rehabilitation reintegration of injured workers datin dr



  1. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia ILO/ISSA INTERNATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CONFERENCE CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY-GLOBAL ACTION FOR PREVENTION Dussedoff, Germany 28 th -29 th October 2015 REHABILITATION, REINTEGRATION OF INJURED WORKERS Datin Dr. Nik Amsharija bt Mohamed General Manager Medical and Rehabilitation Department Operation Division SOCSO

  2. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia SOCSO Malaysia • Statutory Organization governing Employment Injury Insurance Scheme & Invalidity Pension Scheme in Malaysia. o CORPORATE GOAL - To provide comprehensive social security protection for Malaysians. o CORPORATE OBJECTIVE - To ensure and guarantee the timely and adequate provision of benefits in a socially just manner and to promote occupational health and safety.

  3. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia SOCSO Malaysia  Currently insuring 15.5 million workers & 976,039 employers (All workers with income of RM3000 and below)  Contribution of 2.25% of the average salary 1.25% Employment Injury Scheme (Funded by Employer) & 1% for Invalidity Pension Scheme (Equally Shared by Employer and Employee)  Manage over 111,926 new Claims/per year  Over 63,331 accidents  Over 18,490 permanently disabled  Over 18,072 claiming for invalidity (≈7000 certified invalid)  Over 12,033 claiming for survivor’s pension.

  4. Social Security Organization of Malaysia Social Security Organization of Malaysia SOCSO’s RTW Programme In 2007, SOCSO launched the RTW Program to assist SOCSO Insured Person to return to employment through systematic disability case management

  5. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Comprehensive Case Management Early Intervention Successful Rehabilitation and Return To Work

  6. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Disability Evaluation Pathway Establishing a relationship between injury and workplace: (CAUSATION) Establishing illnesses or morbidity : Invalidity Scheme Accurate Diagnosis, Prompt Treatment and Rehabilitation process RTW Program and reducing unnecessary Disability Duration Impairment and Disability Evaluation Settlement and Resolution

  7. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Standard Case Management Protocols Systematic but individualized protocols are applied during the whole process. Rehabilitation plans are personalized by SOCSO’s Case Managers. Every Case is different!

  8. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Biopsychosocial Intervention Physical Social Psychological

  9. Pathology of a Disability Accident Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Surgery Acute Inpatient Treatment No Treatment No Treatment Prolonged Disability Duration? Prosthesis? Physical Rehab No Treatment No Treatment Vocational Rehab No Treatment No Treatment GOAL???

  10. Role of Disability Management Accident Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Surgery Acute Inpatient Treatment No Treatment Prosthesis? Physical Rehab No Treatment Vocational Rehab No Treatment GOAL???

  11. Accident Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Surgery Acute Inpatient Treatment No Treatment Prosthesis? Physical Rehab No Treatment Vocational Rehab No Treatment GOAL???

  12. Accident Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Surgery Acute Inpatient Treatment Prosthesis? Physical Rehab Vocational Rehab GOAL???

  13. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia SOCSO Disability Case Manager Improve Disability DISABILITY MANAGEMENT Durations Acute Inpatient Physical Rehab Treatment Workplace Intervention Vocational Treatment Prosthesis GOAL??? Maintain Accident Surgery Physical Rehabilitation Rehab Safe and Healthy Stakeholder Vocational Rehabilitation Workplace Constant Communication Rehabilitation Relations & Disability Management Constant Monitoring Safer recovery Return to Work or Retain @ Work

  14. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia RTW Goals 1 Same Job Same Employer 2 Similar Job Same Employer 3 Different Job Same Employer Treatment 4 Same Job Different Employer 5 Similar Job Different Employer Orthotics & 6 Different Job Different Prosthetics Job Placement Employer Rehabilitation Modifications Vocational Retraining

  15. Social Security Organization of Malaysia KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA Rehabilitation Facilities 1. Physical Rehabilitation -Orthotics -Prosthetics -Implant -Assistive devices 2. Vocational Rehabilitation 3. Return To Work program

  16. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Th The SOC OCSO O Re Rehabilitation bilitation Cent ntre re A 5 A 55 Ac Acre e Facility ility Dedicated icated to Re Return urn-to to-Work Work

  17. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Rehabilitation & RTW: An investment! Cost Analysis Average Program Cost per Insured RM3,239.38 Person ( ≈ US$1,063) Average Possible Returns (Social RM7,884.06 System) ( ≈ US$2,588) $9,000.00 $7,884.06 DM program $8,000.00 Net Benefit of benefits outweigh (RM7,844.06 – $7,000.00 costs by a 1.43 : 1 RM3,239.38) $6,000.00 ratio. = RM4,644.68 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,239.38 + $3,000.00 Other Social $2,000.00 (qualitative) $1,000.00 Benefits $0.00 N = 1008 Average Program Cost Per Average Returns to SOCSO Insured Person

  18. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Social Security Organisation of Malaysia 6.42 6.45 7.20 7.10 7.47 6.86 7.15 8.00 6.00 5.93 6.03 5.56 6.04 7.00 “ 5.12 5.10 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 Significant increase in 2.00 1.00 0.00 skills, career goals, independence, self- esteem, self-confidence, health condition and pain Before After 14.64 14.93 16.00 tolerance. 13.21 14.00 12.00 8.75 8.21 10.00 ” 7.04 8.00 6.00 Decrease in depression, 4.00 2.00 anxiety and stress. 0.00 Depression Anxiety Stress Before Programme After Programme

  19. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Social Sustainability and Stability?

  20. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia = Contribution Based (Social Solidarity) Poor Case Management Accident Possibilities? ??? Outcome? No Rehabilitation Strategies RTW No Monitoring of Insured Person’s Progress

  21. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Sustainability of the = Contribution Based (Social Solidarity) Social System? Poor Case Management Accident Possibilities? ??? Outcome? No Rehabilitation Strategies RTW No Monitoring of Insured Person’s Progress Injured Workers

  22. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Sustainability of the = Maintaining Balance To the Social System Social System? PREVENTION RETURN Disability Case Management Poor Case Management Accident Possibilities? ??? Outcome? No Rehabilitation Strategies Medical Rehabilitation TO RTW No Monitoring of Insured Person’s Vocational Rehabilitation WORK Systematic RTW Strategies Progress Retaining Workers at Work or Return to Work Injured Workers

  23. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia 11878 WORKERS SUCCESSFULLY RTW ‘Work is a good indicator of health’ ( Source : SOCSO RTW PROGRAM Jan 2007 -31 August 2015 )

  24. The Right to work: Innovative Policies Good Practices Award (Certificate of Merit) and Good Practices For Persons With Disabilities, Human Rights Award, Malaysia (2013) For Asia & Pacific, 2012 2012

  25. Social Security Organisation of Malaysia Thank you SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATION


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