Region 16 Technical Advisory Committee FFY2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program February 9, 2015
Agenda Order of Business: A. Call to order and Introductions B. Discussion and Scoring of City STP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the city STP applications and review scores for each of the projects . C. Discussion and Scoring of County STP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the county STP application and review scores for the project. D. Discussion of TAP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the TAP application and review scores for the projects. E. Tally Scores and Make Recommendations for Projects Point to Accomplish: Turn in all scores for STP and TAP projects. Make recommendations to SEIRPC Policy Board on projects to fund. F. Discuss and Recommendation of Henry County Amendment Point to Accomplish: Discuss the proposed project amendment and make a recommendation to the SEIRPC Policy Board G. Adjourn
STP APPLICATIONS | CIT CITY Sponsor: City of Burlington Project: 2019 Washington Street HMA Resurfacing Project • Arterial corridor in Downtown Burlington • 3 traffic signals recently replaced by stop signs • Removing HMA surface and repairing the concrete/brick surfaces underneath Involves many safety and pedestrian • facility improvements
STP APPLICATIONS | CIT CITY Sponsor: City of Fort Madison Project: Business 61 (Ave. H), 6th Street to 10th Street • Total reconstruction with concrete surface Former US Highway route, now a • Minor Arterial • Second phase of project – 4 block segment • Improves poor drainage ADA compliant intersections • • 50% local match
STP APPLICATIONS | CIT CITY Sponsor: City of Mediapolis Project: Main Street Improvements Project Phase IV • Two-block segment in transition area from downtown business district to residential • Fourth and final phase of nine-block project, first planned in 2002 • Removal and replacement of pavement, parking realignment • Replacement of aging sewer and water facilities Replacement of sidewalks, modifications • to meet ADA standards • Lighting/landscaping elements
STP APPLICATIONS | CO COUNT NTY Sponsor: Lee County Project: J48 Resurfacing • 7.6 miles of roadway, 4 miles north of Fort Madison • Resurfacing with mix of new asphalt and recycled material Cracking and deterioration of pavement • has occurred since previous resurfacing in 2002 • Improves trucking and commuter connections between Lee County and Burlington, via US Highway 61
TAP APPLICATIONS Sponsor: City of Fort Madison Project: Fort Madison Community School District/DuPont Multi-Use Trail - Phase 2 • New trail segment to connect Phase 1 of project to existing sidewalk on 48th Street • Allows for shared pedestrian/bicycle traffic, in proximity of Fort Madison Middle School, Sports Complex • Approx. 2,730 feet in length • 10 foot-wide PCC construction with aggregate base course Stormwater control measures included •
TAP APPLICATIONS Sponsor: Louisa County Secondary Roads / City of Columbus Junction Project: Shoulder paving for Recreational Trail • Addition of paved shoulder onto connected segments of 145th Street and County X17, between Columbus Junction and Columbus City • Excavation of current granular shoulder; paving with asphalt or concrete Length of 1.5 miles • • Improved safety for bicycles and pedestrians, in vicinity of schools and swimming pool
TAP APPLICATIONS Sponsor: City of West Burlington Project: Gear Avenue Trail • Phase 1 of new multi-use concrete trail Connects existing community-wide trail • system to regional hospital and community college • 0.5 miles (2,900 feet) in length, 10 feet wide Safe, lighted and painted crossing at • Agency Road • Existing support for new trail connections in this area, in both Local and State level plans
Region 16 Technical Advisory Committee Order of Business: A. Call to order and Introductions B. Discussion and Scoring of City STP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the city STP applications and review scores for each of the projects . C. Discussion and Scoring of County STP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the county STP application and review scores for the project. D. Discussion of TAP Projects Point to Accomplish: Discuss the TAP application and review scores for the projects. E. Tally Scores and Make Recommendations for Projects Point to Accomplish: Turn in all scores for STP and TAP projects. Make recommendations to SEIRPC Policy Board on projects to fund. F. Discuss and Recommendation of Henry County Amendment Point to Accomplish: Discuss the proposed project amendment and make a recommendation to the SEIRPC Policy Board G. Adjourn
AMENDMENTS • Occasionally projects programmed for federal funds must be revised • There are two types of revisions o Administrative modification is considered a minor revision to the TIP. o Amendment involves a major change to a project included in the TIP. • Addition or deletion of a project • A major change in project cost • Project/project phase initiation dates • A major change in design concept or scope (e.g. changing project termini or the number of through lanes). • Requires review by the Technical Advisory Committee (if regional STP/TAP), a public review and comment period, requires proof of fiscal constraint, and requires a public hearing.
AMENDMENTS • Reasons for request: • Newly discovered need to replace several cross road pipes – did not factor into the initial cost estimate • Project costs adjusted – originally $2.85 million for 8 miles, now $3.66 million for 6.7 miles • Requesting no additional STP funding Sponsor: Henry County • New Limits Racine Avenue to Highway Project: 220th Street (H38) 218 instead of Grand Avenue Originally applied in FY2013, for • Henry County and City of Mount • Pleasant concerned about having this construction to take place in 2016 road under construction concurrently with Maple Leaf Drive (impact on Industrial Park) • Remainder of project as applied will be completed in 2018
AMENDMENTS • Considerations: • Not requesting additional funding • Not a major change in scope – would have little to no impact on score • Two county applications – both fully funded • Plan to complete project as applied
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