resident family support

Resident/family Support Monthly Neighborhood Outdoor Dinner Food - PDF document

Moose Lake Project Resident/family Support Monthly Neighborhood Outdoor Dinner Food Provided by Corvias Mosquito Abatem ent We will try our best to locate these in areas that will draw the m osquitos away from hom es and

  1. Moose Lake Project Resident/family Support  Monthly Neighborhood Outdoor Dinner – Food Provided by Corvias  Mosquito Abatem ent  We will try our best to locate these in areas that will draw the m osquitos away from hom es and pathways Yard Carts   We currently have 6 that will be for com m unal use.  ATV/ RV Storage in FSS Lot – Paid by Corvias!!!  Call Tiffany at 90 7-372-6411 Trash Service   Tentative plan to put dum psters in the old dum pster area on Moose Lake Dr. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 1

  2. Resident/family Support Electric Usage   We have currently determ ined that the hom es that will be im pacted are the hom es with m ech room s. With these being grouped together this should not need an adjustm ent. If we find this to not be the case we will m ake the necessary adjustm ents. Garage Im pact Concession   $40 0 one tim e check (one tim e paym ent in Septem ber)  Will be prorated for fam ilies that m ove out during that tim e.  If you occupy the hom e from and past the 15 th of that m onth you will receive the whole prorate for that m onth. Air Conditioner Use during construction   If you have a need to use an AC unit due to the construction please contact Corvias to notify us, so we can m ake an adjustm ent with Conservice. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e Resident/family Support  Mailboxes  These will be tem porarily located in the building at the old dum pster site on Moose Lake Dr. ADA Access   If you or som eone that resides in your hom es has an access issue that will need to be addressed during construction please contact Corvias with any supporting docum entation you feel will assist and we will address based on situation and need. We cannot support guests that m ay have an access restriction during this tim e.  Playground  The playground will be rem oved and returned to green space. Within the next year or two Corvias will determ ine what to put in its place based on need and funding. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 2

  3. Contacts  Text Message as additional com m unication  If you are interested in receiving text you will need to sign a disclosure form . Once signed a text will be sent that will need to have your confirm ation in order to start the service. Keep in m ind that you will be receiving all inform ation, not just your specific neighborhood.  90 7-372-230 0 during business hours  90 7-372-230 2 after hours P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e Eielson Air Force Base R e a d y T o G o … A t 5 0 B e l o w Moose Lake Utilities Repair P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 6 3

  4. Construction Overview Parking/Two-way Traffic One-way Traffic Construction Fencing Walking Path P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 7 CES Follow-Up  Question: Has the temporary road along Moose Lake been adequately surveyed to determine high-water points?  The high water demarcation was surveyed on 9 Nov 16 and offset by an additional 12 feet; the road will be set back beyond the 12 foot buffer. The proposed path has been reviewed based on resident concerns. No issues were found.  Question: What affect will the temporary road have on potential basement flooding?  The road surface is composed of a porous gravel material that will allow water to drain rather than run off toward homes. The removal of hills in backyards will not affect flooding because the hills are permeable to water. Flooding in the basements is associated with the high water table. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 8 4

  5. CES Follow-Up  Question: What means do residents have for fire egress?  Please call 377-2100 (CE Customer Service) to be placed in touch with the Fire Department to arrange a home visit to discuss fire egress concerns particular to each unit.  Question: Will the temporary water heaters be sufficient to provide hot water to units with large families?  CES has received housing occupancy data from Corvias and will ensure that the contractor provides appropriately sized water heaters to meet the needs of each unit. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 9 CES Follow-Up  Question: Will notice be provided in advance of construction fencing being put up?  Yes, CES will provide advance notice as soon as the information is made available.  Question: How long will the tree removal and temporary road build take?  Tree removal is estimated to take 10-15 days and the temporary road installation is estimated to take about three weeks.  Question: Can advance notice be provided prior to mech room entry?  No, Utility work and construction are fluid processes with site conditions that vary daily. It is not known when the contractor will need mech room access during the project and advance notice prior to mech room entry is not feasible. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 10 5

  6. CES Follow-Up P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 11 MDG Follow-Up  Question: Following a water outage, where will samples be taken and for what to determine potability?  As part of approval for ADEC’s drinking water permit to operate, the contractor conducting maintenance on the temporary line is responsible for compliance sampling to meet Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.  Compliance sampling captures bacteriological presence/absence, pH, and chlorine levels  Sampling locations will be determined by the contractor. Sample point selection will ensure full coverage of the temporary water line.  Bioenvironmental Engineering will receive a copy of the results and confirm potability. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 12 6

  7. FSS Follow-Up  Question: Are residents who are PCSing this summer able to receive orders early to arrange moves prior to project start?  The earliest AFPC can authenticate orders is 120 days prior to member’s projected departure date, with the goal of completing NLT 60 days prior to departure.  AFPC will not grant an exception to policy based on the circumstances surrounding the construction project.  The MPS can only draft the PCS order after the following actions are completed: - Assignment loaded by member’s functional community - Initial outprocessing briefing online (vMPF) - Initial outprocessing requirements (medical, dental, immunization clearance, retention, etc.)  Orders drafted within 72 hours and sent to AFPC for authentication, which can take up to 10 days. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 13 FSS Follow-Up (Lodging)  Question: Can affected residents who are PCSing move into TLFs prior to project start?  The maximum TLF stay for PCS in/out, those retiring, separating or hospital patients is 30 days, if available. Guests may stay beyond the 30 day maximum on a space available status pending current occupancy and availability. (AFI 34- 135, para 3.3) Historical lodging rates show that we normally reach max capacity in TLFs by mid-June.  The Goldrush can accept initial reservations anytime if guests know their window of departure. We will grant up to 30 days if that amount of time is available.  We will only be able to provide 24-hour notification if Priority 2 guests must vacate. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 14 7

  8. FSS Follow-Up (Lodging)  If non-pet TLFs are available, a certificate of Non-Availability will not be issued. Occupants will have to obtain appropriate care for their pets when pet units are not available. (AFI 34-135, para 1.19.6) P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 15 LRS Follow-Up  Question: With the primary roads closed, how will the movers gain access to my residence?  With the primary roads closed for construction, alternate access roads will be constructed in the rear of the affected housing units. Due to the width of these access roads, it is unlikely tractor trailers will be used to move personal property from the member’s house to the carrier’s terminal. Box trucks (U-Haul type) will substitute in order to access the roads and members residence safely. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 16 8

  9. LRS Follow-Up  Question: How will carriers know about ongoing construction?  JPPSO-Anchorage is the responsible booking office for Eielson’s HHG moves and has been notified of the pending construction to inform carriers upon award. However, Eielson’s Personal Property Office will also contact these carriers and accompany them to the residence during the pre- move survey to further outline the construction barriers.  How can I prepare my home prior to HHG pickup?  Identify all large items during your personal property counseling. Also, all items that are unable to fit through the garage-to-house entry door must be moved to a location the carrier is able to access. Examples: large gun cases, ATVs, snow machines, etc. Additionally, these items must be clean and free of snow. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 17 LRS Follow-Up  Question: Will carriers disassemble furniture to fit through doorways?  Yes, movers will dissemble furniture as needed and up to their capabilities. Carriers will coordinate third party service for specialty items such as German shrunks and grandfather clocks.  Will the movers provide extra pack and pickup days due to moving HHG at a slower rate?  If additional time is required, the member and carrier coordinate the dates (Monday thru Friday) and both parties must agree. P r e p a r e - D e p l o y - E n a b l e 18 9


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