Optimizing Surfactant Technology for Blends of Blowing Agents in Next Generation Appliance Formulations Robert Tauchen, Christian Eilbracht, Carsten Schiller - September 2013
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Project Design 3. High Pressure Machine Results 4. Comparison to 100% 4 th Gen and CP 5. Conclusions
Introduction As market conditions change, blends of 4 th generation blowing agents and cyclopentane will be considered for low GWP solutions Benefits – Improved insulation values compared to cyclopentane blown foams, cost effective Challenges – Handle the emulsification/stabilization needs of cyclopentane and the nucleation needs of lower boiling blowing agents Goals: Demonstrate the need for optimized surfactants when using blends of vastly different blowing agents Illustrate the optimization process of surfactant technology for these blends Develop initial surfactant trends for this combination of blowing agents as combinations could be infinite
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Project Design 3. High Pressure Machine Results 4. Comparison to 100% 4 th Gen and CP 5. Conclusions
Experimental Design Theoretical Products 50:50 by Weight Best 100% HFO Blend of 4 th Candidate TRENDS 100% CP Generation + B 8462 Formulations and CP Standard Evonik Product
Formulations Weight % 4 th Ingredient Weight % Co-Blown Weight % Cyclopentane Generation Blowing agent 77.2 Polyol Blend 81.6 68.7 2 Surfactant 2 2 2.1 Catalyst Package 2.1 2.1 Water 1.5 1.8 1.2 8.6 Cyclopentane 12.5 - 4 th Generation Blowing 8.6 - 26.0 Agent 1.21 A/B Ratio 1.21 1.21
Designing Surfactants for Multiple Blowing Agents Lower Boiling Blowing Agent Surfactant CP - Surfactant B A
Surfactants Tested Degree of Silicone Polyether Surfactant Description Backbone Emulsification modification Standard Evonik Rigid B 8462 - ++ Surfactant Evonik Rigid Surfactant for high B 8465 solubility CP formulations and ++ --- gaseous blowing agents High Nucleation Surfactant for B 8492 --- + 245 fa formulations Experimental + - Candidate 1 Experimental B ++ -- Candidate 2 Experimental +++ - Candidate 3 Experimental A +++ -- Candidate 4 Experimental ++ - Candidate 5 --- -- -
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Project Design 3. High Pressure Machine Results 4. Comparison to 100% 4 th Gen and CP 5. Conclusions
Machine Parameters and Testing Resin Temperature 70 ( o F) MDI Temperature ( o F) 70 Pour Pressure (psi) 1500 (A/B) Direction of flow 2” Brett Mold 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Temperature ( o F) Throughput(lb/min) 40 1.21 A/B Ratio K-factor Compressive Str
Reactivity Stability and Solubility Surfactant Cyclopentane 4 th Gen/CP 4 th Gen B 8462 Clear Clear Clear B 8465 Clear Clear Clear B 8492 Hazy - Separation Hazy - Separation Hazy - Separation EC - 1 Clear Clear Clear EC - 2 Clear Clear Clear EC - 3 Clear Clear Clear EC - 4 Clear Clear Clear EC - 5 Hazy Hazy Hazy 1 Week (122F) Week 2 (122 F) B 8462 Stable Foam Stable Foam B 8465 Stable Foam Stable Foam B 8492 Coarse Foam Coarse Foam EC - 1 Stable Foam Stable Foam EC - 2 Stable Foam Coarse Foam EC - 3 Stable Foam Stable Foam EC - 4 Stable Foam Stable Foam EC - 5 Stable Foam Stable Foam
Criteria for Foam Appearance Top Surface Quality: Judging the appearance of the top surface below the facer paper for defects cell structure (1-10) Bottom Surface Quality: Judging the appearance of the bottom surface below the facer paper for defects cell structure (1-10) Internal Cell Structure/Voids: Judging the interior of the foam for large voids or areas of poor mixing/streaking (1-10)
