PREFERRED CUSTOMER PROGRAM Perpetual Customer Retention Managed Services PERPETUAL TERM EXPRESS Customer Life Cycle Management Customized Pre-Paid Maintenance Program OPTIONAL Retention Mapping SMS Marketing Trigger Emails and Notifications Email Marketing (Including Design & List Treatment) Customer Dealer App and Web Portal Access Service Appointment Scheduling via app and web portal Managed Chat Service Customer Engagement Call Service Customer Engagement Ringless Voicemail 1 CIT Assistant – Contract In Transit Assistant 1000 Ringless Voicemails and Call Routing (per month) Engagement Rewards Points Program Single Entry and Exit Geofence Specials 1 App Push Notification Specials with Expiration Service Contract Information Access via app Dashboard Reporting Managed Reporting and Accounting 7 Days a Week Customer Support Monthly Video Performance Report on Dedicated Channel Customer Code for Monthly Service(s) via app Web Based Cancellations * * Perpetual Term Term Plan Type Perpetual Plans remain active in the system as long as the dealerships continues to remit business on all sold units on a monthly basis. If the dealership decides to discontinue the service, contracts will continue to be served for a period of 12 months from the submission date. Perpetual contracts are not cancellable. Term Plans remain active in the system for the duration of the plans term and expire based on time or mileage on the contract. The customers on the term based plans still continue to benefit from the perpetual plan services as long as the dealership is remitting business on a monthly basis.
REDEFI NI NG C UST O MER RET ENT I O N PPM C UST O MER RET ENT I O N Prepaid Maintenance has been in the industry for decades and has been implemented with varying degrees of success. Depending on the dealership’s need, it has been used as both a maintenance program that manages as well as a very specialized and product with accounting tools focused retention program By paying close attention to our client’s requests, we have spent the last decade in refining the Preferred Customer Program into one of the most effective and expansive retention programs delivered through basic pre-paid maintenance to their end user customer base. For any program to be as successful as we would like this to be, it needs to have the complete commitment from the organization, and needs to make sense to all major components that run a store. Each department must see the benefit from its institution and implementation. It needs to make sense to The dealership Finance The customer Service drive Otherwise the program is just another ancillary program that dealerships already sell with limited success and very little impact on customer retention.
REDEFI NI NG C UST O MER RET ENT I O N PPM C UST O MER RET ENT I O N When the dealer controlled maintenance program makes sense, it not only satisfies the dealer, finance, service department, and customers core needs, but it also enhances and reinforces relationships which creates long term viability for the dealership. Dealership Dealer owned program F&I High penetration program that allows upsell opportunity for other products Service drive Enhanced service drive traffic, consequently providing opportunities for upsell of more profitable services o 360 Customer Low cost program that has value in the eyes of the customer
REDEFI NI NG C UST O MER RET ENT I O N PPM C UST O MER RET ENT I O N Why PCP Works Only can be used at your store or automotive group Uses mobile app to keep customer connected to dealership Dealership keeps spoilage Payments are customizable F&I sells for dealer cost (no mark-up, F&I is paid a flat fee for selling*) Promotes communication with customer Services are customizable Customer pricing is customizable *depending on the agreement, either the dealership or Dealer’s Choice Inc. pays F&I Features of Plans Pack / Wrap / Express plans Customer mobile app (dealership app) Pack - Dealers will provide each customer with at least a one year Chat complimentary plan for new and used vehicles. Gifting Dashboard Wrap - F&I will offer customers 3 or 4 year PPM plans set by the dealership. Service redemption Accounting Express - Service departments can upsell 1-2 year plans in service drive. Training / Agent relationship Typical Prepaid Maintenance Road Blocks Use at any dealership Factory keeps spoilage Customers complain of high prices Utilization is low Services are set by manufacturer Marked up too much in F&I office Little or no communication with customers Payments to service are too low
