Ryarsh Primary School Presentation Policy Aims The purpose of this policy is to produce a consistent approach towards the presentation of work throughout the school. Children should all be aware of the standards expected of them and know that this will apply, whoever is taking the class. It will ensure expectations are raised by all staff and engender in all children a sense of pride in themselves and their work. General Points Children have a book for English, Maths and Science with all work included in chronological order. Any work on sheets needs to be trimmed and neatly stuck into books. Children should be encouraged to maintain a high standard of presentation at all times. Guidance on presentation for KS1 and KS2 children for both English and Maths is stuck inside the front cover of books. Both sides of the paper should be written on and each page filled before turning to the next. Each piece of work must be dated. As a model for this the teacher should write the date on the board. The sho rt version of the date, with “dots”, i.e. 24.11.09, or ‘slashes. i.e. 24/11/09, is to be used in Maths books, but the long version in all other subjects. Most children should know how to spell the days of the week and months of the year by the end of Year 2. The date should be underlined using a ruler in KS2. A date and Learning Intention will document children’s learning in ev ery lesson in English, Maths and Science in their books. This will provide an important record of children’s learning, even if th ere is no written work in children’s books for that lesson. Children should leave a line between each paragraph, and after the date and Learning Intention. Children should see good handwriting models. It is essential that all teachers take care in modelling good handwriting, both on the board and in books. Any mistakes should be crossed out neatly using one line. The correct version should be written on the same line or above the mistake, wherever is most appropriate. Work for displays around the school should be presented as a “best copy”, using un -punched paper, unless it is the process which is being displayed. Names should be printed onto labels for attaching to the fronts of books. A child should not write or draw anything on the covers of any exercise books, name labels or trays.
Children may stick behaviour stickers and Headteacher Awards onto their reading records. A child should not “doodle” or in any other way mark any of the pages in their exercise books. Felt tip pens and gel pens should not be used in any exercise books, but may be used for work on paper Drawings or diagrams must be done in pencil and straight lines drawn with a ruler unless it is intended to be a rough sketch. If a plain page is needed this must be trimmed before being neatly stuck in. The use of pen or pencil is determined by the guidelines set out below: Guidance for the Use of Pens: a) In Year 2 onwards, when a child has reached the stage where their letters are well formed and they can join correctly, they may begin to write using a handwriting pen, for all subjects except Maths. b) By the end of Year 4, all children should be writing with handwriting pen, for all lessons except Maths. c) All children in Year 5 and 6 will use pen for all lessons except Maths. d) Children in Year 5 and 6 may write with a suitable pen from home, at the discretion of the class teacher. Pens should be blue and biros are not permitted. Specific Guidance for Mathematics Maths work is to be recorded in pencil. Each digit should be written in a separate box to assist with understanding place value. ALL lines should be drawn with a ruler, this includes answer lines for vertical sums, tables, graphs and all straight sided shapes. Calculations involving ‘carrying’ should see the rele vant digit written smaller than usual beneath the bottom line. Calculations involving decomposition should see the digit remaining after exchange being written in the top left corner where the original digit appeared. This should also be smaller than usual. All question numbers should be noted and shown by a bracket, e.g. 2) as dots can be confused with decimal points.
All other subjects Rulers must be used for any diagrams that need straight sides represented. All diagrams and lines to label parts must be drawn in pencil but written labels can be written in ink if appropriate. Any colouring directly into books should be done using colouring pencils. Work completed on paper must be trimmed before being stuck into books. Policy adopted by Governing Body Summer Term 2017 To be reviewed Summer Term 2020 Signed by Head Teacher Signed by Chair of Governors
Ryarsh Primary School Guidance for the use of Handwriting pens (this page will be handwritten by Year 6) When your teacher decides that your handwriting is joined, fluent and correctly formed, you may begin to write using a handwriting pen, for all subjects except Maths. By the end of Year 4, everyone should be writing with handwriting pen, for all lessons except Maths. Children in Year 5 and 6 may write with a suitable blue pen brought in from home, at the discretion of the class teacher. Mistakes should have a single line neatly drawn through using a pencil. Biros or ballpoint pens should not be used at any point, including for home learning.
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