Foam Appearance Top Surface Bottom Surface Internal Cell Quality Quality Structure/Voids B 8462 7 6 7 B 8465 8 7 6 B 8492 7 7 7 Experimental Candidate 1 7 6 7 Experimental Candidate 2 7 7 6 Experimental Candidate 3 8 8 6 Experimental Candidate 4 8 7 9 Experimental Candidate 5 8 7 6
Insulation Value 35 F Mean Temperature
Insulation Value 75 F Mean Temperature
Flow Properties Min Fill Density FRD Core (lb/ft^3) Flow Factor (lb/ft^3) B 8462 1.48 2.05 1.39 B 8465 1.48 2.05 1.39 B 8492 1.48 2.06 1.39 EC - 1 1.45 1.99 1.37 EC - 2 1.46 2.01 1.37 EC - 3 1.47 2.01 1.37 EC - 4 1.50 2.05 1.37 EC - 5 1.48 2.06 1.39
Compressive Strengths/Core Density Section 4 Core Section 8 Core Density Compressive Str Density Compressive Str (lb/ft^3) (psi) (lb/ft^3) (psi) B 8462 23.62 2.03 23.10 1.99 B 8465 23.31 2.09 23.46 2.00 B 8492 24.68 2.07 23.40 2.01 EC-1 22.40 1.99 22.41 1.97 EC-2 22.92 2.01 22.53 1.98 EC-3 22.93 2.05 23.13 2.00 EC-4 25.07 2.04 24.62 1.98 EC-5 22.14 2.04 22.06 1.97
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Project Design 3. High Pressure Machine Results 4. Comparison to 100% 4th Gen and CP 5. Conclusions
Why Investigate non co-blown? Demonstrate the need for surfactant investigation Understand if a universal molecule was created Develop an understanding of formulation performance: CP or 4 th Gen system? Help transfer results to other formulations and better develop future molecules
Formulations Weight % 4 th Ingredient Weight % Co Blown Weight % Cyclopentane Generation Blowing Agent 77.2 68.7 Polyol Blend 81.6 2 2 Surfactant 2 2.1 2.1 Catalyst Package 2.1 Water 1.5 1.8 1.2 8.6 - Cyclopentane 12.5 4 th Generation Blowing 8.6 - 26.0 Agent 1.21 1.21 A/B Ratio 1.21 B 8462 EC - 4
Foam Appearance Surface Bottom Surfactant Cell Structure/Void Quality Quality B 8462 4th Generation 7 7 8 EC - 4 4th Generation 7 7 8 B 8462 CP 7 6 6 EC - 4 CP 8 6 8 B 8462 4 th Gen EC – 4 4 th Gen B 8462 CP EC – 4 CP
Insulation Value of Different Blowing Agent Combinations
Other Physical Properties Surfactant/ Core Compressive Compressive Core Core MFD Flow Blowing FRD Str Section 4 Str Section 8 Density Density (lb/ft^3) Factor agent (lb/ft^3) (psi) (psi) (lb/ft^3) (lb/ft^3) B 8462 4th 1.44 1.98 1.37 20.78 21.00 1.98 1.90 Generation EC - 4 4th 1.44 1.98 1.37 21.31 21.57 1.98 1.91 Generation B 8462 CP 1.39 2.05 1.48 18.93 19.94 2.02 2.01 EC - 4 CP 1.42 2.06 1.45 22.37 22.84 1.99 1.96
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Project Design 3. Project 2: Design 4. Comparison to 100% 4 th Gen and CP 5. Conclusions
Conclusions Blends of 4 th generation blowing agents offer development challenges for both formulators and additive suppliers The combination of a balanced siloxane backbone and emulsifying polyether pendants lead to improved performance in this formulation The formulation tested has cyclopentane like characteristics with greatly improved insulation values Adding 8.6% 4 th generation blowing agent to this appliance formulation has a dramatic impact on insulation value Improved surfactant technology did not transfer across all blowing agents
Final Thoughts Every appliance formulation is different depending on the polyol initiators and catalyst packages which all impact surfactant selection No one size fit all solution General trends from this paper can be adapted to fit other formulations Surfactant optimization is an important tool for all next generation formulations Further improvements in co-blown surfactant technology could be derived by combining the surfactant properties of experimental candidate 1 and experimental candidate 4
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