
Restorative Justice Kia ora, welcome Madeleine Taylor Jennifer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Restorative Justice Kia ora, welcome Madeleine Taylor Jennifer Parker Agenda What is Restorative Justice? How does it work? Facilitator skills and qualifications Questions! Howard Zehr a process to involve, to the extent

  1. Restorative Justice Kia ora, welcome Madeleine Taylor Jennifer Parker

  2. Agenda  What is Restorative Justice?  How does it work?  Facilitator skills and qualifications  Questions!

  3. Howard Zehr “a process to involve, to the extent that it is possible, those who have a stake in a specific offense and to collectively identify and address harms, needs, and obligations, in order to heal and put things as right as possible.”

  4. identify and acknowledge the harm… RJ? so people can start putting move on with things right… their lives.

  5. Victim’s voice heard Why Restorative Justice? Helps Reduces repair Re- offending harm

  6. Repairs harm Victim- centred Isn’t about Something forgivenes s they can do Open, candid Helps conversation people to – opportunity heal to say, hear, ask Take responsibility for hurt and harm they caused

  7. Reoffending 20% reduction in Frequency of re-offending by offending for those who those who did participated in re-offend restorative dropped by justice nearly a quarter (MOJ analysis) 

  8. 77% of victims were satisfied 74% of victims said they felt better 80% of victims said they would be likely to recommend (2011 MoJ victim satisfaction survey)

  9. The process Offender admits A report of the Facilitators meet the offence and meeting and any If appropriate, a with each party both the offender agreements will meeting is then and their and the victim be sent to the held supporters want to take part court in a meeting.

  10. What normally happens at an RJ conference? At the conference, offenders are given a chance to:  take responsibility for their offending  apologise to their victim  talk openly and honestly about the crime  decide how to put right the harm they have caused  find ways to prevent them from reoffending.

  11. What normally happens at an RJ conference? At the conference, offence victims are able to:  tell the offender how the crime has affected them  talk openly and honestly about the crime  have a say in how they think the harm can be put right – they and the offender may agree to a plan of action that the offender can complete to help put things right  begin dealing with the effects of the crime

  12. Restorative Justice In Action  Restoring Hope: An Indigenous Response To Justice, a documentary from ‘Maori TV On Demand’ provides a glimpse into an RJ meeting (5 minutes)  Ray and Vi Donovan talk about their experience of RJ, ten years after the murder of their son. ‘YouTube’ (3 minutes)

  13. The Support Person Role  Why are support people are so valuable?  Provide courage for a hard conversation  Deepen offender accountability  Can talk of the wider impacts  Assist in making & keeping agreements  Ensure parties can debrief afterwards  Professional & family support welcomed

  14. The RJ Team  CLWHV has an RJ team of 5 staff and 30 RJ facilitators  The role of the RJ Court Coordinators is to manage all the interactions with the court, victims advisers, Police, defence counsel and other stakeholders  The role of an RJ Facilitator is to:  manage and guide the RJ process  make a hard conversation possible (so it’s safe and a bit easier)

  15. Questions about being a facilitator… FAQ  What kind of cases?  When & where does the work happen?  RJ and family violence?  How long does it take to become a facilitator?  Who are the other facilitators?  Is there training?  What other support do they get?  What do you get paid?


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