Replay, Relay and Inverse-Sybil Attacks on Proximity Tracing Apps Krzysztof Pietrzak 2020 Eurocrypt Rump Session, May 13th, Living Room
Proximity Tracing . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . 8GD45AF3
Proximity Tracing . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 . . . 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 . . .
Proximity Tracing . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . 8GD45AF3 . . .
Replay and Relay Attacks . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3
Replay and Relay Attacks . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
Replay and Relay Attacks . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
Replay and Relay Attacks . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 . . . . . . 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
Preventing Relay and Replay Attacks without Privacy ID, tag, C ID, K ID C tag = MAC K ( C )
Preventing Relay and Replay Attacks without Privacy ID, tag, C ID, K ID C tag = MAC K ( C ) ID, K ID, K
Preventing Relay and Replay Attacks without Privacy ID, tag, C ID, K ID C tag = MAC K ( C ) ID, tag, C ? = MAC K ( C ) tag ID, K ID, K
Preventing Relay and Replay Attacks without Privacy ID, tag, C ID, K ID C tag = MAC K ( C ) ID, tag, C ? = MAC K ( C ) tag ID, K ID, K
Preventing Relay and Replay Attacks without Privacy ID, tag, C ID, K ID C tag = MAC K ( C ) ID, tag, C ? = MAC K ( C ) tag ID, K ID, K
Delayed Authentication (eprint 2020/418) ID, K ID, tag, σ ID, R tag = MAC K ( σ ) σ := commit ( C ; R ) σ := commit ( C ; R )
Delayed Authentication (eprint 2020/418) ID, K ID, tag, σ ID, R tag = MAC K ( σ ) σ := commit ( C ; R ) σ := commit ( C ; R ) ID, tag, σ ? = MAC K ( σ ) tag ID, K ID, K
Delayed Authentication (eprint 2020/418) ID, K ID, tag, σ ID, R tag = MAC K ( σ ) σ := commit ( C ; R ) σ := commit ( C ; R ) ID, tag, σ ? = MAC K ( σ ) tag ID, K ID, K
Inverse Sybil Attacks 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
Inverse Sybil Attacks 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
Inverse Sybil Attacks 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3 8GD45AF3
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