation and seasons. minimal impact, such as the recycled timbers. M: Even though at MAKE we focus on MAKE architecture won the BPN Sustainability smaller projects, there’s this idea of ‘building A large part of the office is its breakout spaces, Award in the Single Dwelling (alterations & small but thinking big’. We believe a small which were designed for working sustainably, extensions) category for a House Reduction in project can have greater ideas incorporated like allowing occupants to take time out from Abbotsford in 2012. Entries for 2014 are now open. within it. It can give back to its community, their desk and get away from the computer


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