Revitalization of Durand Park Durand Park Proposal June 2008
Background � � Property purchased in 1974 � � Opened in September 1975, largely thanks to the work of the DNA � � Only park in the Durand: 12 000 residents
Background � � Since 1975 the DNA has provided a drinking fountain, playground equipment and trees � � 2005: the DNA contributed $4500 to replace 6 redbuds and 5 other trees � � 2006: the DNA raised $8700 for Durand Park improvements � � 2008: DNA forms a Park Revitalization Committee
Issues � � Many Park features now need replacement or upgrading � � Needs of the community have changed � � Poor maintenance
Site meeting: 4 April 2008 � � Park Revitalization Committee met at Durand Park with Councillor Bratina, Rob Norman, Al Dore, Lawrence Stasiuk, Gary Makins and Steve Ames � � Purpose of this meeting was to identify our concerns to the City regarding the state of the Park
Observations � � Poor maintenance of beds � � Irregular watering of newly planted trees � � Inadequate tree pruning � � Poor condition of water fountain � � Unsafe play areas � � Uneven grass areas � � Muddy paths � � Poor quality equipment (bins, picnic tables, benches) � � Lack of defined entrances
Next steps � � Consult the residents: what improvements would they like to see? � � Survey questionnaire distributed to members of the DNA, residents, seniors, and children in Central Public and Ryerson Schools.
Some survey participants
Kids’ ideas
Survey results: improvements Members Seniors • � Upgraded furniture (tables & benches) • � More tables & benches • � More tables & benches • � Activities for seniors • � Improved lighting • � Playground equipment • � Better play structures • � Open space levelled • � Replace sand with wood chips • � Swings • � Fenced area for dogs • � Open space levelled • � Improved maintenance • � Activities for seniors • � Improved garbage bins Ryerson Duranders (grades 6, 7 & 8) Central Public (grades 1-5) • � Monkey bars • � Playground equipment: zip line, larger swings, larger slides, monkey bars, seesaws, spinners • � More colourful etc. • � Regrade “field” • � Basketball hoops • � Remove rust • � Soccer fields • � Nicer benches • � Splash pad • � Less dog poop • � Benches & tables • � Exercise equipment • � Soccer nets • � Basketball hoops
Survey results: top 5 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Members Benches / Bins & Improved Senior play Junior play gardens/ maintenance equipment equipment tables horticulture Seniors More Activities for Playground More swings Grass benches seniors equipment levelled Ryerson Benches / Senior play Bins Paths Fitness Duranders tables equipment stations Central Colourful Sprinkler / Basketball Paths Benches / playground Public splashpad hoops tables equipment
Recommendations: maintenance � � Retain and provide regular maintenance of beds � � Or, remove ground cover and weeds and replace with grass � � Clean edging around beds � � Regular watering of all trees � � Mulch at base of trees � � Appropriate pruning of trees and shrubs � � Service the water fountain or replace with a new fountain Provide Durand Park with one staff member for one day per week in the growing season
Recommendations: safety � � Replace play equipment � � Re-grade and reseed entire grassy area fronting Herkimer � � Improve lighting � � Remove sand from playground and replace with wood chips � � Build formal pathways � � Provide recycling containers � � Iron fencing around perimeter (road safety) � � Traffic calming on both Herkimer and Charlton (e.g. two-way conversion, lane narrowing, safe cross-over points) Safety items should be addressed immediately. DNA requests to collaborate on play structures, lighting and design improvements
Recommendations: beautification � � Re-design entranceway at Charlton & Park � � Improve signage at Charlton & Park � � Design at Herkimer & Park incorporating commemorative rock � � Enclose park with iron fencing � � Plant a continuous line of boulevard trees along Herkimer and Charlton DNA requests opportunity to consult with the City to create a design respectful of this heritage neighbourhood. We would also like input into the choice of plants and trees.
Recommendations: amenities � � Replace junior playground structure (2008 capital budget) � � Purchase senior playground structure � � Build sun shelter � � Upgrade park benches (e.g. wood with iron frames) � � Increase number of park benches � � Increase number of picnic tables � � Provide more garbage bins DNA requests to work with the City to develop a long range plan to address funding and timelines for these improvements
Why revitalization is needed � � Durand is an urban neighbourhood with about 12 000 residents, many of whom live in high-rise apartments � � Durand is densely populated, yet has less public open space than any other Hamilton neighbourhood � � Durand has seen a return of young families � � Facilities in Corktown and Kirkendell are too distant � � We have not seen any additional open space since the establishment of the Durand Park over 30 years ago � � For these reasons it is vital that the Durand Park is designed and maintained to the highest standards: it is the only park we have!
Park deficiency in Durand Neighbourhood Population Parks Residents per Amenities* park Durand 11 470 1 (only 10% of 11 470 to 1 NO recommended park land!) Kirkendall 8 198 6 1 366 to 1 YES Strathcona 6 648 5 1 329 to 1 YES Central 3 893 1 3 893 to 1 YES North End West 1 402 4 350 to 1 NO North End East 3 850 3 1 283 to 1 YES Beasley 6 017 2 3 008 to 1 YES Corktown 7 056 4 1 745 to 1 YES *Amenities include: recreation centres, tennis courts, soccer fields, baseball diamonds, swimming pools, and basketball hoops etc.
Action � � Durand Park should receive immediate attention � � DNA’s recommendations be reviewed, approved and an implementation timeline developed � � DNA would be pleased to work with the City to ensure the success of this project
Going forward � � The Park Revitalization Committee will deliver this proposal to the residents at the DNA’s AGM on October 21 at 7:00pm (location to be announced) � � We ask that you attend this meeting to present the City’s plans for Revitalization of Durand Park
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