RE T E NT I ON & T RAF F I C PPM CUST OME R RE T E NT I ON Pro c e sse s and Pro c e dure s T raffic = Clo sing Ratio Adve rtising De te rmining Pro fitability Sale s 2 o r mo re ye ars Ce ntripe tal E ffe c t Custo me r Classic o r Wrap Pro g ram L ife Cyc le Co unte r c o mpe titio n 1 to 2 ye ar Co mplime ntary Pro g ram E xpre ss Se rvic e Drive Pro g ram Custo me r Re minde r Competitor Dealerships CE P Chats and Se rvic e Sc he duling Quick Lube Shops Welcome Email - Enroll Customer De ale r Custo me r App Big Box Retailers Services through contract life cycle Reminder to Active Reminder to Inactive CE P Calls customers customers Ge o -F e nc ing CEP Engagement Design Services Dedicated Account Teams Se rvic e E mails De ale rship Quic k Spe c ials Long term retention building tools and strategies Ac c e ssibility to de ale rship thro ug h Apps and c usto me r fac ing site Re spo nse time s and quality o f suppo rt Re duc ing de ale rship sc he duling manag me nt o ve rhe ad Dedicated Teams Data Visualization Dashboarding
Contract Submission MyPCP affords the dealership the ability to E-contract through The native web portal Or other major DMS and integration providers
Contract Submission Customer / Dealership Interfacing Marketing Reporting E-contracting through Native web portal MyPCP web based portal provides E-contracting directly from the website. All customer contracts are live upon entry. Customer plans are available instantly on the web and mobile applications. E-contracting through major integration providers To mitigate any resistance to E-contracting, MyPCP is tied to major integration providers across the nation. Our infrastructure removes any obstruction from the selling process so the focus can be on retaining customers and not data entry issues. - Darwin Auomotive - CDK Global - F&I Express - iTap Menu - P.E.N - The Impact Group - Reynolds & Reynolds - Maximtrak - IAS
Customer / Dealership Interfacing MyPCP Auto Care MyPCP Auto Care customer web service web portal portal and app MyPCP Auto Care service web portal MyPCP Auto Care customer web portal an d app - Easy contract search - Update profile - Contract details - Keep track of services - Reporting - Gift services - Tracking - Schedule appointments
FEATURES - ADMINISTRATIVE Customer / Dealership Interfacing Contract Submission Marketing Reporting CLOUD 24/7 MARKETING AND POS Website is available to users 24/7 We create and maintain all point .pdf and is constantly updated and of sale content for our customers backed up. Dealership does on the site so they can easily be not have to worry about hardware accessed and downloaded by the .ai or software upgrades. dealership when needed. You can also request updates through the site. LIVE CHAT ACCOUNTING We are available via live chat to Remit from the program as well as $ assist dealership personnel with keep track of every single dollar in any questions or concerns as the accouting department. The reportssection of the program is well as for 1 on 1 training for available to the dealership 24/7. the program.
FEATURES - CUSTOMER CENTRIC FEATURES - ADMINISTRATIVE Customer / Dealership Interfacing Contract Submission Marketing Reporting MyPCP Auto Care customer web portal and app Customers can maintain and update their profile. Maintain a facebook-like chat with dealership about their program, providing the dealership additional upsell opportunities as well as keeping a constant eye on the customer’s needs. Allow customers to save other vehicle related info, like insurance information and service contract related info on their profile page to access when needed. Gift your services! Customers now have an option that no other program provides with this level of ease. They can gift their services to a friend or family member. This allows the dealership to attain new customers without having spent a single dime for marketing to new prospects. New customers register an account in order to use the shared services. Is how much more repeat Customers also receive quick specials from the dealership that they 37% customers spend compared to new customers can either use or share with friends on their facebook page.
Marketing Dealership customized service plans, marketing materials, email notifications, targeted specials and more! Customized targeted geo-fencing Quick specials Email notifications CEP Customized service plans
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